Girl Develop It -- Learn to Code. How to Code. During the month of December, Computer Science Education Week is promoted and is a national movement for students in K-12 schools. Computer Science is an important subject or concept to teach students because it will teach them: about meaningful contextthe learning process break down complex ideas into simpler ideascollaborate with otherskeep calm and move on when frustration sets insparks their creativity and critical thinking skills These are just a few benefits of learning to code. Students today are surrounded by so much technology, that they should have a better understanding of how it really works.
For example, the algorithm to display ads in Facebook or Google, or the HTML and Javascript code to load a web page. Here are a few websites that will help students get started on coding. 1- Code Academy This by far the most popular of them all. 2- Girl Develop It 3- Udacity Computer Science Course ( not free) 4- Teamtreehouse 5-The Computer Club House. The Crucial Thinking Skill Nobody Ever Taught You – The Mission. How Great Thinkers Shatter the Status Quo The German mathematician Carl Jacobi made a number of important contributions to different scientific fields during his career. In particular, he was known for his ability to solve hard problems by following a strategy of man muss immer umkehren or, loosely translated, “invert, always invert.” Jacobi believed that one of the best ways to clarify your thinking was to restate math problems in inverse form.
He would write down the opposite of the problem he was trying to solve and found that the solution often came to him more easily. Inversion is a powerful thinking tool because it puts a spotlight on errors and roadblocks that are not obvious at first glance. Great thinkers, icons, and innovators think forward and backward. Great thinkers, icons, and innovators think forward and backward. Art provides a good example. Nirvana turned the conventions of mainstream rock and pop music completely upside down. Inversion is often at the core of great art. Thousands of years of visual culture made free through Wellcome Images. Illustration of human viscera.
(Wellcome Library, EPB F.267a-b) We are delighted to announce that over 100,000 high resolution images including manuscripts, paintings, etchings, early photography and advertisements are now freely available through Wellcome Images. Drawn from our vast historical holdings, the images are being released under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license. This means that they can be used for commercial or personal purposes, with an acknowledgement of the original source (Wellcome Library, London).
All of the images from our historical collections can be used free of charge. The images can be downloaded in high-resolution directly from the Wellcome Images website for users to freely copy, distribute, edit, manipulate, and build upon as you wish, for personal or commercial use. If you are using Internet Explorer, just clear your browser cache to ensure that you’re directed to the updated site with the high resolution content. Free Online Education - Top 10 Sites. Permaculture. Other MOOC. A Quick-Start Guide to Teaching Yourself Creative Software.
“I really need to learn how to use Photoshop.” “I don’t know how people do all that stuff with After Effects.” “If I only knew Ableton…” Does this sound like you? Learning creative software can be intimidating, but it’s not as hard as you might think. An ever-growing catalog of high-quality, online video tutorials available on sites like and Kelby Training are making learning on your own both efficient and engaging. To give you the downlow on where to go, we’ve rounded up a handful of the best tutorial resources across various creative categories – and follow up that list with some tips on how to stay focused and productive when you’re learning outside of a standard classroom setting. For Photographers and Image Editors Kelby Training ($25/mo, $200/yr) specializes in Photoshop and Photography by having skilled professional photographers teach courses in HD video. For Adobe Creative Suite Users For Musicians, DJs, and Sound Engineers For Videographers and Editors 1.
Hubble Telescope Reveals 'Snow Angel' in Space. Hubble Telescope Reveals 'Snow Angel' in Space. Download 20 Popular High School Books Available as Free eBooks & Audio Books. Every year, thousands of American high school students read a common selection of great novels — classics loved by young and old readers alike. Today, we have selected 20 of the most popular books and highlighted ways that you can download versions for free, mostly as free audio books and ebooks, and sometimes as movies and radio dramas. You will find more great works — and sometimes other digital formats — in our twin collections: 600 Free eBooks for iPad, Kindle & Other Devices and 550 Free Audio Books.
So please give them a good look over, and if we’re missing a novel you want, don’t forget’s 14 day trial. It will let you download an audio book for free, pretty much any one you want. 1984 by George Orwell: Free eBook – Free Audio Book – Free Movie Although published in 1949, 1984 still captures our imagination generations later because it offers one of the best literary accounts of totalitarianism ever published. Plays by William Shakespeare No description needed. ECO_92 - Severn Cullis-Suzuki. Severn Cullis-Suzuki (born November 30, 1979 in Vancouver, British Columbia) is a Canadian environmental activist, speaker, television host and author. She has spoken around the world about environmental issues, urging listeners to define their values, act with the future in mind, and take individual responsibility.
She is also the daughter of Canadian environmentalist David Suzuki. Biography[edit] Cullis-Suzuki graduated from Yale University in 2002 with a B.S. in ecology and evolutionary biology.[3] After Yale, Cullis-Suzuki spent two years travelling. Cullis-Suzuki co-hosted Suzuki's Nature Quest, a children's television series that aired on the Discovery Kids in 2002. Severn is married and lives with her husband and two children in Haida Gwaii, British Columbia, formerly the Queen Charlotte Islands. Severn Cullis-Suzuki is the main character in the documentary film Severn, the Voice of Our Children, directed by Jean-Paul Jaud and released theatrically in France on November 10, 2010.
Web/mobile. 15 Top Resources For Learning Photoshop Online. Adobe Photoshop is one of the most powerful and impactful photo editing program that can turn your imagination into reality without any hitch. There are so many resources and tutorials available online that you can master the skills of Photoshop without attending any class/es. Today we are listing 15 Very useful sites to Learn Photoshop online that takes off the load of huge monetary expenditure on learning Photoshop.
Most of the tutorials are absolutely free and you can access them anytime as per your convenience. Little bit of time devotion, lots of hardwork and devotion will make you an expert of Photoshop. If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our other articles on Photoshop Shortcuts, Top Photoshop Tips, Photoshop Tricks, and Photoshop Manipulation Tutorials.
Advertisement Good Tutorials More Information on Good Tutorials Tutorialized Learn tips and tricks, cool effects, and how to use the Photoshop tools more effectively. More Information on Tutorialized Tutorvid. Learn About the United States (U.S.) Constitution & More | Constitution Facts.
Programmin' Math. The Harvard Classics: A Free, Digital Collection. During his days as Harvard’s influential president, Charles W. Eliot made a frequent assertion: If you were to spend just 15 minutes a day reading the right books, a quantity that could fit on a five foot shelf, you could give yourself a proper liberal education. The publisher P. F. Collier and Son loved the idea and asked Eliot to assemble the right collection of works.
A big h/t to @eugenephoto Texts in the Harvard Classics collection (courtesy of Wikipedia): Vol. 1: FRANKLIN, WOOLMAN, PENN His Autobiography, by Benjamin Franklin The Journal of John Woolman, by John Woolman (1774 and subsequent editions) Fruits of Solitude, by William Penn Vol. 2. Learning Canvas: Making a Snake Game. Note from the editor: The following is a guest post by Nick Morgan aka Skilldrick. I don't know much about canvas, so it's a pleasure to be able to share an article about a current web technology that is outside of my current range of knowledge. Of all the new elements being added in HTML5, I think canvas is one of the most exciting. Canvas gives you a fixed-size drawing surface and a selection of basic commands to draw on that surface.
In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to make a simple snake game using canvas. You know, like you used to get on your Nokia phone. Making the canvas and our first rectangle Let's make a <canvas> element, and draw something on it. The first thing to note here is that we don't call drawing methods on the canvas, but on its drawing context. First we set the fill style of the context, which takes the form of a CSS colour, e.g. Making a game loop Now, canvas wouldn't be too much fun if you couldn't make things move. The loop basically does three things.
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