Beginning year
> Gregoneb
> Activities
Shifting in Spanish 1. Teaching Spanish...: Shifting in Spanish 1. First Day Prep Series: Stations – Language Class Engaged. I know most people are back-to-school or at least back-to-teacher-work-week (GOOD LUCK).
If you’re not quite back yet, or you’re in the middle of first-day-over-prep syndrome, here’s some fuel for your lesson-idea fire. I’m going to talk you through my favorite First Day stations. I am a HUGE fan of using stations in class throughout the year. There are so many opportunities to work in reading, listening, speaking, writing, culture, and it gives those antsy teenagers a chance to get up and move as soon as their attention span on a given task starts to wane. The stations below are all about ten-to-fifteen-minute activities that you could use as stations or as a brainbreak/closing activity throughout the first couple of weeks of class to build classroom environment.
Spanish Class First Two Weeks of Lesson Plans, Ideas, and Resources. Every year, I forget just how exhausting those first few weeks are.
My brain is spinning. I’m in overdrive, trying to make everyone feel welcome –but not smile until December, right?
– be utterly consistent, totally organized, and always engaging. Whew. The truth is, you just do your best. After a year of intense research, I tossed our textbook and formulated a (developing) personal philosophy of teaching Spanish.
Learning Spanish In 15 Hours: 4 Strategies For Maximizing Your Efforts. We asked three beginners to spend just 15 hours learning Spanish with Babbel, and then compete in a series of challenges to show off their skills.
The challenges were designed to test the contestants’ abilities to have real-life conversations. Speaking and listening in Spanish only, the contestants had to grocery shop, take a dance class, and go on a blind date — which, to be honest, is a nerve-wracking prospect even in English. While we think every contestant did great across all the challenges, there could be only one winner. (If you haven’t watched the videos yet, consider this your spoiler alert.)
Here are the winning strategies that helped Deb become conversational in Spanish after just 15 hours of study. Could You Repeat That Please? Deb employs this active listening strategy during the grocery challenge. Save The Mashups For The DJs. Jason Fritze at iFLT: Procedures in the TL – Teaching Comprehensibly with Profe Tauchman. Jason Fritze’s message during his iFLT session was clear: Our class time is precious.
Waste NO time speaking in English. Train your students IN THE TL. Keep your expectations high, your language comprehensible, and your class POSITIVE AND HAPPY.
Symbolic migration packet2017. How To Use Flexible Grouping In The Classroom -
How To Use Flexible Grouping In The Classroom by Jessica Crockett, PhD., and Kristina Doubet Groups and group work are woven into the fabric of many classrooms.
Having students interact with one or more peers can build community, increase engagement, and make learning more active. But deciding whether and how best to form groups can daunting. Because grouping can be challenging and complex, many teachers either avoid using groups altogether or keep students in the same groups. Flexible grouping, by contrast, organizes students intentionally and fluidly for different learning experiences over a relatively short timeframe (e.g., two weeks). The Benefits Of Flexible Grouping Practiced well, flexible grouping has three benefits over static grouping. 1.
Any time students work in a small group they are separated from the rest of their classmates. 2. 3.
DPS Teaching with CI - 1st Weeks ideas. The First Ten - TPR in Two Weeks. I am often asked how I start a level I class (or any level) using Comprehensible Input and using no textbook.
Certainly the beginning of the year is overwhelming, even ignoring the question of what your curriculum/vocabulary list may be, so my hope is that this post provides some insight into what I do, and why I do it, as well as an easy to follow lesson plan for those who with to make use of it. The What TPR stands for Total Physical Response. There are a variety of ways this is employed, but the key components of this technique involve spoken language and/or commands in the target language and a physical response, usually involving the entire body. The benefits of this technique vary, depending on the way you do it.
Spanish I: The First Two Weeks - SPANISH MAMA. Procedure Checklist and Student Survey – TCI with Profe Tauchman. After being in class for a few weeks, I used this document to reiterate class procedures and give students a chance to give me feedback.
I was SO nervous because I take everything super personally, but it is my goal this year (as stated in The Four Agreements) to NOT TAKE ANYTHING PERSONALLY. I was especially nervous because I am trying out something new this year and I am entering into the world of OWL (which is why I changed the name of my blog to TCI with Profe Tauchman)I am so happy I gave them this survey.
Their responses were so valuable and the feedback was generally SO positive! Here is the document:
TLT: A Matter of Trust - Language Coaching by Amy Lenord. It's the first week of school, and I'm floored. - Jillane Baros ♦ Teaching Portfolio. Oops! HAY un problema...
I have NOT posted in forever, and I hope that this gets better.
To be perfectly honest, when I jumped off the plane from attending NTPRS, I jumped into getting ready for school which started 4 days later, moving in to a new house (still unpacking the final things), painting cabinets, changing addresses, and sending my little one off to preschool! Did I mention having Open House within the first few weeks and NWEA testing which definitely reminded me that I'm a super adaptable individual (Adiós lesson plans I had made for the week! Bring it on testing and 20 minute classes!) So...this is NOT what I wanted to REALLY post about, but it's a short & sweet idea for an activity that you can use in your classes with a high frequency structure, "HAY.
" My inspiration of course comes from Martina Bex; see her post here.
Summer Postcard: Day One. Today I projected "Emma's" Summer Postcard (see this post for a brief run-down) onto the overhead.
I inherited a document camera this year (thanks Anne!) And the process is so far much easier. It's like my own personal scanner. For over 30 minutes I just asked Emma factual questions about the drawing and the student.
Growth Mindset Lesson for Students – TPRS with Profe Tauchman. I am taking a week-long break from Spanish to talk with students about: a.
Why are we learning Spanish like this? B. How you will be assessed and what the heck are proficiency levels? C.What are some skills and strategies you can use to explain yourself without English? D.
Updated syllabus for Spanish II. Since I wanted time to work on my syllabus, I decided to complete it over the weekend, so I wouldn’t stress next week. I decided to create my own template with Picktochart, and it really was easy! In the past, I had used the template and while it was better than a Word document, it still wasn’t too fancy.
Spanish Teacher Blog - Throw Away Your Textbook!Ideas For a Fun & Focused Spanish Classroom. The answer to the question is... Simplicity. School starts tomorrow. I'll be meeting many kids for the first time. First impressions are (almost) everything. Last week I was worried about getting everything ready. You know, all the things. Bulletin boards decorated, handouts printed, seating charts established, posters hung, lessons planned, gradebook set up, etc etc.
Keep it simple: How I use flags to help. Today I want to share my “flags” to help you simplify life in the classroom. This is a ready-to-use system for assigning research topics and partners.
40 Free Resources for Spanish Class. Open House Scavenger Hunt – TPRS with Profe Tauchman. CI Classroom Tour – TPRS with Profe Tauchman. Get to know each other using the TL!
10 First Day of School Ideas for the MFL Classroom. It's closing in on 2 months since I wrote my last post and now it's closing in on the beginning of school. The opening day of school for me is less than a month away and thoughts of planning for a new group of students are more frequent. In particular, my thoughts are on the first day of school. The list below has some ideas I used in the past, some I found on Pinterest, and from blogs. A few are ready to go as listed, and others will need changed depending on which level it is used.
The goal is to provide comprehensible input in the target language, even on, or better said, especially on, the first day of school!
Spanish I: The First Two Weeks - SPANISH MAMA.