Phonetics: The Sounds of English and Spanish - The University of Iowa. Frisian - Sprache language taal langue- Lerne Friesisch - Learn Frisian - Leer Fries - Apprenez frison - internet - internetcursus Fries - on-line. Bolor - Mongolian English dictionary - English Mongolian Dictionary.
Cornish. TV & Radio. Old English. Ainu for Beginners. Kane Kumagai Translated by Yongdeok Cho (Noir) Translator’s Notes This is an English rendition of Kane Kumagai’s Ainu language lessons, based on the lecture texts prepared for the Sapporo TV Radio Lessons in 2006.
While I have not modified any of the example sentences, I had to change and edit various parts of the explanatory materials in order to make it useful to the English speakers. In terms of the use of the grammatical terms, I have largely followed the example of Kirsten Refsing’s The Ainu Language: The Morphology and Syntax of the Shizunai Dialect when appropriate. Lesson 1: Simple Sentences -1 Sentences ウパシ ル。 アチャポ エク。 Pronunciation Ainu ク is a sound that does not exist in Japanese, it is simply final consonant -k instead of normal Japanese Katakana pronunciation of -ku. Those who are not familiar with the Katakana may just stick to the Roman Ainu. Japanese loanwords and proper names may remain in Japanese Kanji even in Ainu when it is written in Katakana. Exercises Solutions タネ メアン。 Armenian Language Lessons. Հայերեն Դասեր This section has a free Eastern Armenian Lessons online course, which will enable English speakers to learn Armenian at their own pace.
The specific version of Armenian which you will be learning here is reformed Eastern Armenia. Eastern Armenian is spoken in Armenia, Russia and Iran. If you need to learn Western Armenian, this course would give you a base of Armenian knowledge, but it will more likely just confuse you. A project to make a Western Armenian version is underway at the bottom of this page. The reformed spelling is used in the Republic of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. Grammarofoscanum00buckuoft.pdf (application/pdf Object) Mongolian Language. Muurand togloom, hulgand ukhel.
{What is a joke for a cat will be death for a mouse} (Mongolian proverb) Introduction Tutorial A Tutorial B Links Blo-gros.info Mongolian Language Guide Publications Golden Key to Mongolian 2005 Language Course CD + Book Mongolian Grammar Book Introduction Welcome to this introduction to Mongolian language. History Modern Mongolian as we know it was officially established in 1924 on basis of the Khalkha dialect, when it became the National language. "The Uighur script is cursive, therefore it is possible that each letter has as many as 3 different shapes depending on whether the letter appears in an initial, medial, or final position. " In 1940 a special version of the Cyrillic script developed, and later introduced in Mongolia together with a complete spelling revision.
Topics: Icelandic/Lesson 1. Kafli 1: Halló!
Lesson 1: Hello! Fyrstu orðin (The first words)[edit] Kveðjur og orðasambönd (Greetings and phrases)[edit] Athuga When talking to or about someone, gender is an important part of Icelandic conversation and speech. Málfræði (Grammar)[edit] Nafnorð (Nouns)[edit] A noun is a person, place, or thing. Kyn (Gender)[edit] This might seem odd for an English speaker, a word in a language having gender? Umbrean - Conlang. 3. Language of Ruthenians in Yugoslavia.pdf (application/pdf Object) Grammar of Votian dialects.
Votic language is a Finnic language spoken only by few people in Russian Kingissepp district.
However there are significant collections of folklore kept mainly in Russia, Finland and Estonia. Moreover Votic songs are still sung by some Estonians [1] and there are people trying to revitalize [2] North-Eastern dialects of Estonia, which have been interpreted as Estonian dialects of strong Votic influence or even entirely independent Finnic dialects [3]. Current project will focus on grammatical analyse of all those dialects spoken both in Russia and Estonia. It's main source is "Votic grammar" (Vadja keele grammatika) by Paul Ariste (Tartu, 1948.). Thus the orthography used for samples follows the one of that book, with few exceptions: Small capital letters like ʙ, ᴅ, ɢ etc. are replaced with their big counterparts B, D, G .ɑ, ɑ̈ are replaced with a, ä .
Votian morphemes are represented by transdialectal morpho-phonemic writing .