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Bright Side - Amazing benefits of cucumbers. 10 Secrets to Travel the World Much Cheaper. 7 Exercises to Clear Up Lymph Congestion If You Sit All Day. Awesome CONCEPT OF FOLDING. BuzzFeed Video - 12 Phone Tips When Traveling Abroad. Check Your Health In 5 Minutes. Everybody 1, 2, prep! Easy 2 ingredient desserts to satisfy your sweet tooth! □□□ Recipe and instructions directly to your inbox: 26 Cheap and Brilliant Home Hacks. The Pic You Saw First Reveals What’s Really Important for You in Love.

Our subconscious mind has a big influence on how we behave, what we do, and, well, how we see the things around us.

The Pic You Saw First Reveals What’s Really Important for You in Love

Our subconscious mind stores everything we have ever seen, felt, and come across. 8 Annoying Child Habits That Are Actually Normal. Each parent can recall the moment when their angel turned into a 2-year-old toddler with an awful attitude and started doing annoying things.

8 Annoying Child Habits That Are Actually Normal

In these cases, parents are often told to see a psychologist. But are these habits really so bad that they require an expert’s help? Bright Side has decided to research some unpleasant child behavior issues and we have news for you. You can calm down, your baby’s fine. 8. A nice and quiet child suddenly starts refusing everything their parents offer them. What happens: 11 Keyboard Combinations That Can Make Your Life Way Easier. Turning a sequence of mouse clicks into a simple press of a key or 2 can go a long way in increasing your productivity.

11 Keyboard Combinations That Can Make Your Life Way Easier

Brainscape calculated that a person spending 8 hours in front of a computer daily can lose 64 hours every year by using a mouse instead of the keyboard for most tasks. Why Sitting All Day Is Bad For Your Health. Science recommends getting a cat.: 10 Reasons for Vision Loss It’s Better to Learn When You’re Young. Nobody wants their vision to deteriorate.

10 Reasons for Vision Loss It’s Better to Learn When You’re Young

However, almost all of us make mistakes that hurt our eyes on a daily basis. Bright Side decided to find out what everyday habits may lead to the deterioration of our vision. 1. We use one cosmetic product for too long. Eye doctors recommend getting rid of eye makeup that you have been using for more than 3 months. 2. Wheat leads to the rise of insulin levels in the body. 3. 6 Early Warning Signs Of A Stroke People Often Ignore. Bright Side - 20 items we unknowingly continue to use... How to Pick the Perfect Sunglasses for Your Face Type. Sunglasses are more than a major summer accessory: they protect our eyes from harmful radiation, reduce fatigue, and add harmony to our overall image.

How to Pick the Perfect Sunglasses for Your Face Type

Provided, of course, we choose the type that suits us. Today Bright Side offers a selection of tips on how to select sunglasses to match your face shape as well as how to tell a high-quality lens from a poor-quality one. Plus, there’s a helpful bonus waiting for you at the end of the article! Health is Wealth - How To Speed Up Weight Loss. If You Regularly Suffer From Hand Cramps, Take Our Advice. Hand cramps are something that we’ve all experienced at some point in our lives.

If You Regularly Suffer From Hand Cramps, Take Our Advice

This happens when an involuntarily and forcibly contracted muscle won’t relax. They can be extremely uncomfortable and either temporary or chronic. They usually appear as we get older or if we work at jobs that require repetitive hand and wrist movements. Most of these cramps can be treated at home very easily, if they are not a medical emergency, and there are various ways to prevent them from returning. We at Bright Side put together some tips to treat hand cramps at home and prevent them in the future. 1. 10 Great Exercises to Improve Your Eyesight. How to use acupressure points for headaches.□ Surprising Things Your Palm Reveals About Your Personality. Ever wondered what these lines on your palms say?

Surprising Things Your Palm Reveals About Your Personality

Why are they there? And why are the palmists so celebrated? Well, FYI, palm lines have a lot to say about one's personality. Ranging from habits to personality traits these lines convey a lot, immensely. There are basically four lines on the palm that are predominant. There have been times when we have been sitting idle and gazing at our hands, just to figure out what the future has in store for us. . #1. It extends between the index finger and the thumb. 15 Unexpected Beauty Hacks You’ll Wish You’d Known. You prefer to sleep on your right side? Then you should stop immediately! On average we sleep about eight hours every night, which means that we actually spend a third of our lives in bed.

You prefer to sleep on your right side? Then you should stop immediately!

Sleep is incredibly important for our health and if we don't get enough of it, our bodies get out of balance. But according to a recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, the amount of sleep we get isn't the only factor affecting our health. The study found that our sleeping position can also have a dramatic effect on our health. Researchers determined that it is healthier to sleep on your left side. The reasons are quite simple but still plausible. 1. The study showed that sleeping on your left side actually has a positive effect on the functioning of the lymphatic system. 2.

4 Back Relief Tricks to Sleep All Night Like a Baby. Once you don’t get enough sleep, that’s it.

4 Back Relief Tricks to Sleep All Night Like a Baby

People seem terribly annoying, work stalls, and the future seems unattractive. Lots of stress, hypodynamia, hours spent at the wheel or computer — it all makes our back muscles stiff and prevents us from relaxing before sleep. That’s why we toss and turn for hours before getting a shallow and troubled sleep. Bright Side collected several simple but effective tricks for back muscle relief which will help you fall asleep faster and get sound sleep.

You can do them right on the bed, and they’ll suit people with any level of fitness. What Month Baby Are You? Every Month Tells A Different Story! 10 signs that you chose the right person. It Takes 5 Minutes to Relieve Stress With This Japanese Technique. While a certain amount of stress in our lives is normal and even necessary, excessive stress can interfere with normal daily activities and take a toll on our personal lives and health.

It Takes 5 Minutes to Relieve Stress With This Japanese Technique

Today we at Bright Side invite you to try an ancient Japanese technique of self-relaxation that will not take you more than 5 minutes and can be done just about anywhere. To practice the technique, it is important to understand that each of the fingers of our hand represents a different feeling or attitude. Here is the method To harmonize the life energy in the body, grasp the finger with the opposite hand, wrapping all the fingers and thumb around it. Hold each finger for one to two minutes. To calm your mind, apply slight pressure in the center of the palm with the thumb of the opposite hand and hold for at least one minute Practice this technique every day to stay calm and re-establish the balance within yourself. 9 Super-Effective Exercises for a V Cut and a Flat Stomach. How to get a V cut in your lower abs To have this addition to your already flat and beautiful stomach, do these exercises for 30 seconds each as well: Lying leg raise: lie on your back with your arms along your body and your legs straight.

Without bending your legs, slowly raise them straight up, then lower them in the same manner. Repeat. Sifat Diri Mengikut Bulan Kelahiran [Malay] What Does The Pose In Which You Sit Say About You? Benefits of hot and cold showers. 11 Food Products that Heal The Body and Mind. 9 Strange Things Your Body Does That You Never Knew Were Defense Mechanisms. How to get tight ABS by exercising for 6 minutes a day. The best times of day to eat our favorite foods.

The best five exercises for a slim waist you can do at home. A slim waist has always been considered one of the invariant symbols of feminine beauty. Don’t worry if you feel like you can’t show off your perfectly shaped waist area yet. Wonderful everyday tricks. 10 Proven Ways to Stop Your Favorite Shoes From Hurting Your Feet. Wearing a new pair of shoes is almost always a painful experience, and we at Bright Side are familiar with this pesky problem. That’s why we’ve decided to put an end to the discomfort caused by our favorite heels. Here are some sole-saving tips that are sure to keep your feet healthy and happy. 1. Sticking plasters This is perhaps the most common and obvious solution to the problem, but it works perfectly. 2. 20 Foods to Eat and Avoid on an Empty Stomach. Yogurt, a cup of coffee, and fresh orange juice — this is what most people probably picture when they think of a perfect breakfast.

Mystery Behind Letter X (Only 3% People In The World Have It) On Your Palm Revealed.