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Hand Bags

Parisians have a reputation for elegance. Even when they are dressed casually, women have a distinctive touch that is unique. One of the French attributes of elegance is the handbag women carry in all circumstances. As most women buy at least a handbag each year, a number of typically French handbag designers are competing fiercely to provide the best quality and stay at the top of what is fashionable in Paris and the other regions of France. A few of them, sometimes very old, are world famous thanks to a mix of perfect design, manual assembly of quality materials such as leather and efficient marketing. Louis Vuitton is synonym worldwide for exclusive and quality French handbags. Gerard Darel and Longchamp are two other famous French handbag brands. Lesser known outside of France, La Petite Mendigote, Nat et Ninn, Jerome Dreyfuss are quality and fashionable French brands of handbags.

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