JobSpice. hResume. This document represents a draft microformat specification. Although drafts are somewhat mature in the development process, the stability of this document cannot be guaranteed, and implementers should be prepared to keep abreast of future developments and changes. Watch this wiki page, or follow discussions on the #microformats Freenode IRC channel to stay up-to-date. hResume is a microformat for publishing resumes and CVs. hResume is one of several open microformat standards suitable for embedding in HTML, XHTML, Atom, RSS, and arbitrary XML. Want to get started with writing an hResume? Use the hResume Creator to create your hResume and publish it, or follow the hResume authoring tips to add hResume markup to your web page or blog.
Microformats Draft Specification Editors Tantek Çelik and Glenn Jones Previous Editor & Author Ryan King Acknowledgments See acknowledgments. Microformats copyright and patents statements apply. Status Draft, version 0.1. Introduction Semantic XHTML Design Principles. How To Create A Great Web Design CV and Résumé? - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement The economy is bad. No one’s job is really 100% safe, so it’s time we all bucked up and got our recession bags packed (just in case!).
Your portfolio is already gorgeous, but have you created a drool-worthy résumé? This flimsy one-page document is more important than many people think: the résumé is the first portfolio piece that potential employers see, and if they’re not impressed, chances are they won’t look at the rest of your portfolio. The Steve Stevenson Challenge Everyone likes a competition. Steven Stevenson, a fictional Web designer, doesn’t have a résumé. And in no particular order, here are the contestants’ entries!
Contest Entries Sam Brown made a real effort to distinguish between the three main components of Steve Stevenson’s life and adds a touch of personality with some handwritten text and highlighting. Ali Felski‘s design is beautiful and simple, but manages to convey Steve Stevenson’s strong design skills. 10 Useful Tips For A Great Résumé Design 1. 2. 3. Turn your LinkedIn Profile into a Resume. 20 Smart and Creative Resume Design. How To Properly Apply for a Design Position. Back in 2004, I wrote an article called “How to Make Friends and Influence Art Directors” that continues to get a surprising amount of traffic.
In the course of opening up a new design position at Newsvine/msnbc.com and seeing the applications, however, I feel like I need to update the article for 2010. We’ve gotten so many poor applications for this position that it really makes me wonder if designers today are aware of how art directors actually hire people. First, let’s start with what matters and what doesn’t. There are exactly three things that matter to me when I evaluate you as an applicant: Note, “stuff” could be your blog, your personal site, or even fake clients you’ve done fake work for. It does mean how big your clients are or how many projects you’ve worked on. This sort of thing can come out in a personal interview but it can also come through blog entries, tweets, or anything else that shows your personality off.
Everything else? Résumé? Dear ______, Thanks, That’s it. The CV Doctor Is Back - Manage Your Career. By Julie Miller Vick and Jennifer S. Furlong The first CV Doctor column was published 10 years ago in the fall of 1999. Over the years we have tried to look critically at the vitae submitted by readers and point out ways to make the documents more effective. This year, because state budget cuts have made this hiring season even more difficult than usual for Ph.D.'s, we decided to take a different approach to the CV Doctor. Many of the doctoral students and postdocs we've talked with say they are pursuing dual job searches this year, looking for both academic and nonacademic positions. With that in mind, we decided to help two candidates prepare both strong academic CV's and résumés for nonacademic positions. CV's and résumés are very different documents.
. • It is tailored to the type of job you are applying for. . • It has consistent formatting, and its wording is clear and concise, with no spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. Both résumés and CV's are documents that constantly evolve. 40 Stunningly Creative Resume Designs on DeviantArt. Your Resume Is Boring — And How to Increase Your Career Opportunities. If you are wondering why you aren’t called in to interview for great job opportunities, it’s undoubtedly because your resume is not “powerful,” and significantly undersells your abilities and experience. Having worked with major corporations on the design of their hiring and resume screening processes, I can attest that nearly all applicants fail to adequately highlight themselves in a way that increases their chances of being selected for further evaluation.
While you may actually be a very good fit for the roles and the organizations to which you have applied, chances are that your boring resume doesn’t instill that perception in the 15-20 seconds that those charged with screening resumes typically spend per applicant. Even if you are not currently seeking a new role, failing to adequately highlight your achievements is a weakness that can impact you throughout your career. Bolster the Content of Your Resume Thirty “Power Factors” to Bolster the Content of Your Resume Final Thoughts. 3 Useful Websites for Free Downloadable Resume Templates. There are a lot of people out there looking for work nowadays. With the economy the way it is, people who are out of work are having a hard time finding new work and kids out of college are having a really hard time starting out.
So, you can use all the help you can get. I am going to show you a few sites where you can grab free downloadable resume templates. Some of the templates are in PDF format and some of them are in Word format. The first thing you should do is grab an old copy of your resumé or a list of your past jobs and accomplishments. That will help you immensely when you need to replace the generic information with your own.
The first site I found has very generic templates that will allow you to totally customize the resumé. These are called Blank Resumé Templates and can be found here: They offer three types of resumé templates and they are Chronological format, Functional Format and Combination. 10 Free Professional HTML and CSS CV/Resume Templates. There are quite literally hundreds upon hundreds of free CV or resume templates readily available to download out in the deep recesses of the web, available in every conceivable format and covering every possible profession.
These templates are OK, they are professional enough, but there are two things that these templates lack – originality and creativity – not one will present you in a way that sets you apart from the rest, something that all potential recruiters will be looking for first. All of the HTML and CSS templates below all look good and professional as is, but with a little bit of personalized creative styling, they will have the chance to look amazing and original, allowing you to present yourself to your future employer in a manner that is not only professional but, more importantly, will allow your creative flair to come to the fore-front.
Resumé Template by Jonno Riekwel Download TemplateDemo One Page Résumé Site by CSS Tricks Download TemplateDemo Download TemplateDemo Demo. 100 Web Tools to Help You Boost Your Resume and Reputation During the Recession. 100 Web Tools to Help You Boost Your Resume and Reputation During the Recession By Sarah Russel Even if your particular industry or company isn’t laying off hundreds of workers across the country, a recession makes everyone feel antsy about the future. Becoming indispensable is necessary to surviving at work. The competition inside the office is fierce, but it doesn’t even compare to the numbers of unemployed lining up to take your spot. Here are 100 web tools to help you boost your resume and your reputation during the recession, just in case.
Resume Tips and Guides Get your resume in tip-top shape with these ideas. Clean up your resume in time for spring: Paym Bergson’s guide to decluttering your resume suggests using a new design and enforcing your bottom line.Only include what’s relevant: Only include the job experience and achievements that are directly relevant to the job you’re applying for. Freelancing Job Boards Look for jobs on these effective boards. Social Networking Reputation. 10 Improvements You Can Make to Your Resume Right Now - Stepcase Lifehack. I spent several years behind a desk at an employment agency.
The first thing we would ask any client was how recently they had updated their resume. The question’s objective wasn’t really about making sure that every applicant had their most recent job down on paper — instead, we wanted a chance to assess just how bad each resume was. Some people had well-crafted documents ready to send out immediately, but a surprising number had more of a rough draft. When we ‘updated’ a resume, we could address the other errors that we found. 1. Hard-to-read fonts are a fast way to get your resume on the bottom of any HR manager’s stack. 2.
Most employers care more about your skills than anything else. 3. Just about everyone runs a spell check on their resume. 4. If you’re sending references and a cover letter along with your resume, make them match. 5. In a perfect world, you wouldn’t need to describe each position you’ve held. 6. 7. Been out of the workforce for several years? 8. 9. 10. How to Write a Resume That Will Land an Interview. Many people haven’t looked at their resume in years; they haven’t needed to.
But, with a shaky economy, jobs are shaking out like coins from a piggy bank. If you’ve been laid off or you’re worried you might be, blow the dust off your old resume and bring it back to life. Whether you are just updating or starting from scratch (who knew those floppies would become obsolete?) , these steps will help you create an honest, positive resume. Understand the resume’s purpose. But a resume is also your public relations advocate and should be flattering.
Research resume templates and cherry-pick what to use. Once you find a template or format that makes sense for your goals and experience, don’t feel you must follow its structure exactly. Delete the objective statement. Warnings Don’t Lie. Having a solid resume ready to send someone is important. 45 Creative Resumes to Sieze Attention | Inspiration.
Editor’s note: For a newer, updated version of this post, check it out here. Are you one of those job seekers who have been sending far too many resumes and been hit with far too many disappointment? The problem may not lie with your qualification or skills set. Employer filters tons of resumes on daily basis, only the outstanding ones get noticed. A creative resume is fairly important. Not only it resembles your personality, it also speaks your capability and creativity.
Putting more effort and thoughts into creating an impressive resume is definitely worthwhile, as it is usually the first thing any employer sees before flipping through your entire portfolio. Today we want to bring to your attention a collective of 45 creative and beautiful resumes that will definitely impress an employer. Curriculum Vitae by Jonny-RocketA CV that probably laid the author the job and great at attracting attention among several hundred applicants.
Resume by Pau Morgan Resume by Arianedenise Resume Passport. 10-resume-red-flags: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance. Searching for a job is not always easy, no matter what state the economy is in. And when you're on the hunt, your best weapon is your resume. This document must emphasize the best of your experience, education and skills and sell you to your future employer. It's a lot to ask, but it is possible to get your CV into fighting shape. Don't let your effort go to waste by having these glaring red flags on your resume. 1. Yes, it has been done. 2. Listing your references on the resume is a definite no-no. 3. The headhunter has likely received dozens if not hundreds of applications -- help them out! 4. One of the worst things you can do on a resume is be vague. Also, make sure you are answering the "how" question. 5. When you are writing your current or former job description, focus on your accomplishments, not what you had to do. 6.
For the most part, objectives sound insincere and, worse, can limit your options. 7. We all know to avoid this one. 8. 9. 10. The Bottom Line. Give Your Resume A Creative Boost | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch. What if one day you decide that it’s time to have a change, and want to try for another creative job? What if you are a student, looking for a design internship? What if you are a fresh graduate, hoping to apply for your first job at a design agency? You could be any one of the above. No matter what your situation is, it is always prudent to have a well crafted resume to call upon when needed. It is your ticket to new job opportunities and clients. Image credit: hellotkt Your resume not just a list of achievements and your education history, it is also the first and the most crucial step to opening the door of communication with the company you are applying to. There are plenty of resume writing resources on the web, but I’d like to highlight a few important ones with this post.
Easy Fixes to a Better Resume Resume Length Keep your resume to within a page or two. Make it neat, too much information distracts the reader. The Design and Presentation of Your Resume Few things to note: Steve Duncan. 10 Great Social Sites for Resume Building. Dan Schawbel is the author of Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success (Kaplan, April 09), and owner of the award winning Personal Branding Blog. Creating the perfect resume is not easy. Luckily, there are a number of online resources dedicated to helping you create outstanding traditional and social media resumes.
Here are 10 great social sites with unique features that let you create your own resume-like profile, edit your resume online, get it reviewed by experts, print it, share it on social networks, and much more. Remember, building a strong profile can help serve as a great marketing tool to help you get the job you're looking for. Have another resume building site to recommend? 1. Razume is a service that enables job seekers to complete their resumes and polish them up with feedback from reviewers in the community. 2.
LinkedIn seems to be on all of my job lists and for good reason. 3. Disclosure: VisualCV sponsors my blog and magazine. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. HOW TO: Build the Ultimate Social Media Resume. Dan Schawbel is the author of Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success, and owner of the award winning Personal Branding Blog. Social media resumes are important for attracting hiring managers directly to you, without you having to submit your resume, blindly, to them. The problem with submitting your resume online to job postings is that most job postings aren't even vacant, might not exist, and 80% of jobs offers are received through networking. With a social media resume, you're able to paint a completely different portrait of yourself for hiring managers and customize it to reflect your personal brand.
With the inclusion of various multimedia elements, sharing options, integrated social networking feeds and the same elements you'd find in a traditional resume, you are better equipped for success. Social media has allowed us to reverse the recruiting process. Here is the social media resume process: 1. Options for websites Options for blogs 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Jonathan Doe | Web Designer, Director | name.
One Page Resume. What is the preferred format for librarian resumes? | LinkedIn Answers. Career Strategies for Librarians. Resume Tips for Librarians and Information Professionals…01.22.09 « The Proverbial Lone Wolf Librarian's Weblog. JobSpice. Sample Resume Tempate | A Free HTML Resume Template by thingsthatarebrown.com. 30 Artistic and Creative Resumes.