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La siguiente colección busca utilizar herramientas creativas para dinamizar las clases virtuales en tiempo de pandemia. Sin olvidar la importancia de nuestro lugar, sin perder de vista el contexto social.

Palomas. Mitos y verdades del 25 6 fpw82L 1. Cree mejores lecciones de forma más rápida. Wordwall. Las redes sociales. Conversatorio virtual con Inés Dussel. Jornadas de Formación Docente. Inés Dussel y Flavia Terigi. How countries are using edtech (including online learning, radio, television, texting) to support access to remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. ​The Directorate of Technical a​nd Vocational Education has put out TVET guidelines called "Alternative Education Scheme for Persistence of ‘Corona Virus’ in the Country​".

How countries are using edtech (including online learning, radio, television, texting) to support access to remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

The guidelines discuss three scenarios of the continued impact of COVID-19 in Afghanistan for different time spans: for one to two months; for three to six months; and, for more than six months. In response to the three scenarios outlined, the Directorate has created a plan for TVET in the country. Given the current situation, distance learning with a combination of multimedia, video and print media is suggested, focused on using local solutions to avoid dependencies. Due to the existing infrastructure, the option of using broadcast media (video and audio) using various tools to be available to students, especially in high schools and grade 13th and 14th, is considered a reasonable option both during the school closure period.

But, this is a matter of concern once schools reopen. How teenagers can protect their mental health during coronavirus (COVID-19) < Back to UNICEF COVID-19 portal Being a teenager is difficult no matter what, and the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is making it even harder.

How teenagers can protect their mental health during coronavirus (COVID-19)

With school closures and cancelled events, many teens are missing out on some of the biggest moments of their young lives — as well as everyday moments like chatting with friends and participating in class. For teenagers facing life changes due to the outbreak who are feeling anxious, isolated and disappointed, know this: you are not alone. We spoke with expert adolescent psychologist, best-selling author and monthly New York Times columnist Dr. Lisa Damour about what you can do to practice self-care and look after your mental health. 1. If school closures and alarming headlines are making you feel anxious, you are not the only one.

If you are worried that you are experiencing symptoms, it is important to speak to your parents about it. >> Read our handwashing tips 2. 3. 4. < Back to UNICEF COVID-19 portal 1. >> Read our handwashing tips. Cómo hacer un podcast gratis. He decidido agrupar varios tutoriales para hacerlo si cabe más sencillo (básicamente partiendo de Podcastellano, referente en la materia al que debéis acudir para estar al día), porque ya he recibido algún correo preguntándome dudas sobre como crear un podcast, tras la definición doy pasos, recursos y referencias para poder crear un podcast.

Cómo hacer un podcast gratis

Definición Podcast:Puede definirse el podcast como un archivo de sonido que se distribuye a través de la tecnología RSS (sindicacíón). Es decir se trata de colgar archivos de audio en vuestro blog con la posibilidad de que cualquiera (mediante ciertos programas) pueda suscribirse a vuestro canal de RSS y bajarse a su ordenador los archivos de sonido según los vais colgando en vuestro blog (como un lector de feeds de audio). Aunque en realidad ni siquiera sería necesario tener un blog para ello (salvo que queráis que os dejen comentarios).

Grabar el sonido (archivo mp3) Referencias: Ver también: En este punto se citan Feedburner y Divicast: Coronavirus: 57 free resources for home learning. After schools closed owing to the coronavirus pandemic, a huge range of companies, celebrities and organisations offered their services for free.

Coronavirus: 57 free resources for home learning

So what free resources can schools and parents now access? We have tried to collate them all below for you. Collections of resources 1. Tes resources – Everything from EYFS to key stage 5. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Estrategia para crear un ecosistema digital en tiempos de coronavirt…