Is ketosis dangerous? You may have heard from your doctor that ketosis is a life-threatening condition.
If so, your doctor is confusing diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) with nutritional ketosis, or keto-adaptation. First, some semantics. Our body can produce, from fat and some amino acids, three ketone bodies (a “ketone” refers the chemical structure where oxygen is double-bonded to carbon sandwiched between at least 2 other carbons). These ketone bodies we produce are: acetone, acetoacetone, and beta-hydroxybutyrate (B-OHB). [For anyone who is interested, they are the 3 most right structures on the figure, below.]
Why do we make ketones? What is diabetic ketoacidosis? But this state of metabolic derangement is not actually possible in a person who can produce insulin, even in small amounts. Not Losing Weight on Low-Carb Ketogenic Diet? Don’t Give Up and Read Further. The ketogenic diet is not only known to be one of the most effective weight loss tools, but has proven to have many health benefits.
Ketosis is a state at which your body produces ketones in the liver, shifting the body's metabolism away from glucose and towards fat utilization. Unless you can check your blood ketones, using Ketostix is an easy way to detect urinary ketones. It's not the most accurate method, but may be good enough to find out whether you are in ketosis. In some cases, weight loss may be difficult even on a low-carb ketogenic diet and there may be a few possible reasons for weight stalling, which I have listed in this post.
If you want to know more about the ketogenic diet and how it can help you lose weight and feel great again, you can check out my apps KetoDiet, KetoDiet Basic and my Kindle book which include a complete guide, recipes and even more (see our video tutorial). Ketopia - Strange and wonderful things related to low carb ketogenic diets. The fat-fueled brain: unnatural or advantageous? Disclaimer: First things first.
Please note that I am in no way endorsing nutritional ketosis as a supplement to, or a replacement for medication. As you’ll see below, data exploring the potential neuroprotective effects of ketosis are still scarce, and we don’t yet know the side effects of a long-term ketogenic diet. This post talks about the SCIENCE behind ketosis, and is not meant in any way as medical advice.
It's not bacon; it's therapy! Source: Ren? The ketogenic diet is a nutritionist’s nightmare. Yet versions of the ketogenic diet have been used to successfully treat drug-resistant epilepsy in children since the 1920s – potentially even back in the biblical ages. Sound too good to be true? Ketosis in a nutshell In essence, a ketogenic diet mimics starvation, allowing the body to go into a metabolic state called ketosis (key-tow-sis). The backup is ketone bodies that the liver derives primarily from fatty acids in your diet or body fat. One answer may be energy. Nutrition Science Meets Common Sense. Carbohydrates » Diagnosis: Diet. Controversial carbohydrates!
How can some carbohydrates—fruits, sweet potatoes, whole grains, and beans— be considered “good” and other carbohydrates—flour, sugar, and corn syrup—be considered “bad”? Doesn’t our brain need daily carbohydrate for energy? If so, how do people eating low-carb diets get by? Carbohydrate Basics What Are Carbohydrates? Carbohydrates are sugars and starches.
What is the difference between sugars and starches? “Sugars” are by definition very small. “Starches” are big—they are made up of lots of simple sugars stuck together. Humans store glycogen as an emergency source of carbohydrate. The liver can only store somewhere between 250 and 400 calories’ worth of glycogen. Why we store energy as fat Starches are very dense and heavy. Plants store their energy as starch, in thick, heavy roots and tubers and bulbs. This is why animals like us, who need to move around, store energy as fat. Practical Information on Ketogenic Diets and Metabolic Therapies.