Lend a new player a hand? - Giran (General) - Lineage II Forums at MMORPG. Mmmmmm, swordsingers, this is my bread and butter. ^_____^ I've been playing one since prelude and I've been 78 for quite sometime.
You don't get dual masteries so no luck on that. If you want to use duals go ahead. Sws are pretty decent in pvp given the rights buffs, stats and gear. This is an old video of me and is a pretty good demonstration of what a sws can do in pvp given the right gear and buffs. As far as comparing a BD to a sws, bd's are taken more readily for pve because pve isn't dangerous (for the most part) and their damage dealing buffs are more beneficial.
リネージュII. Lineage Pictures pictures by DemonologyandHeartache15 - Photobucket. L2 Armors - Upper Body - Lineage 2 Game Drop Calculator C4/Interlude/Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia/Freya. Lineage 1 Beginner's Dark Elf Guide. Opening Text for a Dark Elf They were born to and lived their lives in darkness.
One day, a much-respected member of the tribes stood up as leader to challenge their beliefs and he spoke to them as follows. "This world must no longer soil our tribe with blood in meaningless wars. Using our own methods, we will defy the ones who have destroyed order in this dark world and replaced it with chaos. " That challenged the core of how the tribes people had lived up until that moment.
Those who followed his ideals ended up being chased away and fled to remote regions. Having strong attack strength and quick body movements, Dark Elves are a class specializing in close combat. Setting Up and Starting your Dark Elf The Dark Elf is one of the most versatile characters in the game. The key states for Dark Elves (depending on what type you make) are: Wisdom (WIS), Intelligence (INT), Dexterity (DEX), Constitution (CON) and Strength (STR). Dexterity/AC Bonus As a bonus, as you level, you will gain extra AC.
Lineage 2 Bladedancer - L2 Lineage 2 Online. Ivory Tower. Chronicle 3: Rise of Darkness Review - Part 6. Lineage II Forums - Powered by vBulletin. L2Blah - L2Guru - Powered by vBulletin. Lineage Shortcut Keys and Chat/GM Commands - Lineage 2 Game Drop Calculator C4/Interlude/Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia/Freya. Lineage 2: Oath of Blood Vault. Lvl: 37 Loc: Giran Npc: Prefect Volkian Type: solo/ one time only Reward: Mark of Glory / 16 Dimension Diamonds**(Given at start of quest)** / 91,457exp / 2500sp Talk to Prefect Volkian at the Orc guild in Giran to start the quest. He will send you to bring back 10 items from three different mobs. 1. 2. 3. Their locations are below Return to Prefect Volkian in Giran. Chianta wants you to collect 5 sceptors and sends you back to Giran to speak with Seer Manteka and to Gludin to speak with Prefect Kazman.
Head over to Giran first. The Breka chief is located outside Giran. The Enku Chief down by the Monster Racetrack. Head to Gludin now and talk with Prefect Kazman. He will send you out to talk to the other three chiefs Go find the Leunt chief across from the Forgotten Temple down near the beach - he will give you the sceptor just by talking to him. Now head out to Orc Barracks and talk to the Turek chief. The third one is outside Gludio so head there. Return to Chief Chianta in Dion.