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Linked and Open Data

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The Linking Open Data cloud diagram. Context Computing - Jeff Jonas keynote. Openspending - Home. BabelNet™ | The largest multilingual encyclopedic dictionary and semantic network. This page describes how you can query BabelNet through an HTTP interface that returns JSON. You can append the key parameter to the HTTP requests as shown in the examples below. To obtain an API key please read the key & limits page. All requests must be executed using the GET method and they should include the Accept-Encoding: gzip header in order to obtain compressed content. NOTE: Since the BabelNet 3.5 release, any data retrieved with the API are by default only in the search language. LICENSES: All the data of the external resources are released under the terms of respective owners' licenses. Retrieve BabelNet version Parameters Response example Retrieve the IDs of the Babel synsets (concepts) denoted by a given word Code samples PythonRubyJavascriptPHP Retrieve the information of a given synset Retrieve the senses of a given word Retrieve a list of BabelNet IDs given a resource identifier Java API The BabelNet Java API requires JRE 1.7 or above.

Here you can access the javadoc for the API. StatLine App. Alle data in grafiekvorm De StatLine App laat alle tabellen uit de CBS-databank StatLine in grafiek- of kaartvorm zien. De StatLine App is de eerste toepassing van het CBS die gebruik maakt van Open data. De App is geoptimaliseerd voor tablets. Eerste versie Dit is de eerste versie van de StatLine App die het CBS breed beschikbaar stelt.

De StatLine App is nog niet volledig uitontwikkeld; het gaat om een bèta-versie. Handleidingen Ter ondersteuning voor de gebruikers zijn de volgende documenten beschikbaar:• Quick reference guide• Gebruikershandleiding van de StatLine App Open data bij het CBS De StatLine App is de eerste CBS-toepassing die gebruik maakt van Open data. Quick reference guide Gebruikershandleiding StatLine App. Open data.

U kunt open data van de Belastingdienst downloaden. Wat is open data? Kenmerken van open data: Open data is openbaar. Er berust geen auteursrecht of andere rechten van derden op open data. Welke open data vindt u hier? Klik hierboven op een titel van een bestand. Meer open data Veel bestanden moeten worden bewerkt om ze anoniem te maken. Wilt u open data van andere organisaties zien? Meer informatie Hebt u nog vragen? Richard Woodward | Ontology after Quine. Bio. I moved to Hamburg having spent three years as a “Juan de la Cierva”researcher at the University of Barcelona, where I was a senior member of the LOGOS Grup de Recerca.

Prior to my stint in Barcelona, I was a lecturer in the Faculty of Philosophy and the University of Cambridge, before which I held two postdoctoral research fellowships at the Centre for Metaphysics and Mind, which is attached to the Philosophy Department at the University of Leeds. The first of these was funded by the lovely people at the Analysis Trust. Back in the day I was PhD student at the University of Sheffield, where I was supervised by the one and only John Divers. My research interests are located in metaphysics (esp. modality, fictionalisms, ontology, metaontology, indeterminacy), the philosophy of language (esp. conditionals, vagueness, metasemantics), the philosophy of logic (esp. logical consequence, the semantic paradoxes), and aesthetics (esp. fiction, depiction, the imagination). In Progress. Shaping Wikipedia into a Computable Knowledge Base.

Download as PDF Wikipedia is arguably the most important information source yet invented for natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence, in addition to its role as humanity’s largest encyclopedia. Wikipedia is the principal information source for such prominent services as IBM’s Watson [1], Freebase [2], the Google Knowledge Graph [3], Apple’s Siri [4], YAGO [5], and DBpedia [6], the core reference structure for linked open data [7]. Wikipedia information has assumed a prominent role in NLP applications in word sense disambiguation, named entity recognition, co-reference resolution, and multi-lingual alignments; in information retrieval in query expansion, multi-lingual retrieval, question answering, entity ranking, text categorization, and topic indexing; and in semantic applications in topic extraction, relation extraction, entity extraction, entity typing, semantic relatedness, and ontology building [8].

Three Basic Problems Efforts to Recast Wikipedia Charles S. Reports and studies about EC Open Datasets. DESI — Digital Agenda Scoreboard. Give yourself a URI. Do you have a URI for yourself? If you are reading this blog and you have the ability to publish stuff on the web, then you can make a FOAF page, and you can give yourself a URI. A lot of people have published data about themselves without using a URI for themselves.

This means I can't refer to them in other data. So please take a minute to give yourself a URI. If you have a FOAF page, you may just have to add rdf:about="" and voila you have a URI (I suggest you use your initials for the last bit). The URI will start with "http" (so I can look it up using HTTP) and it will have # in it, so the URI of your foaf file is different from the URI for you. Me, I make my foaf file in N3 and convert it to the foaf file in RDF. that's my choice. The AWWW says that everything of importance deserves a URI. The traditional approach of sharing data within silos seems to have reached its end with Web advancing to an era of opening data.

From governments and international organizations to local cities and institutions, there is a widespread effort of opening up and interlinking data. Two important concepts have been coined in this context: Open Data, defined as “data that can be freely used, reused and redistributed by anyone – subject only, at most, to the requirement to attribute and share alike”[1]; andLinked Data, associated to the technical interoperability of data, which enables to connect data from a variety of sources (related to the Semantic Web architecture)[2]. While Open Data refers to data freely available without restrictions[3], Linked Data is refereeing to machine-readable data and semantically linked.

Therefore data can be open but not linked or linked but not open, however if data is open and linked it then becomes Linked Open Data. 1. 2. 3. Accessing Linked Open Data Sets 4. OpenID. Open Wireless Movement. The Open Definition - Open Definition - Defining Open in Open Data, Open Content and Open Knowledge. Linked Data - Design Issues. Up to Design Issues The Semantic Web isn't just about putting data on the web. It is about making links, so that a person or machine can explore the web of data. With linked data, when you have some of it, you can find other, related, data. Like the web of hypertext, the web of data is constructed with documents on the web.

However, unlike the web of hypertext, where links are relationships anchors in hypertext documents written in HTML, for data they links between arbitrary things described by RDF,. Use URIs as names for things Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names. Simple. The four rules I'll refer to the steps above as rules, but they are expectations of behavior. The first rule, to identify things with URIs, is pretty much understood by most people doing semantic web technology. The second rule, to use HTTP URIs, is also widely understood.

The basic format here for RDF/XML, with its popular alternative serialization N3 (or Turtle). Basic web look-up or in RDF/XML. SweoIG/TaskForces/CommunityProjects/LinkingOpenData - W3C Wiki. News 2014-12-03: The 8th edition of the Linked Data on the Web workshop will take place at WWW2015 in Florence, Italy. The paper submission deadline for the workshop is 15 March, 2015. 2014-09-10: An updated version of the LOD Cloud diagram has been published.

The new version contains 570 linked datasets which are connected by 2909 linksets. New statistics about the adoption of the Linked Data best practices are found in an updated version of the State of the LOD Cloud document. 2014-04-26: The 7th edition of the Linked Data on the Web workshop took place at WWW2014 in Seoul, Korea. Project Description The Open Data Movement aims at making data freely available to everyone. The goal of the W3C SWEO Linking Open Data community project is to extend the Web with a data commons by publishing various open data sets as RDF on the Web and by setting RDF links between data items from different data sources. Clickable version of this diagram. Project Pages Meetings & Gatherings See Also Demos 1. 2. 5 star Open Data.