Art of the Game: Naughty Dog artists show off Nathan Drake for UNCHARTED 4. Naughty Dog artists Frank Tzeng (Lead Character Artist), Yibing Jiang (Shading Artist) and Colin Thomas (Senior Character Artist) posted a treasure-trove of artwork on ArtStation last week for UNCHARTED 4: A Thief’s End.
Скульптор делает фигуры из автомобильных дисков. Ридус. Спички детям - не игрушка! Во что раньше играли дети?. Ридус. Zaha Hadid at Sonnabend. Architect Zaha Hadid has created a series of installations for a two-venue show in New York, curated by Kenny Schachter.
According to Schachter, each installation is derived from architectural projects Hadid has been working on. Masterplan (top image and above) was originally part of her citywide plan for the Asian side of Istanbul, while the Opera House desk (below) uses a relief from a wall of the Opera House at the Abu Dhabi Performing Arts Centre. The exhibition will be open 1 November - 13 December at the Sonnabend Gallery and 169 10th Avenue in New York. The following is from Kenny Schachter: ZAHA HADID AT SONNABEND AND 169 10TH AVENENUE (AT 21st STREET): NOVEMBER 2008 ORGANZIED BY KENNY SCHACHTER/ROVE Sonnabend and Kenny Schachter/ROVE announce an exciting new exhibition opening on November 1st, 2008, a two-venue New York show of Zaha Hadid’s new installations.
These pieces provide a basis to live with architecture in ways previously impossible. How It Feels To Be Chased By A Great White Shark. 100 лет российской авиации в фото знаменитых самолетов. «Илья Муромец» (1913) Первый в мире пассажирский самолет и первый российский бомбардировщик.
VFX REEL 2014. Ислам показал миру свой гордый fashion. Ридус. В настоящее время проходят два очень интересных мероприятия: организованный в Куала-Лумпуре в Малайзии Фестиваль исламской моды, а в Индонезии — конкурс Miss World Muslimah.
Старая добрая Англия пыхтит по узкоколейке. Ридус. Trick Photography. Кокпиты. 1903.
Самолет братьев Райт. Самые большие вертолеты. Вертолет - винтокрылый летательный аппарат, у которого необходимая для полета подъемная сила и тяга создаются вращением винтов.
Trip to Solovetsky Islands. Jose has travelled to the Solovetsky Islands, the place where the big stronghold was founded as long ago as the rule of Ivan the Terrible, and which later served for centuries as a monastery.
Currently there is still a large monastery and only around eight hundred people living there. The island is in the middle of the White Sea and can be reached by a plane or a ship and is a place of constant pilgrimage for Russian Orthodox believers, so the route is busy all the year round. An Ukrainian Hogwarts. Ukrainian people call this place “Hogwarts” – they think this architectural creation reminds them of the well-known school of Harry Potter, and what’s interesting is that this place is a school, too.
A university in the city of Chernovtsy in Ukraine. It was built in the late 19th century and was initially a residence and a school for the local church authority. Armahema, the photographer, went there and took the photos in detail, and has a story to tell that you can read inside. Old Photos of Metallurgic Plant in 1908-1910. Pretty nice photos of the steel casting metallurgy plant of old Russia.
How the plant was built and how it looked at time, etc - from back at the beginning of the 20th century. What’s interesting is that even at that time they already used high powered electric furnaces to melt steel! Let’s see what it was like: For that period it was a pretty big construction. Looking at the photos below you can see the scale: Workers assemble the walls. The factory building from outside. Building the furnaces. Steel structures. Constructing another factory building. Please like Us! Боевая экипировка "Ратник" для военнослужащих сухопутных войск - Фотогалерея Российской газеты. Artistic Anatomy. Is learning to draw anatomy in a classroom more secure (since there is a teacher to check the work and possibly a book to study from) in practicing artistic anatomy drawing, or should artists focus on just practicing from images on websites/blogs like this tumblr?
Asketh - pjmx24 Depending on the size of your class and where you are, your teacher can be a great guide to help you and show you what areas you need to focus on more to improve and give you good material to work from! If your class size is too big (ideally a class of no more than 15 is optimal for a teacher to give extensive feedback to all students) you might not get enough feedback to really improve as much as possible to your full potential.
» Costumes for “The Blue Bird” at Moscow Art Theatre. “The Blue Bird is a 1908 play by Belgian Maeterlinck. 40 лет легендарному боевому вертолёту Ми-24 (часть 8) Зарубежные варианты модернизации. Alien Homes: Exploring the Ruins of Florida's Abandoned UFO House - Urban Ghosts. (Image: Abandoned Florida, reproduced with permission) ‘Homestead’ may not be the most inspired name for a small town. But as WebUrbanist reports, “the abandoned UFO house in Homestead, Florida, has a backstory as mysterious as its otherworldly architecture.” (Images: Abandoned Florida, reproduced with permission) The now demolished ‘UFO House’, which stood at 37350 Southwest 214th Avenue, was built in 1974 when the town’s population was only 15,000.
Yudy Sauw / 500px. Notan - Galeria. Animal Bytes. IN COLOR BALANCE. I AM A SHAPESHIFTER. Арзамасский машиностроительный завод (Arzamas Machinery Plant) My work at PI. Hello everybody! I worked on 2 unity games as an Environment Artist, You may know the first one cuz we worked together with Orb on this game Crasher and after i switched to DeathMonsters wich is unfortunately a dead game due the economic dismissal of the same company.
It was my first "nextgen" game experience. 2 games with two human size teams, i really enjoyed working with them on those projects cuz i just learned so much. Dajjal - Page 4. Thanks alienoracle. your nickname rules :Oadrian thanks! If i get a toprow i might pee myself from excitement. i love your website btw.luxifer thank you so much. I am obviously not going to pose it because i like the simple standing pose for something mechanical, but also because i havent lost it yet. we re talking about 240 subtools here, and from those 250 each one consists of 10-50 merged subtools. I think it would be cool if zbrush would do parent subtools and then children for these, which would inherit the attributes from the parents. for example you move, rotate or scale the parent and the children follow.
Or maybe simply grouping the subtools instead of merging. Arthur Gimaldinov. Железная дорога - Новосибирский музей железнодорожной техники. В музее собрана большая коллекция паровозов, тепловозов, электровозов и вагонов, в основном работавших на железных дорогах Западной Сибири (более 100 экспонатов). Кроме того, в коллекции музея имеются советские легковые автомобили ГАЗ, Москвич, ЗАЗ разных лет выпуска, а также несколько грузовиков, тракторов и вездеходов. Музей носит имя Николая Акулинина — его создателя и первого директора. Это крупнейший музей подобного рода за Уралом. Slavic mythology. Many generations of Slavic artists were inspired by their national folklore: Ilya Yefimovich Repin, Sadko in the Underwater Kingdom (1876) Slavic mythology is the mythological aspect of the polytheistic religion that was practised by the Slavs before Christianisation.
The religion possesses many common traits with other religions descended from the Proto-Indo-European religion. Old Slavic religion evolved over more than a thousand years and some parts of it were from neolithic or possibly even mesolithic times. Koschei. Buyan. For the Albanian village, see Bujan. In Slavic mythology, Buyan (Буя́н) is described as a mysterious island in the ocean with the ability to appear and disappear. Three brothers – Northern, Western, and Eastern Winds – live there. Some scholars interpret Buyan as a sort of Proto-Indo-European Otherworld (see Fortunate Islands).
Others assert that Buyan is actually a Slavic name for some real island, most likely Rügen.[1] See also[edit] Shoulder_deform.jpg (800×318) Forensic facial reconstruction guidelines for eye placement. Recent studies have determined that when doing facial reconstructions from the skull, we should be placing the eyes in the orbit 4mm more forward (anteriorly) than we have been, in line with the back of the iris like this: Not to the front of the cornea, like this: This comes from separate research papers authored by both by Dr. Stephan in 2008, and Dr. Caroline Wilkinson in 2003. The difference is that in the updated guidelines, a tangent drawn from the upper and lower mid-orbital edge will touch the back of the iris, instead of the cornea.
Oto Melara Otobreda Oerlikon 25/80mm KBB KBA machine gun system Italian Navy. 3D Scan Store - Head scans - Full Body Scans - Tutorials and HDRI's for 3D Artists. Featured. 冒险岛Legend 上古印记_暗之黑骑士...@ピリパラ采集到冒险岛特效(220图)_花瓣游戏. П.Г.Гайдуков. Каталог полушек. Василий Дмитриевич. Human Anatomy: Learn All About the Human Body at
VOLK TACTICAL GEAR. N-75 (tutorial added Pg. 2) + new movies Pg. 8. Hi here is a step by step of my last character N-75Thebest thing with Zbrush is that even if you suxx in tech as I, you cancreate amazing models, and have a cool render. 01interface : Inever add quick brush icons in my interface, i prefer the shortcuts,for example « b » for open the brush panel, « m »reduce the choice to the bushes that start with the letter « m »and finally « v » for have the move brush, It is so fastto change brushes, no need to think or find it in the interface.Really fluid .Click here to view the original image of 1920x1200px. 02The Head : UsuallyI started with a speed, I have more life in my sculpts when I do themin a short time, because I go at the essential of him.Istarted with the Dynamesh sphere, so I have no base, and no shapes tofollow, like starting with white sheet.
Слава - Белокаменные храмы 01. Георгиевский собор (Юрьев-Польский) 1234 - Последний домонгольский каменный. Шафир - Тибет - Золотые крыши Храма Джокханг. The Norse Mythology Blog: VIKING SHIP FIELD TRIP. Britain from Above: Thousands of historic aerial photographs go online for the first time today. Drawsh. The extraordinary art of Vsevolod Borisovich Ivanov. Старые автомобили на улицах Нью-Йорка. Ридус. Rare Rock Crystal - Gallery. Cedarlore Forge's Photostream. The Abandoned Palace At 5 Beekman Street. По Холмсовским местам_часть 1. Обсуждение на LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников. Курьезы Военной Медицины И Экспертизы (fb2. Визуально о двигателях и механизмах. Голова профессора Доуэля. Flesh textures Pack 01 by ~nighty-stock on deviantART. Мериан, Мария Сибилла. Жесткокрылые. Rube Goldberg machine. Геннадий Крохалев.Метод кино-фото-регистрации мысленных образов. - Наука - Информационный ресурс - Каталог статей - Архивы Вселенной.
Maori tattoo - Google Search. Архитектура Петербурга, Архитектура Санкт-Петербурга, фотографии Петербурга, здания различных архитектурных стилей. Movie Props, Costumes and Scale Models. List of Medieval and Ancient Monsters. Jennifer Maestre. Victorian Circus. Atmospheric Victorian red brick industrial streets with tunnels, steps and covered areas: Location Partnership. Biol. 452 - MAMMAL SKULL PHOTOS, part 2. Flintlock Muskets and Pistols - Black Powder Muzzleloaders. The Cryptid Zoo: A Menagerie of Cryptozoology. Steampunk Villain. Anatomy References for Artists. Past to Present : 19th Century Antique photographs gallery. Delightful interior design with contemporary accents by Pascal Architects.
19th century photography. The Dogs Of Old London. Thursday Next.