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Dienes István: A Transzcendentális Meditáció kapcsolata a jógával és a védákkal. Szakrális Geometria - Az alapok 1. rész. Michael Talbot - Holografikus Univerzum (magyar feliratos) Uniting the way to the new world. Szepes Mária Alapítvány - Szepes Mária Alapítvány. Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc....Metaphysical Book Publisher. Gregg Braden » Home. Gregg Braden on Curing Cancer using our own Technology of Emotion. Bruce Lipton : Internationally Recognized Leader In Bridging Science And Spirit. Bruce Lipton-Spontaneous Evolution 1 of 11.mp4. Bruce Lipton ' The Power Of Consciousness' Mary Rodwell—The New Humans. MARY RODWELL is a professional counsellor, hypnotherapist, ufologist researcher and metaphysician.

Mary Rodwell—The New Humans

She is the founder and Principal of ACERN (Australian Close Encounter Resource Network) and is recognised Internationally, as one of Australia’s leading researchers in the UFO and Contact phenomenon. She is the Vice-President of Star Kids Project Ltd and an Advisory Committee member of Exopolitics. Lecturing in the USA, Canada, Hawaii, UK and New Zealand, Mary appears regularly in national and international media news programs such as the Australian documentary ‘OZ Files”, the BBC television program, “the “Paranormal Files” (UK) and Discovery Channel Animal X. INVISIBLE TEMPLE: research and news on sacred sites, ancient temples and what makes them special. Freddy Silva fine art photography, landscapes and sacred sites. Crop Circles Secrets: 2010 crop circles latest news and research.

Foundation for Conscious Evolution. Divine Cosmos.