Yarns : Alpaca Socks, Clothing and Household Textiles by John Arbon Textiles. (Steinmaus) Homepage - Tablet Weaving: Instruction (Pebble Weave) Introduction For a long time I have been exited about patterns I saw on the website of website of Kurt Laitenberger.
I tried to weave these patterns with the instruction shown but could not manage it. In October 2001 I had a tablet weaving course in Potshausen, where I learned this technique from Jaap van Scharrenburg. Jaap van Scharrenburg and Marijke van Epen, two Dutch weavers, call this techniquen Stippeltjes, I will call it pebble weave here. Yarn - Weaving Supplies - Looms - Lunatic Fringe Yarns. On-Line Digital Archive: On Weaving & Related Topics. Last modified Tuesday, December 30, 2008 8:36 am The On-Line Digital Archive of Documents on Weaving and Related Topics contains material on weaving, basketry, lace, and related subjects.
Most documents are in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). See the tutorial on PDF. Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher is required to access the PDFs on this site. It's free and available for a wide range of platforms. The documents on this site come from a variety of sources. Documents can be accessed by document type: Tablet_Weaving_Patterns_2_by_eqos. Five ways of weaving narrow bands. Download. Fear Not the String Heddles (Following a Weaving Draft on a Frame Loom)
Download 1. Download 2. Download 3. (Steinmaus) Homepage - Tablet weaving: Patterns from Egon Hansen (Elisenhof E-417) Take care: I exchanged the dark and light colour in this threading diagram.
In Hansen the dark threads form the lined pattern while I decided to use the dark thread as the background colour. This is just a matter of taste - I prefer light motifs on dark backgrounds. Original pattern Below you can see the original pattern and a weaving diagram adapted to the way I use to write weaving diagrams: White boxes representing forward turning, dark boxes representing backward turning. The patterns is repeated three times for a clearer design. Anaylsis Obviously there seems to be an error for the rightmost tablet as the direction change is jagged there, while the leftmost tablet forms smooth diagonals in the direction change. Applesies and Fox Noses - Finnish Tabletwoven Bands. Tablet weaving is an ancient craft.
Archaeological finds reveal us it was widely practiced also in Iron Age Finland. This book will teach you how to tablet weave bands using the techniques typical of the era: reversing twining direction on a diagonal, aka Finnish diagonals, and the tubular selvage and half turns – two specialities only known in Finland. The book contains instructions and pattern diagrams for 30 different bands with ancient, universal motifs, used all over the world from the dawn of times. Tablet Weaving by Lise Ræder Knudsen - Reconstructions. (Steinmaus) Homepage - Tablet Weaving: Instruction (Pebble Weave) Birka Twining Pattern Weaving Instructions. This document is provided as is without any express or implied warranties.
While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained, the author assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial private research purposes provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Website mirroring is permitted by express prior arrangement.
Tablet weaving patterns. Birka-Style Tablet Weaving Recipe. This document is provided as is without any express or implied warranties.
While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained, the author assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial private research purposes provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. This document was originally published in the December 1993 Arts and Sciences edition of Pikestaff, the newsletter of the East Kingdom, Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. Copyright © 1993 Carolyn Priest-Dorman. The Loomy Bin - Card Weavers' Pattern Library. Card Weavers' Pattern Library Egyptian Diagonals Kivrim Motif from Anatolian Bands Kivrims and Vacant Hole Technique Ram's Horn and variants Birka and Snartemo.
Medieval Underwear II: Documentable Details. Sherts, Trewes, & Hose .ij. : Documentable Details As the title indicates, this article is focused on the details that we can document.
Sewing Overview Regarding rolled hems (same page): "The technique is used solely on the fine transparent silk veils of the late 14th-century… where it has proved most efficient as well as unobtrusive. " A decorative and sturdy edge treatment commonly used was to tablet weave the end threads. Register. Yarn Paradise : Yarn Paradise, ladder yarn, wholesale yarn, discount yarn yarn, Yarn - Weaving Supplies - Looms - Lunatic Fringe Yarns. Shelagh's Website. Bands with Problems These are early bands, each of which suffers from at least one serious flaw.
This first one is a threaded-in pattern which I designed wayyy BC (Before Collingwood), a time when I thought that threaded-in patterns were the sum total of tablet weaving. It was a bit of a faff to set up but easy to weave. It would have looked a lot better if I hadn't woven it using cheap fluffy knitting wool. Note the bobbly edges, which are characteristic of bands without a border. I thought that you ought to be able to weave letters, so I had a go at weaving runes.
This was one of my first AC, or After Collingwood bands. "Running Dog", also known as "Hound's Tooth", is a sort of half-breed pattern. Woollen Bands Wool is the classic North European fibre. Woven in worsted-spun wool, this band shows some of the patterns you can make by setting up to weave two-colour diamonds and then playing around, turning them into diagonal lines and back again.
Machine Embroidery Thread Choco Brown Art Silk by DesiFabrics. Machine Embroidery Thread Lavender Art Silk by DesiFabrics.