1st International Collection of Tongue Twisters. Uusi kielemme - Finnish for Busy People. Finnish Language Resources - What's Up Finland? English. A collection of Finnish Language Resources for those who want to learn this beautiful language.
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Vanhoja suomalaisia runoja. Moped - Tulostettava materiaali ja www-tehtävät. Finnish Grammar: Declension. Finnish Noun/Adjective Declension Declension of nouns and adjectives happens when they are used in a sentence to express exactly what is happening.
English has largely (but not wholly) dropped its declension and is a word order language. "The man bites the dog" is rather different in meaning from "The dog bites the man", though the words have been simply re-arranged to change the meaning. In Finnish, as in other declined languages, the words have to change their forms so you know exactly who is biting whom (oh look, there's some of our leftover declension!).
The previous examples are simple subject-object sentences (the biter being the subject doing the action, the bite-ee being the object or receiver of the action), and are usually in the case known as Accusative in many languages. The endings below are added onto the declined word stem, which is usually taken from the Genitive. The Grammatical Cases Nominative: This is your friend. Genitive: (-n) Possessive case. Accusative: Partitive: Cases in Finnish. The Finnish language has about fourteen or fifteen cases for nouns.
They correspond to English prepositions roughly as follows: The translation given is for the singular, except for the last two cases, which are normally used in plural only. The notation “…” indicates that there are other variants of the suffix. Notes Nominatiivi (nominative) is the case of a subject and has no ending in the singular. Финский язык » Уроки on-line. Ymmärrä suomea. Finnish Verbs. By Steisi Verbs are a class of words that are to express actions, processes and conditions.
In Finnish, there are six types of verbs (V means any vowel): * Type 1 (-Va/ -Vä, e.g. lukea, puhua, etc.) * Type 2 (-da/-dä, e.g. saada, syödä, etc.) * Type 3 (-la/-lä, -na/-nä, -ra/-rä, -sta/-stä, e.g. tulla, mennä, surra, nousta, etc.) * Type 4 (-Vta/-Vtä, e.g. haluta, pelätä, pelata etc.) * Type 5 (-ita/-itä, e.g. tarvita, mainita, hallita, etc.) * Type 6 (-eta/-etä, e.g. paeta, kyetä, etc.) TYPE 1 -Undergoes consonant gradation. Ends in 2 vowels: lukEA, puhUA etc To find the stem, remove the a. TYPE 2 End in da/dä To find the stem, remove the da/dä (saa- syö-) Add the personal ending (saaN, syöN) TYPE 3 ends in -la/-lä, -na/-nä, -ra/-rä, -sta/-stä. TYPE 4 Ends in a vowel + ta/tä (usually -ata, -ota, -ytä or -ätä. TYPE 6 end in eta/etä (vanheta) Remove a/ä (vanhet-) Change t to ne (vanhene-) Add personal ending (vanheneN). 6) Vanhenen, vanhenet, vanhenee, vanhenemme, vanhenette, vanhenevat.
FINTWOL: suomen morfologinen jäsennin. Finnish verb conjugation. Finnish on the Internet. Tavataan taas!