Abhijeet Guha
Abhijeet is an active blogger with decent experience in the IT Security industry. He researches on various topics related to cyber security and pens down his research in the form of articles & blogs. You can reach him at abhijeet@reveantivirus.com.
Bloggerwlogger.com/ Most people don’t know what they are looking for when searching for best antivirus software.
This guide will help them in making the right choice. The 4 Best Ways To Prevent Smartphone Hacking - Protect Yourself Against Hackers. It's not a secret anymore, no one in this digital era is immune to cyber attacks nowadays.
Cyber dangers such as phishing attacks, ransomware, and smartphone hacking are constantly in the headlines. This is bad news - hackers and phishers are now targeting mobile devices to cause all types of online troubles. As a result, the security of smartphones is a constant source of worry. The hackers can hack your device in seconds through several ways without your knowledge. Top 3 Smart Steps To Keep Data Safe And Secure Online – Reve Antivirus. There is no doubt that the internet has changed our lives in several ways.
However, with the increasing usage and popularity of the internet across the world, data security has become a major issue with data theft being more common than ever. Best Mobile Security Solution With REVE Antivirus Software. REVE Antivirus Software: 5 Most Important Cyber Security Tips for The Internet Users. Cyber-attacks, viruses, malware, data breaches, and other hacking incidents are constantly making headlines around the world.
The internet is a perfect place to have fun, learn new things, meet new people but it does have some sort of dangers. Online security is one of the most important issues in today’s advanced era. Top Tactics To Get Rid Of Computer Viruses and Malware. Top 5 Worst Viruses To Watch Out - How To Avoid Them? 5 Reasons To Ditch Signing In With Facebook Or Google. You have all come across to the choice where you have to log in with your Facebook or Google account to get access to a new website, apps, online games or other service where some offer the sign in option using the Twitter, LinkedIn or Microsoft accounts.
Since every app you download on your phone requires you to create an account, so we try the easy method of sign in using our social accounts. It may sound like an uncomplicated process to log in with any of these accounts as it seems to be less laborious, sometimes we do so in bit of a hurry without giving it a second thought. Even though these social accounts provide the best security, you must put all your trust on Google or Facebook and keep hoping that the sites or the apps that you are plugging in are bug-free and stores your password with safety. Why You Should Never Use An Expired Antivirus Software? 4 Best Practices For Safer Browsing. While the internet is a wonderful place full of knowledge and entertainment, it can be very dangerous for careless users.
Landing on one wrong website or clicking on a malicious link can infect your PC or other computing devices with virus, malware and other e-threats. This makes easy for the hackers to hijack your device and steal your sensitive data. It's impossible to recognize legitimate or genuine content from the dangerous. Since browsing or surfing the internet has become a routine of everyday life, it's important to ensure secure and safe browsing. Well, it’s not a hard task, you can still protect your valuable data and beat security threats. 1.Install & Use The Best Antivirus Software It's one of the most important practices to remember. 2. Lets face it, today our mobiles and laptops store a lot of sensitive data and information, so it's important to keep these devices protected with passwords. 3. 4. Oversharing on the internet has become a major problem nowadays. Easy Steps To Secure Your Computer From Getting Hacked.
Improve Your Online Privacy & Security In 4 Simple Steps by reveantivirus. The internet has become a major part of numerous people’s everyday lives.
It's very power helpful, useful and also fun. With the rise of cyber attacks continues to accelerate, the online world much feels like a threatening place today. Shopping, banking, communicating, etc almost everything can be easily done online with a click of a button. Staying safe while using the internet is very important as the bad guys' target web users to commit online frauds and attacks. While cyber attacks are constantly increasing, many of the internet users still feel that using security software is not so necessary for their computers. 1. No matter which internet platform you are using, antivirus software is considered to be one of the most important needs for all internet users. 2. How To Protect Your Child From Online Security Threats? How To Stop Webcam Hacking By Boosting Its Security. Not a multi-day passes by that we don’t hear any of the cyber security attacks – be it information leaks, phishing tricks, ransomware, or infections – however What About Somebody Remotely Monitoring To Your Webcam?
It’s normal today for a home to be furnished with security gear, home monitoring hardware and other web-empowered IoT gadgets, similar to IP cameras and remote screens. Be that as it may, the advantages of securing a home through new advancements can likewise bring dangers. What’s more, as we enter the time of IoT, you open up another passage into your home with each new connected gadget. This is known to hackers, and you can wager they will test the security of all of those entryways. Some well-known programmers put stickers over their PC’s camera when not being used, so maybe we should, as well.