Blogging. 10 Ways To Extend WordPress Beyond Blogging. Home. 26 Twitter Tips for Beginners You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner. Whether you’re just starting out with a fresh Twitter account or have been tasked with growing an account for an established brand, it’s never a bad idea to learn some new tips and tactics to set yourself up for success.
How To Write a Blog — From our Readers and Users. Pourquoi tenir un blog en 2019 ? Cette chronique est dans la droite ligne et se nourrit des recherches et rencontres publiées sur mon site Les cahiers de l’imaginaire.
Avec la prédominance du contenu vidéo sur des plates-formes comme YouTube, Facebook, Instagram et LinkedIn, vous pourriez penser que l’idée même de bloguer est un peu… dépassée. Les recherches montrent le contraire. Selon, l’industrie du contenu marketing représentera plus de 300 milliards de dollars en 2019, un montant qui a plus que doublé en moins de quatre ans. Selon Satista, le nombre de blogueurs aux États-Unis seulement : en 2015, 28,3 millions d’internautes ont mis à jour un blogue au moins une fois par mois.
En 2020,le nombre de blogueurs devrait atteindre 31,7 millions d’utilisateurs. Internet a été plus qu’une révolution, elle est la transformation profonde de tout ce qui a existé avant. Des milliers de nouveaux blogues sont créés Chaque jour, des dizaines de milliers de nouveaux blogues sont créés. Un blogue, le nouveau CV ? Beautiful Free Photo Community. 2,600,000+ free and premium vector icons. SVG, PNG, AI, CSH and PNG format. Create word clouds – WordItOut. RSS Readers Are Due for a Comeback: Feedly, The Old Reader, Inoreader. How to Build a Killer Language Blog. A couple weeks ago we established that building a language blog to follow your own language learning experiences or to help others with theirs is a great way to stimulate motivation and keep yourself on the straight and narrow with language learning.
But how do we actually go about doing this? What steps do we need to make and how far are we willing to take this project? Here I’ll offer a step by step guide to creating your own language blog and offer tips and tricks that will hopefully set you up for success no matter how far you decide to go. The reason I’m writing this at all is because language – and other similar topics – are not often represented in these articles that populate Google. Obviously, language learners, non-profits, those of us trying to promote causes or who are just giving away information for free and not selling a product aren’t going to find much use for the sort of advice they give. Power Social I Social Media Blog. The ultimate, 6,000 word guide to making it as a blogger in 2017. Find One Person Who Gives A Shit.
The Rest Is Easy. It’s all about making someone care. Everything seems difficult when you try to do everything at once. New to Smart Blogger? Start Here! The diaspora* Project. Flint - Une newsletter personnalisée confectionnée avec amour par des robots venus du futur. Write Better Headlines: Free Headline Analyzer From CoSchedule. Writing Routines. Bloguer pour auteurs : le succès en 3 étapes. Tango and Chaos in Buenos Aires. Populations du monde — La population de chaque pays. French Yummy Mummy. I quickly found a new job but struggled to understand the rules of the game on this side of the Channel.
To make matters even worse, I wasn’t taken seriously, probably because of my French accent. Being a French women in a Corporate environment over here is a double whammy: you have to deal with the sexist comments and the cliches on the French. Because just by crossing the Channel, I had apparently become some sort of mysterious creature that was almost too beautiful to have a brain of her own. So much for having studied quantum physics, abstract algebra and number theory. It was time for a change. I rebranded myself as a ‘French Yummy Mummy’, decided to stop the pity party, and started writing about the cultural differences between the French and the British. The success of my blog took everybody by surprise (including me). Well, not me. Enjoy without moderation! Merlie – ADVENTURE. BUSINESS. LEADERSHIP. “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” ― Maya Angelou.
Occurrences of an inquiring linguist settling abroad. "You cannot uneducate the person who has learned to read. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore."-Cesar Chavez. A little guide to working with online communities. About a decade ago I migrated into community work [1] from a non-community background.
This is the guide I wish I had read back then. [1] When I say community work, I am talking about stuff like Wikipedia: large distributed groups of people doing something together, usually online, often unpaid. Usually international, often nerdy, often (but not always) FLOSS or FLOSS-adjacent. You are going to be doing a lot of writing. Do it well. In all your communications, be conscious of your group’s diversity. Be cautious about creating an insider culture. Publish early, publish often.
Be aware that volunteer time is different from paid time.