Norwegian money pouch tutorial. Surfing the net a million years ago, before I started with all the medieval stings I did do a lot of looking at other peoples work, wishing that I would find the courage to staring doing it myself.
Then I found this webpage with all of the fantastical reproductions. He had a photo of a extant medieval pouch from Norway that looked like no other purse I had seen. So when it came to me making my own money pouch a couple of years ago I knew I wanted to make that kind of purse. It says that the pouch is from late 13th to early 14th century but as money pouches does not differ that much and in “purses in pieces” Olaf Goubitz writes that the circular cut pouch is the most common type of coin purse in medieval times and that the use of them continues at any rate into the 20th century.
I have made my purse slightly smaller then the reproduction I was inspired by but as I girl I guess I have smaller hands and I did not want to have a too large pouch anyway. Then I punch all the holes out. Andrzej Woronowski Custom Knives: [TUTORIAL] How to make a simple leather sheath? CHAPTER 1 - Designing a leather sheath Designing a leather sheath is in my opinion far way more complicated that designing a kydex sheath.
First I always make a concept design. I am using pencil to outline a shape of the knife and then draw shape of the sheath I want to make. Then I am trying to figure out how to make such a shape from a leather. I am wet forming almost all of my sheats and some rules have to be remember during that process: Large medieval pouch bag : Historical reproduction of leather pouch bags of the middle ages. Small Leather Case Patterns - This is a collection of custom leather patterns. Basic Leathercrafting. There are two types of leather - stamping leather and non-stamping leather.
Non-stamping or garment leather is used for seat coverings in vans and cars, furniture, clothes, shoes, purses, etc. It is usually dyed to a color other than tan. Stamping leather is tan and usually thicker than non-stamping leather. Non-stamping leather scraps and vinyl can be obtained quite easily in fairly large quantities from businesses that decorate the interiors of vans and private airplanes, or upholster furniture. On most projects that call for non-stamping leather, vinyl can be substituted. Stamping leather is more difficult to obtain.
The most economical way to purchase leather is to buy a belly or shoulder. Next, you need to know how to stamp the leather. 1/4" Letters, Southwest, 3-D Stamps. Wholesale Leather Hides. Beginner's guide to leatherworking. Mercerie et Outils pour le Travail du Cuir : Lanières, Colles, Fils et Bandes de Cuir - Cuir en Stock. Outillage cuir, outils pour le travail du cuir, lacets et fils pour la couture du cuir : Outilsloisirs - Outils Loisirs. Deco cuir, le spécialiste du cuir et des outils cuir. La préparation du cuir avant la couture sur Crea-Cuir. 1.Formage ou moulage du cuir.
Il est parfois nécessaire de mouler le cuir pour donner une forme souhaitée au cuir. Vous devez pour cela n'utiliser que ducuir tanné végétal comme le collet végétal. Les cuirs tannés aux sels de chrome sont rendu imperméables par cette opération et sont donc proscrit pour le moulage du cuir. Humidifiez les deux faces du cuir en le passant sous l'eau froide du robinet pendant 30 secondes à 1 minute. Egouttez le et laissez le reposer 1 à 2 heures afin qu'il évacue son exédent d'eau. 2.Le martelage du cuir. Le martelage du cuir permet de créer des dessins en relief sur le cuir. Dessinez sur le cuir avec un traçoir ou utilisez un calque ou un transfert de motifs ou utilisez directement des matoirs présentant des motifs finis.
Maroquinerie travaillée aux matoirs, puis teinte ou peinte Ensuite la teinture mettra en évidence le travail réalisé aux matoirs. Patron-pour-sacoche-de-ceinture.pdf. Patron-escarcelle-medievale.pdf. Black and Red Leather Belt Pouch by EarthlyLeatherDesign on DeviantArt. Green Bag White Stitch by EarthlyLeatherDesign on DeviantArt. Small Tan Diamond Bag Leather by EarthlyLeatherDesign on DeviantArt.
Black Bag with Custom Stamping by EarthlyLeatherDesign on DeviantArt. Tutorial: leather armour by carlviking on DeviantArt. Tutorial Tuesdau: Leather Embossing by AmenoKitarou on DeviantArt. Tutorial 01 - Tools by North-Steading on DeviantArt. Pouch howto by Meow-chi on DeviantArt. Small Belt Pouch schematics by Meow-chi on DeviantArt. Belt bag series by akinra-workshop on DeviantArt. Small Belt Pouch by Avanger on DeviantArt. Historical belt pouch by Archanejil on DeviantArt.
Leather Respirator Tutorial by jezus666 on DeviantArt.