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Headquartered in Singapore, with representative offices in key cities, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong and Taiwan. HYSSES product is consciously designed to honor its quality as much as it pays tribute to its roots to deliver the treasures of the earth into your hands.

How to Boost Immunity through Essential Oils - Hysses. Essential Oil for Improving Mental Alertness in the Office- Hysses. Droopy eyelids and silent yawns are a common sight in the office or at school.

Essential Oil for Improving Mental Alertness in the Office- Hysses

For working adults, feeling sleepy and tired during the day is inevitable, especially when you’ve been sitting at your desk and staring at your PC screen for hours. This overwhelming feeling of lethargy is amplified when you are doing monotonous tasks each day, making your productivity dip lower and lower as the clock ticks by. Before you doze off and risk getting marked by your colleagues or worse, your superior, why not freshen up with a touch of essential oil to get some aromatic boost in your energy level? Essential oils can have positive effects on your mind and body – it not only increases blood flow to your brain so that you can focus and concentrate better, it also keeps you alert and pushes you to be more productive in the things that you are doing. Diffusers for office For something that has a slightly more coverage area, a 60ml home scent will do the trick. Scents for the office. Covid-19 Anxiety: How Effective is Hand Sanitiser - Hysses.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the sale of hand sanitisers has soared.

Covid-19 Anxiety: How Effective is Hand Sanitiser - Hysses

It has become the most sought-after product, with many countries even reporting shortages. But, is it really effective against this virus? Covid-19 or 2019 novel coronavirus is a new respiratory virus that causes flu-like illness ranging from mild to severe, with symptoms of fever, coughing, sore throat, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, the infection can cause pneumonia, kidney failure, and even death. The elderly and people with pre-existing medical conditions are more at risk of becoming severely ill with the virus. 5 Signs Of Chronic Inflammation And How Essential Oils Can Help - Hysses. Inflammation is a biological response that happens when your body is trying to protect itself from external organisms like bacteria and viruses.

5 Signs Of Chronic Inflammation And How Essential Oils Can Help - Hysses

It also happens when your body sustains an injury, triggering a signal to the immune system to heal and repair damaged tissues. While it sounds like a great defense system for our bodies, there are times where symptoms of inflammation give way to more unwanted health issues. Let's take a look at the two types of inflammatory symptoms. Acute inflammation - often causes noticeable symptoms such as pain, redness or swelling. It is part of the body's natural healing process, and thus labeled a "healthy" bodily response to injury or infection. Acute inflammation can be characterised by these symptoms: pain, heat, redness, swelling, loss of function.

Chronic inflammation - is not part of the body's healing process. Essential Oils for Dandruff - Hysses. What is dandruff?

Essential Oils for Dandruff - Hysses

Dandruff can be an embarrassing a scalp condition where the scalp produces flakes of skin which can be seen as tiny white flakes entangled with hair, especially on the top of the head. This condition is also accompanied with mild itching which sometimes may aggravate the condition. What causes dandruff? There are a number of reasons that attribute to dandruff. Essential Oils for Home - Hysses. Published on 13-Dec-2019 View 1 Download 0 Embed Size (px) Buying essential oils is not just a matter of picking and choosing what you like and placing it in your home.

Essential Oils for Home - Hysses

Its much more than that. Read the blog to know about how to choose the right scent for your home. History of Producing Essential Oils - Hysses. Why everyone must include sunscreen in Facial Routine - Hysses. Benefits of Using Sunscreen in Your Facial Routine While much debate on the topic of whether applying sunscreen does more harm than good, there is no arguing that the only way to protect your skin from harmful radiation while outdoors is by using sunscreen.

Why everyone must include sunscreen in Facial Routine - Hysses

Why are the sun rays so harmful? The sun rays can be classified into 3 types, UVA, UVB and UVC. Thankfully, we only have 2 types of UV rays to worry about as UVC rays do not penetrate the earth's ozone layer. UVA rays UVA rays cause wrinkles, fine lines and premature ageing of the skin. In comparison, UVA rays account for 95% of the UV radiation that reaches the earth's surface and they are prevalent all year round and all times of the day, even when you are indoors. Insect Repellent Essential Oils - Hysses. 4 Essential Oils That May Work Better than your Insect Repellent Dengue is on the rise again as we see more rainfall in the past month.

Insect Repellent Essential Oils - Hysses

Weather forecasts have also predicted that the next few weeks will be no better. Over 2,000 dengue cases have been reported in the first quarter of 2019, which is a more than three- fold increase from the approximately 600 dengue cases reported in the same period in 2018 in Singapore. While there are measures in place to minimize the population of mosquitoes, we are not fully protected from these infectious insects flying or even breeding in our own home. For homes with young children and seniors, using an insect repellent may not be the best idea for their health. For a safer alternative, essential oils that have insect repelling properties can also be used as a replacement to repellents laced with chemicals that are harmful to the body.

Ways to Unblock Your Third Eye Chakra - Hysses. Embed Code For hosted site: Click the code to copy <div class='visually_embed'><img class='visually_embed_infographic' src=' alt='How to Unblock Your Third Eye Chakra' /><div class='visually_embed_cycle'></div><script type='text/javascript' src=' class='visually_embed_script' id='visually_embed_script_1501906'></script><p> From <a href=' For <div class='visually_embed'><iframe width='1' height='1' style='width: 1px !

Ways to Unblock Your Third Eye Chakra - Hysses

Hair Oils - Are They Really Necessary - Hysses. What does you shower routine involve?

Hair Oils - Are They Really Necessary - Hysses

A quick shampoo before slathering conditioner then rinse and that's it? Well, you're missing out a whole load of products right there. Essential Oils For Dandruff- Hysses. 5 Signs Of Chronic Inflammation And How Essential Oils Can Help- Hysses. Balancing your Crown Chakra with Essential Oils. The crown chakra is located at the top of the head, and it is represented by the element of thought.

Balancing your Crown Chakra with Essential Oils

Its energy channels the consciousness to a higher state, trespassing the limitations of a human individual. When your crown chakra is balances, it enables you to experience spiritual growth and connection to the universe. This allows you to move beyond materialistic needs, bringing enlightenment and awareness in life. Key characteristics of a balanced Crown chakra: Questions to Ask Before Buying Essential Oils. Introduction To Chakras. Chakras are energy centres within the human body that help to regulate organ function, immune system and emotions. When you are feeling a little off-balance in your chakras, it is very important to know how you can realign them back into place as the balance of chakras is very important to your body and health.

Why is the balance of our chakras important? When your chakras is blocked, it is thought to manifest as an imbalance in the body, mind and/or spirit. Why Do You Need Beauty Oils In Your Skincare Routine? Glowing skin. It's hard to achieve it when you look in the mirror and you see dry, uneven patches and dull skin. When you've exhausted all possibilities - sunscreens, eye creams, lotions, and serums but are still facing such concerns, maybe it's time to take a look at another beauty product that you wouldn't have thought of using in the first place.

Products to Keep your Hair Healthy. Aromatherapy Diffuser - A Natural Alternative To Synthetic Air Fresheners. How can aromatherapy diffusers compare with synthetic air fresheners? When choosing between the two, you would see that aromatherapy diffusers, which are considered to be novelty, hasn't been a popular choice when it comes to household fragrance diffusers as compared to air fresheners.

That being said, the range of air fresheners are far and plenty. You can easily find one at your local convenience store with interesting scents which you probably won't find in aromatherapy stores. Despite all these, people fail to see the real reason why they should ditch their air fresheners. Formaldehyde Air fresheners contain formaldehyde. Natural Cures For Most Common Ailments With Aromatherapy Oils.

Falling sick in inevitable in life. When it comes to your personal well-being, what's most important is you know your body well, and you care for your body with a healthy lifestyle and diet. In common ailments, your bodies are able to naturally fight off the illness on its own without the need for medication. But when your immune system is weak, and being under attack, your body may be at risk of damage if the illness is not treated in a timely manner. Essential Oils for Postpartum. Car Aroma Diffuser - - Hysses. Argan Oil for Face – Hysses. Why do you need Beauty Oils in your Skincare Routine? Glowing skin. Chakras and Essential Oils – Hysses. Make the air of your home clean with ultrasonic diffuser. Shower Scrub vs. Body Wash. What's the difference? Can Argan Oil Clog Your Pores? Know the Benefits of Using Aroma Nebuliser. Beauty oil for face. Argan oil for face wrinkles. Argan oil for face care. Aromatherapy home scents & diffuser. Aromatherapy ultrasonic mist diffuser. Essential oil hair care for all hair type. Essential oils hair care collections. Essential oils for hair care. To fight against hair loss, hair growth stimulants are used to speed up production of hair and stimulate hair growth. The result may take weeks to months before you can see the outcome. Before deciding on the right hair growth stimulants, consult a dermatologist to determine the cause of hair loss so that you will be able to address it correctly. Rosemary Essential oil is named as one of the most effective hair growth stimulants with its scalp-stimulating elements.

It helps to improve blood circulation in the scalp, preventing hair thinning and spot balding. To see a positive result, mix rosemary oil with jojoba oil and massage on the scalp daily. Lemongrass essential oil. Lemongrass has a very clean, crisp aroma, with a distinct citrusy lemon feel with a touch of botanical grasses. Home Scent Diffuser for mosquitos and flies. Citronella Home Scent Diffuser. A fresh, powerful citrus scent that is made finer by a slight fruity sweetness underneath. Citronella is kA beautiful scent is a self-expression that makes a statement of a love for discreet refinement.

Reed diffusers are well-loved for their flame-free and low-maintenance appeal, dispersing the scent easily into the surrounding air. Cutie Clay Aroma Diffuser. Enjoy the combination of natural fragrance and distinctive decorative style to create a therapeutic atmosphere in the freedom of your private sanctuary. Cherry Blossom Clay Car Diffuser. This scenting clay is uniquely crafted in pink and black clay and the perfect size for use in a car or on desk tops. Features a non-slip grip pad on its base. Clay diffusers are simple to use and ideal for delicate aroma diffusion.Drip 16 - 30 drops of essential oil onto the clay for the initial scenting stage. For optimal diffusion, leave the diffuser in the box overnight before display.

Aromatherapy car diffuser. Essential Oils For inflammation & Repelling Insects. Essential Oils for inflammation & minor cuts. Chakras and Essential Oils. Chakra Heart Essential Oils. This blend opens with the sweet, floral richness of ylang ylang, and letting in the calming woodiness of sandalwood to linger and balance the Heart chakra. The seven chakras are energy patterns located in alignment with the spine. When one (or more) of the chakras is blocked, it will result in an imbalance that can be manifested as a physical or emotional illness.Ailments related to the blockages in the Heart chakra: Heart Diseases, High or Low Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Respiratory Problems, Skin Problems.Great for: Use in Yoga, Reiki, Chakra, Energy healing sessions to balance, unblock, and realign your Heart chakra (located at centre of the chest).Add 30 to 40 drops (1.5 – 2ml) in a nebuliser.Add 10 drops (0.2ml) to warm water in the bowl of a burner. Light a tealight candle and place in the hearth of the burner.

The heat will allow the scent to diffuse and fill the room. Essential Oils For Erectile dysfunction. Postpartum essential oil collection. Pure essential oils & aromatherapy. True aromatherapy essential oils. Car Aroma Diffuser. Argan Oil for Face & Its Benefits.