Windows 10 Threshold 2, l'update con le prime vere novità rinviato a novembre. Windows 10, ancora novità nell'interfaccia grafica sulle build più recenti. Windows 10 Threshold 2 sarà il primo corposo aggiornamento del sistema operativo.
Attesa per il mese di novembre, la patch dovrebbe introdurre molte novità per quanto riguarda varie ottimizzazioni sul codice, alcune nuove feature e, stando alle ultime novità che circolano sulla rete, anche diffuse migliorie nell'interfaccia utente. Di recente abbiamo notato la presenza di menu contestuali più coerenti, ma le novità sulla UI non si fermeranno qui. Windows 10 IP build 10130 quasi pronta per lo Slow Ring. ISO in arrivo - HDblog.it. Microsoft_il_29_luglio_arriva_windows_10_ed_e_gratis-201506012354-tec-rt10324# Windows 10: avvistate le nuove build 10105, 10107 e 10108. Windows 10: cosa, come, quando, quanto? Follow. Spartan si chiamerà Microsoft Edge. Good luck displacing Windows 7, Microsoft, it's still growing.
If it's the first Monday of the month, and it is, it must be time to have a look at desktop operating system market share as recorded by StatCounter and Netmarketshare.
It looks like the skids are really under Windows XP now. Netmarketshare has it down from 16.94 per cent to 15.93 per cent. StatCounter has a dip to 10.91 per cent, down from March's 11.21 per cent. We know there are still big corporate XP users out there, such as the operator of the infamous Fukushima nuclear power plant, and there are anecdotes-a-plenty to be had about pirated XP in developing nations. Perhaps the move's finally on? If so, the two click-counters' data doesn't quite explain where users are going. StatCounter desktop OS market share data April 2014 to April 2015. Windows 10: 'Free' can potentially cost a lot. It's been about a year since I’ve felt prompted to write anything; but the recent Microsoft announcements about Windows 10 has brought on the urge.
I'm not really interested about the pricing or upgrade options for consumers as they have all been commented to distraction. My interest is the concept of the Operating System as a service. Whenever anyone changes the goalposts on a supplier-customer relationship, it piques my business interest as there is no such thing as a free lunch -- particularly not from the likes of Microsoft or Apple. Streaming Xbox One games to a Windows 10 PC is awesome.
Ever since Microsoft announced its plans to bring Xbox One game streaming to Windows 10 back in January, I've been dying to try it.
While the Xbox One dashboard has been updated to support the new feature, the Xbox one app for Windows 10 isn't quite ready yet. At its Build developers conference in San Francisco this week, Microsoft is demonstrating Xbox One game streaming to Windows 10 PCs to the public for the first time. Microsoft kills off Windows Media Center. Microsoft stopped actively developing Windows Media Center in 2009, but the company still shipped an unmodified version in an upgrade pack for Windows 8.
The software giant is planning to kill off Media Center in Windows 10, meaning any PCs upgraded from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 will lose the feature. Microsoft confirmed the plan to ZDNet’s Ed Bott in a recent interview.
Windows 10 TP: disponibile la nuova build 10049. Spartan c'è - hdblog.it. Windows 10 Technical Preview Build 10041 now available. Hi everyone, I’m happy to announce we’re rolling out Build 10041 for PCs to the Fast ring.
Like all of the previous preview builds this one comes with a collection of new functionality and bug fixes. Microsoft delivers new Windows 10 preview without Spartan browser. Microsoft is releasing a new preview version of Windows 10 today, days after a build leaked to the web and nearly two months since the company’s last public update.
Microsoft’s big promise of the Windows 10 development has been a focus on delivering regular builds to testers to gather feedback, but the company has struggled to get its latest release out of the door. Despite that, the new release comes less than a week after it was compiled within Microsoft, an impressive speed that's similar to how Xbox updates are delivered. Disappointingly, this new preview won't include Project Spartan, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer successor. While the software maker had promised the next preview would include a test version of Spartan, that’s not arriving just yet, and it appears the company misspoke. Windows 10 Technical Preview updated to Build 10041. A new Windows 10 Technical Preview build is now rolling out to Windows Insiders.
Microsoft announced that Build 10041 is now available to PC users who signed up for the Fast ring. "Like all of the previous preview builds this one comes with a collection of new functionality and bug fixes," said Gabriel Aul, Microsoft General Manager of the OSG Data and Fundamentals Team, in a statement. Build 10041 is the first Windows 10 Technical Preview update to participants of the Windows Insider program since late January. Microsoft recently announced that it will be pushing out more frequent updates to users in the Fast ring. If you're looking for stability rather than being among the first to try out new features, you should switch to the Slow ring. "10041 was built on Friday, and you're getting it less than 48hrs after the majority of our engineers in the Operating Systems Group receive it," Aul explained. Gallery: Windows 10 technical preview build 10041. The latest, 10041 build of the Windows 10 technical preview hasn't been in hand long, but already there's a few things that stand out.
There are some nice new features present in the build and visually the UI is beginning to come together. There's still a lot of work to be done on it before that summer launch timeframe, but from the new look login screen through to the translucent start menu and everything in between, it's starting to get somewhere. While we're picking through everything, check out a whole bunch of images below. Build di Windows 10 a velocità grottesca: Microsoft ci pensa - ictBusiness.it. Le nuove “prove tecniche” di Windows 10, cioè le build destinate a chi è iscritto al programma Windows Insider, arriveranno con maggiore frequenza.
Con quale frequenza? Microsoft non sa dirlo. Gabe Aul, general manager del gruppo Osg Data and Fundamentals, su Twitter e attraverso un blogpost ha cercato di spiegare il perché e il per come sia tanto difficile stabilire una cadenza regolare oppure anticipare con sicurezza la data dei rilasci. In risposta, a quanto pare, a numerosi solleciti e domande giunte dagli sviluppatori e dagli utenti Microsoft più entusiasti, ansiosi di poter testare nuove build del sistema operativo.
Analyst Thinks Microsoft Will Lose Market Share, Despite Windows 10. Microsoft is hard at work on Windows 10, with the new operating system set for launch later this year. But some market watchers still believe that the Windows platform will lose share. Despite the launch of the new OS. At least one analyst thinks that this is a very real possibility. Bob O’Donnell, a prominent technology analyst, is of the view that the Windows ecosystem will shrink from its current share of 90.4% of the desktop market last year to around 88.7% in 2015. The reason? Growth registered by both Google and Apple with their Chrome OS and Mac OS X platforms. Apple is forecasted to grab around 6.9% of the PC market this year, a small increase from the 6.2% it had claim to in 2014. If it holds true, then Microsoft will have a little worry on its hands. Difficult, but a very possible scenario, nevertheless. The dip may not be down to Windows 10, however, but just a signal that interest in desktop platforms is waning.
M.windowscentral. A new rumor about DirectX 12, the upcoming graphics API from Microsoft that will be include with the launch of Windows 10, suggests that it will allow graphics cards from both NVIDIA and AMD to be used in one PC gaming rig. According to what unnamed sources told Tom's Hardware, DirectX 12 will have a feature called Explicit Asynchronous Multi-GPU, which will allow for multiple GPUs to be combined for use in a game, such as Fable Legends or an application.
What does this mean? It states: "The source said that with binding the multiple GPUs together, DirectX 12 treats the entire graphics subsystem as a single, more powerful graphics card. Thus, users get the robustness of a running a single GPU, but with multiple graphics cards. " The same article also claims that DirectX 12 will let PC gamers install an NVIDIA GeForce graphics card inside their rig alongside an AMD Radeon card. Windows 10's Battery Saver feature tested. Windows 10 Technical Preview - Raffaele Fanizzi. Windows 10 will natively support MKV, HEVC and Flac formats.
Windows 10: una modifica al registro impedisce di ricevere nuove build - hdblog.it. Ecco Windows 9, anzi no: si chiamerà Windows 10. Windows 10 provato da oltre 1 milione di persone: primi dati. Windows 10, che cosa aspettarsi dall'evento di stasera - Pagina 1. Windows 10 gratuito il primo anno: facciamo chiarezza - Pagina 1. Microsoft stupisce con Windows 10 e Windows Holographic - Pagina 1. Windows 10 per PC è una bomba: da Cortana a Spartan. Windows 10 per desktop è ricco di novità, un sistema operativo più potente e versatile. Presentato ieri sera in pompa magna, con un evento pieno di tantissime novità e dettagli interessanti, conferma l'impegno di Microsoft per l'innovazione e il miglioramento costante.
How to use Windows 10's Quick Access - CNET. Quick Access: An upgraded Favorites section for the new File Explorer. In Windows 10's File Explorer, the Favorites section you know and love (maybe) has gotten a makeover. The new Quick Access is similar in principle to the old Favorites section -- it's a place where you can pin your favorite files for, well, "quick access" -- just with a few added features, namely an automatically populated list of recently-accessed files and frequently-accessed folders. Here's how to use it: Add a file to Quick Access Adding a file to Quick Access is (almost) as easy as dragging and dropping a file to the Favorites section. Windows 10 Build 9926: The Quick Access Feature and Changing File Explorer's Startup Folder. Windows 10 brings with it a more streamlined version of File Explorer that includes revamped icons and a few new concepts.
In Windows 8.1, File Explorer included a special place in the folder pane called Favorites. This feature provided a way to navigate the local file structure and then drag a folder you accessed regularly to the Favorites area for easy, quick access. In Windows 10, this section has been changed, not only in name, but also expanded with new capabilities. Favorites is now called Quick Access.