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Survival Communications

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Survival Database Downloads. Urban Survival Skills: Urban Survival Communications - Field Telephones. UrbanMan received this private message from a Reader: "Urban, thought I drop you a line and let you know what I am doing for my Home Defense.

Urban Survival Skills: Urban Survival Communications - Field Telephones

My plan is to stay in my home (suburban neighborhood) for as along as I can. Then to BO if necessary to my Uncle’s Farm which is only 45 miles away. My primary route would be 63 miles because I would take the back roads to get there. Thanks for the posts on home defense, I am using a couple of those concepts, most were not new to me. UrbanMan replies: Shelly, yes the TA-312 are a great communication tool and more secure than transmitting on push to talk radios. When I need to employ a 24 hour watch, putting at least one person in a position on my flat home roof, I will use push to talk Motorola radios, powered by re-chargeable AA batteries as primary voice comms, with a pull string system leading down through a skylight to a series of bells to alert people in the house.

A much better version of the field telephone is the TA-1. Survival-Communications & Motivation. Short Range Communication There is a very pressing need in a survival situation for Short Range Communications, as well as long range.

Survival-Communications & Motivation

The need for short range commo is real and it may be because of various situational problems. Let us cover these needs first and then some recommendations for radio types. You may have a small neighborhood watch group that only needs to cover a certain perimeter and not outside of that area. This means that you do not want to cause interference beyond that perimeter. In a rural situation where you have a sizeable acreage that you need to cover but you do not want any outside parties to hear you. This might extend to a small rural community that is several miles in its perimeter.

What kind of radios do we need for these situations? First, let me say that the most secure commo in a small area is field telephones, either wire or wireless. Second, let us list the low power walkie talkies that one can purchase at Wal-Mart. PLEASE! Total Votes: 20 - Rating: 9.05. Best Survival Communication Equipment. Communication during an emergency situation is of the utmost importance, so I wanted to share the best survival communication equipment available today.

Best Survival Communication Equipment

Because I'm a husband and father, I am passionate about emergency preparedness and survival. Being prepared for an emergency should be a top priority for anyone, and with this page I'd like to help you with one aspect of survival, communication. During an emergency, communication is a top priority. You'll need to know what's going on in your country, community, and within your neighborhood. Has the storm passed? You're probably thinking about your cell phones, right? What if you are out camping somewhere on vacation and some sort of threat arises?

These are just some of the questions I have when thinking about communication during an emergency situation, and it's something we should all think about. What Works for Survival Radio. Typical means of communication including mobile phones, land lines and the Internet will almost certainly be severed or at least brutally impaired during any kind of disaster be it natural or man made i.e. earthquake, hurricane, solar event, economic collapse, or even nuclear war.

What Works for Survival Radio

Do not wait to establish a Survival Communications Plan. Using your mobile phone can be an extremely frustrating experience to say the least when disaster strikes. During 911 while trying to dial out on my cell phone I experienced the dreaded “All Circuits Are Busy” message which really inspired my goal to put a plan together. How do we communicate with our loved ones and friends when all conventional communications are at best erratic or at worst absent? Survival Communications.

Survival Communication: A Guide To Communicating In Disasters. What do you know about survival communication methods?

Survival Communication: A Guide To Communicating In Disasters

Do you have an effective emergency plan in place so you can communicate with friends and family if basic communication functions are shutdown? If you have experienced an emergency or seen the aftermath of one, you know that reconnecting with loved ones after a natural disaster can be precarious, disorganized and a lengthy process. Having a solid survival communication plan can help ease worries and bring relief to those you love. Ultimate Survival Skills has collected an assortment of guides and references that focus on survival communication. Many of your questions will be answered, including: Emergency Communication & Ham Radio. Emergency Communication is probably one of the least talked about aspects of preparedness, but in my opinion, it’s something that you can’t afford to overlook.

Emergency Communication & Ham Radio

Read the full story » In a survival situation, knowledge is going to be a critical factor in determining the outcome of your situation. Don’t underestimate the power of communication, and the importance of staying informed. Read the full story » You need to develop an Emergency Communications Plan, and everyone in your family needs know how to use it. Read the full story » Survival Communications – The C.B. Radio. Even during small scale disasters (earthquakes, seasonal storms, etc.) your normal communications channels can become compromised.

Survival Communications – The C.B. Radio

In fact, it doesn’t take much to bring down an entire cell network, making the ability to communicate during a disaster one of your top priorities. While ham radio is always my first line of emergency communications, a C.B. Radio is another important part of any good survival communications plan. Made popular during the 1970s, because of movies like Smokey and the Bandit, for decades C.B. Survival Radio: What Will Work. In any type of disaster (Hurricane, Earthquake, Economic Collapse, Nuclear War, EMP Blast/Solar Event, etc) your typical means of communications (Mobile Phones, Land Lines, Internet) will most likely be severed or severely impaired.

Survival Radio: What Will Work

Now is the time to start your Survival Communications Plan. I know from reading about past disasters and being in the middle of 9/11 myself that when disaster strikes, using your mobile phone (which we are all so heavily dependent on) can be a frustrating experience to say the least. Survival Communications FAQ. Communications & Signalling FAQ, Versionj 1.12. SURVIVAL RADIO 101.