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Nuevos materiales. BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR « Desde Mendel hasta las moléculas. Gamma lab (Photo credit: IRRI Images) A thermal cycler for PCR. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) sacado de -bioinfromatica-uab-es La Biología molecular aparece desde el descubrimiento de la doble hélice de ADN de Watson y Crick en 1953. Luego Francis Crick continúa con el descubrimiento del código genético en los 60′s. Luego aparece el descubrimiento de las enzimas de restricción que permiten cortar el ADN y así analizarlo. Esquema del Código Genético extractado de

Aqui les dejo un video sobre la técnica. La PCR así como muchas técnicas que encontrarán más detalladas en otra página de este Blog pudieron ser desarrolladas gracias a los descubrimientos acerca de la molécula de ADN, como se duplica, como se transcribe a un mesnajero, como se traduce ese mensajero y como se pliega el polipéptido recién desarrollado. La definición de gen ha ido cambiando con el tiempo.

Un gen= una proteína. Imágen extractada de www. uottawa. ca Imágen de escolapios. es. MARKETING. Psicologia aplicada. Study: Market power drives up hospital prices. Hospital costs for those who are privately insured vary widely and are much higher than Medicare payment rates, a new study by the Center for Studying Health System Change (HSC) found.

Study: Market power drives up hospital prices

The study was conducted across 13 U.S. metropolitan areas with large amounts of autoworkers, including: Ann Arbor, Mich.; Cleveland; Indianapolis; Detroit; Kansas City; St. Louis; Cocomo, Ind., Toledo, Ohio; Lansing, Mich.; Flint, Mich.; Youngstown, Ohio; Buffalo, N.Y.; and Warren, Mich. Within these communities, hospital prices for privately-insured patients were found to be approximately one-and-a-half times the Medicare rates for inpatient care, and twice what Medicare pays for outpatient services.

Sign up for our FREE newsletter for more news like this sent to your inbox! The study also found wide variation within specific communities. For primary care physician services, the study found far less variation between Medicare rates and private insurance, and similarly little variation within markets. JCI%204aEdicionEstandaresHospitales2011. Public health, adult social care, and the NHS. Observatorio del Sistema de Salud de Cataluña. Canal Salud. Measuring The Health Of Nations: Updating An Earlier Analysis. PROLOGUE: Approaches to measuring health system performance can be as numerous as the systems themselves are complex.

Measuring The Health Of Nations: Updating An Earlier Analysis

Health care disparities research illuminates one such prism through which to view systemic effectiveness. In 2006 the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) issued the most recent National Healthcare Disparities Report—the first national initiative measuring differences in access to and use of health services among races and ethnicities. The 2006 report asserts that “disparities related to race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status still pervade the American health care system.” By way of illustration, it points out that many minorities are more likely than others to be diagnosed with late-stage breast and colorectal cancers, are disproportionately affected by diabetes and heart disease, and are more likely to die from HIV. Remedial policy solutions to address disparities come with their own challenges. The new NHS. Las mejores campañas de Marketing para promover la salud. ¿Puedes imaginar lo poco saludables que seríamos si no tuviéramos grandes organizaciones gastándose millones en campañas de marketing sanitario?

Las mejores campañas de Marketing para promover la salud

Si no tuviéramos a nuestra disposición las grandes campañas sanitarias que se han realizado, nuestra vida sería una pesadilla de las malas decisiones. Por ello hemos querido reunir algunas de las mejores campañas de marketing de salud que promueven los hábitos saludables: Spot para crear conciencia sobre el cáncer infantil, de la asociación AFANOC: Seguramente muchos ya conocéis este vídeo, y es que se trata de un anuncio publicitario bastante premiado con el lema: “No te pedimos más de lo que puedas dar”. El banco de recuerdos, de la Fundación Reina Sofía. Cultivamos future, de Bouquet. Campaña para promover la alimentación saludable entre los niños. Muévete contra la obesidad infantil, de DKV. Kaiser Permanente Careers - Discover Careers with Room to Grow. Best Care at Lower Cost: The Path to Continuously Learning Health Care in America. Report Briefing Slides (PDF) Infographic (PNG, HTML) Press Release (HTML) Recommendations (PDF) Report Brief (PDF, HTML) Sector Briefs (HTML) Table: Characteristics of a Continuously Learning Health Care System (HTML) America's health care system has become far too complex and costly to continue business as usual.

Pervasive inefficiencies, an inability to manage a rapidly deepening clinical knowledge base, and a reward system poorly focused on key patient needs, all hinder improvements in the safety and quality of care and threaten the nation's economic stability and global competitiveness. Achieving higher quality care at lower cost will require fundamental commitments to the incentives, culture, and leadership that foster continuous "learning”, as the lessons from research and each care experience are systematically captured, assessed, and translated into reliable care. Business Model Combo. Atlas VPM- Atlas de Variaciones en la Práctica Médica en el Sistema Nacional de Salud. Report Cards. Other Health Care Organizations Accountable Care Organizations NCQA ACO Accreditation helps health care organizations demonstrate their ability to improve quality, reduce costs and coordinate patient care.

Report Cards

Case Management NCQA’s Case Management Accreditation is a comprehensive, evidence-based accreditation program dedicated to quality improvement that can be used for case management programs in provider, payer or community-based organizations. Credentials Verification Organizations CVO certification is available to organizations that conduct credentials verification, report the credentialing information to clients and have systems in place to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the information. Disease Management Organizations NCQA offers a flexible evaluation program, including Accreditation for organizations that offer comprehensive DM programs with services to patients, practitioners or both; and Certification for organizations that provide specific DM functions.