Peewee Football Players Prefer to 'Whip' and 'Nae Nae' over Playing Football. Finding Nemo: First Day of school. Teach. And Teach Well. - Leading, Learning, Questioning. On Monday, school starts. It’s been an odd week—one filled with both the excitement that surrounds the start of a new school year and the reality of how hard real life can be. Instead of driving me down, though, those tough realities I’ve come across have brought back a text I first discovered nearly 10 years ago. Kyle Lake, the late former pastor at a church in Waco, TX, passed away suddenly in 2005, and what follows is the conclusion to the last sermon he prepared. It’s one of the most hopeful texts I’ve ever come across, and, at least for me this week, it’s been an antidote of sorts to the situations I cannot control.
Here’s what he said: “Live. I think that’s great, and I considered just posting that. So, I decided to write this (relying heavily on Lake’s text as a model) for teachers. Teach. Teachers, I hope you have a wonderful year! Like this: Like Loading... The Intentional Innovation Manifesto. Nigel Marsh: How to make work-life balance work. 30 Tips to Cultivate Soft Skills in Your Students. Teach.org. Adults and Kids Were Asked The Same Questions – The Answers Will Change The Way You Think. How confident are you with yourself? Fifty people were asked the question: “If there is one thing you can change in your body, what would it be?” Every adult in the video wanted to change something in their body. The kids answers will give you an amazing perspective. How about you? How would you answer the question? Leave a comment below!
Se connecter à Facebook. This Is Genius. 10 questions every educator should always be thinking about... 1). What percent of your students are going beyond just compliance and are actually cognitively engaged in deep self-driven and relevant learning? 2). How often are students in your class offered the opportunity to move around and get 'the blood' flowing with some type of physical activity? 3). How often are kids in your class able to work in teams and work collaboratively on some type of group learning activity? 4). 5). 6). 7). 8). 9). 10). BONUS: What's the ratio of consumption to creation in your classroom when it comes to the work students are doing? Goodnight iPad, Ann Droyd - 9780399158568. How 936 Pennies Will Forever Change How You Parent - From Famine to Foodie.
Can We Please Just Make it to “Amen”?! A couple of weeks back we dedicated our son to the Lord at church. As we stood before our church family and God, and vowed to raise him, by God’s grace and help, to know, love, and serve the Lord; he yelled at the top of his tiny lungs “Down! Down! Down!”. He flailed his surprisingly strong body in attempts to escape my grasp and reach the freedom of running wild in the sanctuary. I held tightly to the frantic child, discretely stuffing animal crackers into his mouth as our pastor eloquently went about introducing the other families and children. Just as our pastor instructed the church family to bow their heads in prayer over these little ones, my dear precious son lost any scrap of patience he had left and yelled–loudly–through the entire prayer. Our church family has a good sense of humor. The Burdening Weight of 936 Copper Pennies At these child dedications, gifts are always given to each family.
This time, however, we were in our new church. ‘For one week we helped every traveller in need!’ KLM #happytohelp. ‘For one week we helped every traveller in need!’ KLM #happytohelp. Tweetable - The Extreme LEAPers. A Letter To My Son's Future Teacher - The Extreme LEAPers. Studio C - Worst Teacher Ever. "I Teach For Seven Straight Hours In Stilletos And Never Stop Smiling"—What Stock Photos Tell Us About Teaching. The Power of a Written Word - Crissy Lauterbach. (2) BuzzFeed Video. (2) BuzzFeed Video. One Stitch Closer: Veronika empowers other women. Your Words Matter. I had a teacher who once told me I would most likely be a college dropout.
Her words mattered. When I told my wife I wanted to write a book and she said without blinking an eye, “Do it.” I told my daughter the other day how proud I was of her for writing a full sentence! My words mattered. And when I hear back from the teachers and parents that read this blog, I know my words matter. “Learning how to use language effectively will be the most valuable skill you will have to use for the rest of your life.” Woah. Want to get a job? Want to get married? Want to sell something? What Are We Teaching Our Children About Their Words? The problem I see across the board in schools and in the workplace, is that most people rarely think about the power their words have to make a positive impact.
DON’T use your words to bully another person (important). or DON’T use contractions (not that important). And we often “de-value” our word power through writing tasks that are meaningless or menial. Why Some Kids Try Harder and Some Kids Give Up | Tracy Cutchlow. My toddler struggled to buckle the straps on her high chair. "Almost," she muttered as she tried again and again. "Almost," I agreed, trying not to hover. When she got it, I exclaimed, "You did it! It was hard, but you kept trying, and you did it. I'm so proud of you. " The way I praised her effort took a little effort on my part. Stanford researcher Carol Dweck has been studying motivation and perseverance since the 1960s. Those with a fixed mindset, who believe their successes are a result of their innate talent or smartsThose with a growth mindset, who believe their successes are a result of their hard work Fixed mindset: 'If you have to work hard, you don't have ability.' Kids with a fixed mindset believe that you are stuck with however much intelligence you're born with.
Growth mindset: 'The more you challenge yourself, the smarter you become.' What creates these beliefs in our kids? The research "Wow, that's a really good score. She praised the second group for their effort: Pass it on. Musical Morning Announcements with Julianna Margulies. If students designed their own schools...
Kid President - How To Be An Inventor! College football star's novel story. Caine's Arcade. You Can Learn Anything. What Is a Grown Up? A Grown Up Talks to Kids. JeffCharbonneau: End of every lesson students... What Students Really Need to Hear | affectiveliving. It’s 4 a.m. I’ve struggled for the last hour to go to sleep. But, I can’t. Yet again, I am tossing and turning, unable to shut down my brain. Why? Because I am stressed about my students. This is what students really need to hear: First, you need to know right now that I care about you. Here’s the thing: I lose sleep because of you.
Before I tell you why, you should understand the truth about school. The main event is learning how to deal with the harshness of life when it gets difficult — how to overcome problems as simple as a forgotten locker combination, to obnoxious peers, to gossip, to people doubting you, to asking for help in the face of self-doubt, to pushing yourself to concentrate when a million other thoughts and temptations are fingertips away.
It is your resilience in conquering the main event — adversity — that truly prepares you for life after school. But, you shouldn’t be worried about the fact that you will face great adversities. So, do yourself a favor: Man up. . – C. The Power of Quiet~ Changing Perspectives and Opening Minds. I have learned many things from being a parent. Some things I expected to learn, like how to make the best macaroni and cheese or how to do laundry, read a book and cook dinner all at once. These are the things parents expect to learn in the throws of parenthood, these are the easy parts. Fortunately, parenting runs deeper, parenting teaches us about sacrifices, differences and perspectives. Our daughters are perfect replicas of my husband and me.
The daughter most like me is alive and happy in the throws of people. Our other daughter who is most like my husband, is happiest curled up with a good book or hanging out with a couple of close friends. I have admired her love of quiet moments, times spent inside books and her ability to avoid drama. My perspective (or lack there of) on the power of quiet became evident one day when my daughters and I were shopping and I saw some cozy bean bag chairs.
Transforming My Teaching~ You can learn more about the Power of Quiet here~ 5 Learning Strategies That Make Students Curious. 5 Learning Strategies That Make Students Curious by Terry Heick Note this post has been updated from original publishing in February of 2013 Understanding where curiosity comes from is the holy grail of education. Education, of course, is different than learning. Education implies a formal, systematic, and strategic intent to cause learning. In this case, content to be learned is identified, learning experiences are planned, learning results are assessed, and data from said assessments play some role in the planning of new learning experiences. Learning strategies are applied, and snapshots of understanding are taken as frequently as possible. This approach is clinical and more than a smidgeon scientific. Of course, very little about learning is scientific.
An analogy might help. learning:education::true love:dating service Hubris and Education Education is simultaneously the most noble and hubristic of all endeavors. In a better place. Here, let me try. I want to show you what I can do. 1. 2. 3. RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us. 12 Funny Videos About Teaching and Learning | Dr. Travis Burns, Ed.D. The following videos are great resources for school administrators to use during faculty/staff development meetings to promote laughter or encourage reflection on school practices related to teaching and learning. I hope you enjoy these videos as much as I do! Follow on Twitter @Dr_TravisBurns 1. The Importance of Objectivity in Grading Practices 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Like this: Like Loading... Kid President Needed A Pep Talk. Thank God I wasn’t college material.
I remember when I first learned that I was destined to be a failure. I think it was ninth grade, or maybe tenth, and I was sitting in afterschool detention. I’d been sentenced to hard time for being late to class, even though I had a valid excuse. See, I was only late because I hated school with a burning passion. I dreaded every class, every assignment, every test, every worksheet, every mound of busywork, every shallow and forced interaction with peers I couldn’t relate to or connect with or understand; every moment, every second, every part, every inch of every aspect of my public educational experience.
I hated it. I hated all of it. It had been ten years of public school up to that point and it wasn’t getting better. So there I was in detention. I told her that I wasn’t sure what I wanted to be or what I wanted to do with my life, but maybe I could be a writer. That’s when she dropped the bombshell: “Well, that sounds like an amazing goal, Matt. Dagger. I guess not. Come on. And Then I Met A Teacher. He met a teacher, and it changed everything. Jim Wengo was fresh out of high school when he started working at the local butcher shop. But his high school agriculture teacher, John Krivokapish, had other plans for him. When he heard of an area college work study program for those who could score well on a civil service exam, Mr.
Krivokapish walked into the butcher store and told Jim’s boss he needed to borrow him for a couple of hours. Removing the blood stained apron, Jim followed his teacher to the local college where he took an exam on the spot. That test resulted in Jim’s opportunity to begin college. He kept working as a butcher while he finished his degree.
Dennis Queen had a difficult relationship with his father. After a four year tour of duty, Dennis returned home. These are both true stories told to me by men who have personally inspired me by their examples. Four years ago, we started a program at my school called Mentor 180. 20 Movies Every Educator Should See.