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Urinary Tract Infection

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GFR Calculator. The National Kidney Foundation is the leading organization in the U.S. dedicated to the awareness, prevention and treatment of kidney disease for hundreds of thousands of healthcare professionals, millions of patients and their families, and tens of millions of Americans at risk.

GFR Calculator

The Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance Charity Seal provides the giving public with an easily recognizable symbol which certifies that the National Kidney Foundation meets the comprehensive standards of America's most experienced charity evaluator. Our Privacy Policy © 2013 National Kidney Foundation, Inc., 30 East 33rd Street, New York, NY 10016, 1-800-622-9010. National Kidney Foundation: A to Z Health Guide Item. Every year, urinary tract infections account for nearly 10 million doctor visits.

National Kidney Foundation: A to Z Health Guide Item

One in five women will have at least one urinary tract infection in her lifetime. What is a urinary tract infection? A urinary tract infection (UTI) occurs when bacteria (germs) get into the urinary tract and multiply. Kidney Infection Treatment: Parsley Tea. Parsley is a biennial herb mostly fund in America, Europe and the Middle East.

Kidney Infection Treatment: Parsley Tea

It is a light to dark green, bright herb and is well recognized for its tremendous health benefits. It is commonly used for garnishing salads, used as a food constituent and as a herbal medicine ingredient. Parsley tea is prepared through combining the first voided morning urine and a handful of fresh parsley in a quart of water which is further simmered on low heat for almost an hour.

After straining the tea, a quart of it can be consumed hot or cold during the day. There is a very long and successful history behind the uses of parsley tea among native Americans and Asians. Causes and Symptoms of Bladder Infection. Natural Remedies for Healthy Bladder. Bladder Infection. To prescribe on medicines for the treatment of bladder or kidney infections, your doctor will first decide on the stage or intensity of the infection, whether it is a mild, simple, or is it a serious infection.

Bladder Infection

Antibiotics that are taken orally are commonly prescribed by doctors, as there is always a possibility that the infection might spread to the kidneys. In case of a simple bladder infection usually antibiotics are taken, for women the dose is for 3 days and for men it is up to 7 days. If the infection is of a slightly mild nature or the patient suffers from complications such as pregnancy or diabetes, then the prescribed dose is for 7 to 14 days.

An essential requirement of taking these antibiotics is that the course should be completed even if the pain or symptoms disappear before the course is finished. People who fail to do so often redevelop the infection worse than before, which gets tougher to treat. Bladder Infection Symptoms. Kidney Infection Symptoms - Bladder Infection Symptoms. Kidney Cleanse at Home. Kidneys are very important parts of the human body as they regulate blood pressure, filter blood, and expel wastes from the system.

Kidney Cleanse at Home

When they are infected with disease or get injured, other organs are involved. We can live healthy with only one kidney – as some people do – but when both kidneys fail, we could never survive. Therefore, it is important to take care of our kidneys, making sure that they function well so we may live healthy.

One way of keeping our kidneys healthy is to do kidney cleanse regularly and this could also help prevent any unwanted kidney infection. A kidney cleanse is any procedure meant to detoxify the kidneys by drinking a large amount of liquid and keeping watch on food intake to promote healthy kidney function. Basically, during the kidney cleansing period, your diet should involve elimination of some popular foods and beverages, like coffee, sodas, and alcoholic drinks as these can slow down the kidneys’ function to flush out toxins.

Potassium juice. Benefit of Parsley Tea. Urinary tract infection home remedies. Urinary Tract Infection Home Remedies – Cranberry Juice An effective deterrent to the reoccurring of UTI (urinary tract infection) is non other then the cranberry juice.

urinary tract infection home remedies

It is the best urinary tract infection home remedies widely accepted. It is commonly known as a non drug, non side effecting treatment for UTIs. Experts further elaborate that by drinking 8 ounces of cranberry juice two times daily, which is almost 16 glasses, will prove beneficial in getting rid of simple UTIs. Also continuous use of cranberry juice tends to keep the UTIs from recurring. Tests have been performed to assess whether or not cranberry juice cocktail is effective on the antibiotic resistant pathogenic E.Coli adhesion to the uroepithelium. Further studies elaborated that this anti adhesion became apparent in the urine within 2 hours of cranberry juice intake and continued up to 10 hours.

Urine Retention. Urine, or urinary, retention is a serious health condition where the afflicted person suffers from difficulty or inability to completely empty his bladder.

Urine Retention

Also known as ischuria, urine retention generally bothers men in their 50s and 60s, and the likelihood of acquiring the disease may even rise as the person advances in age. Men suffering kidney stones and prostate cancer are likewise prone to urine retention. At times, women and other age groups can be at risk of the condition especially when their bladder is dragged down by a drooping lower part of the colon, a condition called rectocele.