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English daily Learn English by conversation,common mistakes, exercises, slang. englishexercises Thousands of exercises to practice English language. Practice material and online grammar and vocabulary exercises for students and teachers. Can you remember? Fast Vocab. You can set this page as a homework task for a group of students; doing so will give you a record of who has completed the task.
Visit the teacher's section for more information. In the teacher's section you can also alter the sets of content, so that only some of the images appear. Additionally, you can get embed code to add this game to a blog or web page and you can create direct links to the game with content pre-selected. As an example, the link below will start the game with the jobs content automatically loaded. Alternatively, this link will start the game with the food content automatically selected and loaded. For a list of direct links like this click here. Or use the teacher's section to create more links or embed code. This is a simple game for learning basic English vocabulary. The aim of this game is provide learners with a quick and easy way to practice or review vocabulary items. GIOCHI ON LINE. Sheppard Software: Fun free online learning games and activities for kids. Free English Lessons. VIDEOS and GAMES. - Imparare le tabelline da 1 a 10. Ripassiamo le tabelline by Caterina Pennisi. Tabelline che passione! Proprietà dell'addizione: proprietà associativa e commutativa. Moltiplicazioni in colonna a una cifra senza riporto. Proprietà invariantiva della sottrazione. Addizione e sottrazione: operazioni inverse. Matematica primaria. ESERCIZI VARI. Esercizi di matematica per le elementari e medie. VIDEO DIDATTICI. Didattica della matematica. I solidi nella realtà. Verifiche matematica scuola primaria: Il centinaio: presentazione PowerPoint. Gli stati dell'acqua - RENATO LO SCIENZIATO per la scuola primaria @MelaMusicTV.
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