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GoSeeko is a study platform all your higher education studies. Find course material, lecture notes, and MCQ for BCom, BA, BBA, BAF, and Engineering

Exams around the corner? Ace them with scientifically proven study methods! Reading Time: 3 minutes When it comes to learning, not everyone follows the same pattern – some students are more productive in the morning, some find it easier to study in the night; some go solo, while some prefer group study.

Exams around the corner? Ace them with scientifically proven study methods!

But, there are certain common study tips for students that help them make the most of their study time. These come in handy when there are a bunch of topics to cover and the exams are right around the corner, just waiting to make an unwarranted appearance! As soon as the schedule is announced, the first question that comes to mind is – how to study effectively for exams? The answer to this question lies in scientifically proven study methods for exams! 1. A lot of students believe in the power of all-nighters. 2. Here, you simply have to trick your brain into thinking that what you are learning has to be taught further. 3. Exercising accelerates performance – especially memory, attention, information processing and problem-solving. 4. 5. Explore the advantages of online collaborative learning with Goseeko! Reading Time: 4 minutes The current uncertain times have highlighted a lot of pressing concerns, one of them being online education vs. offline education.

Explore the advantages of online collaborative learning with Goseeko!

Everyone desires change, but very few are willing to make genuine efforts to actually adapt to it. And, when a centuries-old educational system is in question, it’s even tougher to shake off conservative thinking and allow technology to change it for the better. They say that necessity is the mother of invention, and the pandemic has been proof of this. The shift from classroom sessions to online tuitions was already in process, but it was a slow development. Here are some of the advantages of online collaborative learning that will help settle the age-old online learning vs. classroom learning debate- Benefits Of Online Classes: 1.

Today’s demanding world requires students to be adept at multiple things in order to gain a competitive edge. 2. The biggest advantage of online learning is, hands down, the geographical flexibility. Discover the best Study Techniques for Memorization with Goseeko! Reading Time: 3 minutes How often have we been in a situation where our memory was our worst enemy?

Discover the best Study Techniques for Memorization with Goseeko!

For example – humming to the tune of a song but not remembering the words; keeping a friend’s birthdate in mind all month but forgetting it just the night before the birthday; keeping the money at a safe place and then forgetting the location altogether – we have all been tricked by our own memory time and again. But, memory betrayal hurts most when you have spent hours preparing for an exam, and just as you are ready to scribble it all onto the answer sheet, you forget the key ideas or words.

Students all across the planet are all too familiar with this moment of panic and intense pressure to remember the information they revised just yesterday. To take away the power of this trap, here are some of tips and tricks on how to increase memory power in students- 1. This is one of the most important productivity tips for college students – do not be a passive reader. 2. Study Anywhere, Anytime with Goseeko! Reading Time: 3 minutes First things first – let’s admit the fact that the life of a student runs on a roller coaster track.

Study Anywhere, Anytime with Goseeko!

Long studying hours, mastering multiple topics from different subjects, acing the exams, scribbling notes, and the list goes on. We’ve all been there and done that. But, owing to the rise of technology and the digital-age, the current generation of students have an upper-hand. All the resources they could possibly need to make informed decisions about their education and career are made available to them within a few clicks – thanks to the power of the Internet!

Moreover, students today are more wide-eyed and willing to go an extra mile to climb the ladder of success. This is where Goseeko comes to the rescue! So, what exactly does it have in store for you? 1. The world of education has moved online, the classes have moved online; and thanks to Goseeko, now the study material, mapped to your university has also moved online. 2.