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Bohm's Gnosis: The Implicate Order. The Cosmic Plenum: Bohm's Gnosis: The Implicate Order This article discusses the vision David Bohm intuited from his insight (gnosis) into the quantum world.

Bohm's Gnosis: The Implicate Order

This vision discerns the characteristics of an evolving cosmos in process; and, also, it ponders upon the implications for humanity. The ‘Implicate Order’ The implicate order is a term coined by David Bohm.

The ‘Implicate Order’

It refers to what he considered to be, very likely a ‘force’, underlying the existence (materialization) of everything in the physical world. We are aware that the material world exists by virtue of relationships between things. Implicate and explicate order according to David Bohm. Implicate order and explicate order are concepts coined by David Bohm to describe two different frameworks for understanding the same phenomenon or aspect of reality.

Implicate and explicate order according to David Bohm

He uses these notions to describe how the same phenomenon might look different, or might be characterized by different principle factors, in different contexts such as at different scales. The implicate order, also referred to as the "enfolded" order, is seen as a deeper and more fundamental order of reality. In contrast, the explicate or "unfolded" order include the abstractions that humans normally perceive. As he writes: In the enfolded [or implicate] order, space and time are no longer the dominant factors determining the relationships of dependence or independence of different elements.