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Annotated Bibliography. Curation process. Media Culture Society 2014 Markham 89 104. The Role of Social Media Networks in internet activism. Social Media in the Arab World Leading up to the Uprisings of 2011. WPCC vol9 issue2 timeline article sm. Publications 25112015000 ICT Indicators October 2015 English. The Middle of the Pyramid The Middle of the Pyramid. IndicatorsBrief052011 en. Howard et al arab spring.
RAND MG778. Crowd participation. Blog. Dana paper social media. New Media Society 2016 Wolover 185 200. Egypt protest 10. Connective action. Social Media. DemystifyingArabSpring. Juris Reflections on #Occupy Everywhere AE. RevolutionsWithout. Twitter revolutions. How BIG is Facebook? Coldfustion YouTube Stats, Channel Statistics. The Surprising History of YouTube! RAND MG778. Wikileaks article. 9783957960467 Citizen Lobby.