Publishing Models. New publishing models for scholarly communication are "new" because they offer a new genre (or form of presentation), business model, new way for authors and readers to communicate, approach to peer review, or some combination of these. One common factor is that they are Internet-mediated. New models also may combine forms of content that could not usefully be published together in print form. Research articles can be integrated with primary source material on a single site, commentary can be integrated into a monograph, learning objects, working papers, and a blog may be available from a single site.
Entirely new dissemination processes create opportunites for researchers to share and make openly accessible the results of their work more broadly than in the past. Research funders are requiring authors to deposit some copy of their work into public repositories. University Publishing Resources Digital Repositories Organizations and Directories Repository66: Repository map mashup. COAR » Statement against Elsevier’s sharing policy. Editeurs predateurs | Communication savante | Universite d'Ottawa. Soyez aux aguets Il y a toujours eu des éditeurs sans scrupules qui ne suivent pas les normes reconnues de publication des travaux de recherche (p. ex. peu d’examens par les pairs et de services d’édition, voire pas du tout). Avec l’explosion des publications en ligne et l’utilisation accrue du modèle d’affaires où c’est l’auteur qui paie pour faire publier son article, les éditeurs prédateurs sont de plus en plus nombreux et organisés.
S’il s’agit toujours d’une minorité, ils ciblent souvent leschercheurs les moins bien établis. Si vous êtes invité à soumettre un article à une revue ou à devenir membre d’un comité de rédaction, évaluez la légitimité de l’éditeur de façon critique : Vérifiez si l’éditeur possède un grand nombre de revues dont le contenu est très dilué. Infolit. Brochure_UPP_April2015. Monograph Publishing in the Digital Age | The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This excerpted originally appeared in the June 2016 issue of Against the Grain. For the last 20 years, nearly all the conversation about change in scholarly communications has rather monotonously focused on serials.
This discussion has been dominated by the need for open access with its pedantic debates about the meaning of the colors of gold and green. Proliferating funder and university mandates require the development of costly institutional structures of notification and compliance monitoring, and are resulting in guerrilla wars of evasion among various segments of the faculty, who may have even voted for the mandates on their campuses, but believe that they do not—or should not—apply to themselves.
Are these the topics of the conversation that members of the academy really want to be having about scholarly communications in the humanities? New infrastructure for long-form publication Some pieces of this vision are well within reach. Quantity and Costs < Back to shared experiences. Are You Ready for the Revolution in Scholarly Communications? | The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. We want to make the digital environment a natural place to do scholarship.
Donald J. Waters “There’s a revolution taking place,” says Donald J. Waters. According to Our Cultural Commonwealth: The report of the American Council of Learned Societies Commission on Cyberinfrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences, the scholarly communications infrastructure consists of institutions such as libraries, archives, and museums that preserve information; systems such as library catalogs and finding aids that make information retrievable; and organs such as journals and university presses that distribute information. “While this scholarly infrastructure was built over centuries,” Waters says, “the cyber infrastructure is being built much more quickly. As he notes, the field of Classics was an early adopter. Mapping Time [visualization of every issue cover of Time magazine, 1923 - 2009], 2009. One of the most promising test beds for this work is Classics. < Back to shared experiences. Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities | The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Leading colleges and universities are custodians of knowledge; they produce, preserve, and transmit it for the good of culture and society. Support for the humanities in these institutions bolsters their commitments to liberal education, their capacities for innovative research, and their ability to contribute substantially to debate about contemporary challenges. Mission and Goals Through the program in Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities, the Foundation assists select colleges, universities, and research institutes in the work of training scholars and producing scholarship in the humanities broadly conceived, and thereby contributing to culture and society.
New areas as well as strengthened emphases include: New Directions: Cristle Collins Judd Senior Program Officer Cristle Collins Judd on her trajectory as a music historian, and why the New Directions Fellowship is so unique. Private Philanthropy Cannot Replace the NEH “Higher Education Has Given Me My Humanity Back” Trousse de mobilisation des établissements | Réseau canadien de documentation pour la recherche.
Aller au contenu principal Formulaire de recherche Accueil Trousse de mobilisation des établissements Présentation de la trousse de mobilisation des établissements Quel est le problème? L’accès à la recherche savante est essentiel à la réussite du Canada sur la scène mondiale de l’économie du savoir. Qu’est-ce que le Groupe de travail sur la mobilisation des établissements (GTME)? Le Groupe de travail sur la mobilisation des établissements (GTME) a pour objectif de mettre au point à l’intention des membres des documents servant à communiquer avec leurs intervenants internes sur les questions relatives aux priorités dans les négociations.
Le rapport final du GTME a été approuvé par le Conseil d'administration le 20 mai 2016. Qu’est-ce que la trousse de mobilisation des établissements? À propos du Réseau canadien de documentation pour la recherche Rétroaction Nous vous invitons à nous communiquer vos commentaires sur les ébauches de la trousse par courriel : GTME. loading. 1 s2.0 S2351979714000838 main.