American History Review - Factile. Lesson Plan War on the Plains. Jefferson, the Louisiana Purchase, and the Constitution. Native American History - Pre-European Period. Everything was water except a very small piece of ground. On this were the eagle and the coyote. Then the turtle swam to them. They sent it to dive for the earth at the bottom of the water. The turtle barely succeeded in reaching the bottom and touching it with its foot.
When it came up again, all the earth seemed washed out. Coyote looked closely at its nails. All humans are interested in their origins and try to account for their existence through creation stories, like the one quoted above which is told by the Yaudanchi (a Yokut-speaking Nation living in the south-central San Joaquin Valley of California). Like North America's Native People, anthropologists and archaeologists also have creation stories which explain how America's native peoples came to be, though their stories differ markedly from those of most of the Native People. Humans first evolved in Africa some 4 - 5 million years ago. BUT .... it now seems that this scenario is much too simple. American Slavery. Ancient Louisiana City Older Than The Pyramids | The Southern Weekend.
The Revolution: Rebelling To Revolution. The Ocmulgee National Monument. Origin of Cities: Poverty Point. John Adams Boston Massacreavi. French and Indian War Documents. French and Indian War Primary Source Documents Map, Operations in Virginia, n.d. Map, Braddock's Defeat, 1755 Virginia Governor Robert Dinwiddie to the Sachems and Warriors of the Six Indian Nations, n.d. (returns three belts of wampums and declares continued friendship of British) Maryland Governor Horatio Sharpe to Lord Fairfax, n.d. Lord Fairfax to Maryland Governor Horatio Sharpe, September 24, 1753 (insists on new boundary line for his lands) Deposition concerning Native American attack on home on Sinking Creek in present-day Monroe County, February 2, 1754 Instructions for George Washington, n.d. Maryland Governor Horatio Sharpe to Frederick Calvert, September 2, 1754 (states French are building forts on Ohio, Monongahela, and Greenbrier, discouraging English settlement) Virginia Governor Robert Dinwiddie to the Earl of Halifax, October 25, 1754 (conflict with the French, efforts to gain Native American allies and raise troops, construction of fort near Alleghenies)
John Adams Meets King Louis of France. All About the Enlightenment The Age of Reason. PBS: The War That Made America. Columbus Ships Crew. Christopher Columbus' crew on the first voyage were from small towns in from Andalucia, and nearly all experienced seamen. The Spanish Sovereigns offered amnesty to convicts who signed up for the voyage, but only four men took up the offer: one who had killed a man in a fight, and three of his friends who then helped him escape from jail. Of the four voyages of Columbus, only the crew of the first voyage is completely known. Alice Bache Gould spent decades combing various archives in Spain, eventually accounting for each of the 87 crewmen of the Niña, Pinta, and Santa Maria.
She spent four decades in Spain, tracing the data. She could be aggressive and relentless in persuading an archives custodian or a parish priest to allow her to search for documents they assured her were not there. Samuel Eliot Morison, author of Admiral of the Ocean Sea and other books on Columbus, credited her help in Spain for enabling him to find what he could not find himself. Crew of the Santa Maria: Journal, by Christopher Columbus 1451-1506 Bartolome de Las Casasc.1490-1558. Original Source: Christopher Columbus, "Journal of the First Voyage of Columbus," in Julius E. Olson and Edward Gaylord Bourne, eds., The Northmen, Columbus and Cabot, 985-1503, Original Narratives of Early American History. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1906. Copyright 2003. This text is freely available provided the text is distributed with the header information provided.
Full Colophon Information This is the first voyage and the routes and direction taken by the Admiral Don Cristóbal Colon when he discovered the Indies, summarized; except the prologue made for the Sovereigns, which is given word for word and commences in this manner In the name of our Lord Friday, 3d of August We departed on Friday, the 3d of August, in the year 1492, from the bar of Saltes, at 8 o'clock, and proceeded with a strong sea breeze until sunset, towards the south, for 60 mile, equal to 15 leagues; afterwards S.W. and W.S.W., which was the course for the Canaries.4. Saturday, 4th of August. Internet History Sourcebooks Project. This document is the from the journal of Columbus in his voyage of 1492. The meaning of this voyage is highly contested. On the one hand, it is witness to the tremendous vitality and verve of late medieval and early modern Europe - which was on the verge of acquiring a world hegemony.
On the other hand, the direct result of this and later voyages was the virtual extermination, by ill-treatment and disease, of the vast majority of the Native inhabitants, and the enormous growth of the transatlantic slave trade. It might not be fair to lay the blame at Columbus' feet, but since all sides treat him as a symbol, such questions cannot be avoided. Friday, 3 August 1492. Monday, 6 August. Thursday, 9 August. Sunday, 9 September.
Monday, 10 September. Tuesday, 11 September. Friday, 14 September. Sunday, 16 September. Monday, 17 September. 19 September. Thursday, 20 September. Friday, 21 September. Saturday, 22 September. Sunday, 23 September. Tuesday, 25 September. Wednesday, 26 September. The White Slaves of Barbary. Much attention and condemnation has been directed towards the tragedy of the African slave trade, which took place between the 16 th and the 19 th centuries. However, another equally despicable trade in humans was taking place around the same time in the Mediterranean. It is estimated that up to 1.25 million Europeans were enslaved by the so-called Barbary corsairs, and their lives were just as pitiful as their African counterparts. They have come to be known as the white slaves of Barbary. Slavery is one of the oldest trades known to man. We can first find records of the slave trade dating back to The Code of Hammurabi in Babylon in the 18th century BCE.
People from virtually every major culture, civilization, and religious background have made slaves of their own and enslaved other peoples. Anyone travelling in the Mediterranean at the time faced the real prospect of being captured by the Corsairs and taken to Barbary Coast cities and being sold as slaves. Life as a Barbary Slave. iCivics | Free Lesson Plans and Games for Learning Civics. Plus.google. What Was Columbus Thinking? Activity 1. Dear Diary Students will read from Columbus's journal of his voyage of 1492, available through EDSITEment from the Internet Medieval Sourcebook. Of special interest are the following: The introduction—a restatement of the purpose of the voyage as explained to the King and Queen of Spain—primarily the sentence beginning, "Your Highnesses, as Catholic Christians, and princes who love and promote the holy Christian faith ...
" What seemed of particular interest to Columbus on his voyage? Activity 2. Students will read a letter written by Columbus in May 1493, available from the Osher Map Library of the University of Southern Maine. Activity 3. In this Letter to the King and Queen of Spain, circa 1494, Columbus lists his recommendations about how Spain should proceed, including his suggestion that the area he encountered be systematically colonized. Activity 4. After students have read each document, discuss the following: Who was the intended audience for this document? French replica of revolutionary frigate sets sail for Boston. Apr. 15, 2015: The three masts of the 213 feet long frigate Hermione sails at La Rochelle, southwest France, as part of preparation of a trip to America. (AP) FOURAS, France – With champagne, fireworks and a presidential blessing, a painstakingly built replica of the frigate once used to bring French troops and funds to American revolutionaries is setting sail for Boston.
Saturday night's celebratory sendoff for the $27 million Hermione seeks to retrace the 213-foot frigate's trans-Atlantic journey in 1780, when its namesake under Marquis de Lafayette's command helped to lay the foundation of French-American relations. Lafayette persuaded French King Louis XVI to provide military and financial support to George Washington's troops. Lafayette set sail on March 21, 1780, arrived 38 days later in Boston, and played an important role in the revolutionaries' ultimate defeat of Britain. The ship is the fruit of nearly two decades of brainstorming, fundraising and toil. U.S. Colon Game Student Handout.pdf. The End of Europe's Middle Ages - Economy. BBC The Incredible Human Journey - 5 of 5- The Americas. American Memory from the Library of Congress - Browse Collections. Creating America: Beginnings through Reconstruction.
Video: “Map of Europe 1000 AD to present with timeline. Unit 5. Unit 4. Unit 3. Unit 2. Unit 1. American History.