iskcon Dwarka
ISKCON is a non-profit organization that works for social welfare. ISKCON has only one aim and that is spreading the values and teachings of our Vedas. ISKCON Dwarka Delhi is a beautiful place for gaining such values and for making your life even more fruitful and meaningful. It is a Centre of Happiness in Delhi. It is located in the heart of a cosmopolitan city. This center is determinedly trying to build up the spiritual and ethical fabric of society with the help of different cultural and spiritual educational programs
WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF CELEBRATING HOLI? Recognized around the world as the festival of colours, Holi is one of the most popular Hindu festivals celebrated in India.
It is a festival that comes with plenty of beliefs attached to it and gives devotees around the world a reason to unite and celebrate. Holi festival in India can be related to cultural and spiritual backgrounds. Due to the richness of diaspora from the Indian subcontinent, Holi celebrations are spread in other parts of Asia as well as the western side of the world too. To understand the festival and its significance, we need to dwell on the past. Let’s get started.
ISKCON. Counseling. What Is Peace of Mind and How Can I Get It? There is no greater wealth on earth than peace of mind.
To be at peace with yourself is to accept yourself with all your limitations, frailties and insecurities. But it also entails rising above the petty boundaries of animosities, prejudices, and trying to be happy with what one has. Holistic health experts, nowadays, place much importance on achieving peace of mind. They say that peace of mind is a particular emotional and psychological state in which the mind experiences utmost happiness, a sense of calm, and, most importantly, a feeling of contentment. Let us look more closely at the ‘peace of mind’ meaning, and how to find peace of mind in today’s time.
Donation for Temple Construction -Iskon Dwarka. Youtube. What is krishna mantra and its benefits. Shri Krishna, the Supreme Lord is revered across the world. It is said that the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita will take you through the path of righteousness and will grant you eternal happiness. It is the aim of every Krishna devotee to follow the path of bhakti and devotion, and strive to attain the spiritual state of Krishna consciousness. One of the key elements of this is the Krishna mantra, chanting of the holy name which is a blessing in itself. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Shri Krishna appeared in the holy city of Mathura in the state – Uttar Pradesh, India. Generations have passed, and yet the people on this earth have remembered the glory of the Supreme Lord.
It is by Shri Krishna’s grace that you will finally be able to defeat the materialistic instincts and turn towards a life of purity. DISCOVER YOUR PERMANENT HAPPINESS -Iskon Dwarka. Find the key to happiness with ISKCON Dwarka’s Discover Your Permanent Happiness Programs.
The Center for Permanent Happiness has launched stellar seminars that are going to help you seek the answer to most of life’s questions, leading to eternal happiness. The session is 12 hours long, and takes six days to complete, at the end of which you will come out enlightened. In a world full of tension and grief, we are yet to find complete happiness in our lives, and this permanent happiness seminar is going to alter that. The program is a life-changing experience, which helps you to learn the practical truths of life and emerge as a better human being. Discover your permanent happiness and come closer to God. Who are You? Beneficial outcomes of Donating Money to Charity. Chant Krishna Mantra to Have a Peaceful & Prosperous Life - Iskcon Dwarka. Donation For Temple Construction - ISKCON Dwarka. What Is Peace of Mind and How Can I Get It?
The Reason behind ISKCON name - Iskcon Dwarka. How Spirituality Will Benefit Your Health? Hema Malini Ji on ISKCON's Food For Life Program. What Is Mokshada Ekadashi & Why Is It Celebrated? Donate Money to Charity Online in India - Iskcon Dwarka. Online Temple Donation - Iskcon Dwarka. Unknown Facts of Lord Krishna- the 80 Sons of Lord Krishna. God krishna images. Donate Money to Iskcon Charity For Social Welfare. Chant Krishna Mantra to Have a Peaceful & Prosperous Life. Peace of mind. Govardhan Puja 2020: Date, Time, Story & Muhurat. What makes Govinda the Best Pure Vegetarian Restaurant? - Iskcon Dwarka.
Vegetarianism has become a choice of lifestyle in today’s time.
Not just for religious reasons, but for ethical and environmental reasons as well. A pure vegetarian restaurant is a place where there are no meats, or egg items, and even the vegetarian food cooked is sans onion, and garlic. ISKCON Temple’s Govinda’s Restaurant is one such place serving pure vegetarian cuisine, most hygienically prepared, and served with all purity. The food is not only pure vegetarian here, but even offered to Lord Krishna before serving to the public.
Thus it becomes very sumptuous and relishable. These dishes are more than just food and are completely healthy for body, mind as well as the soul. The answer is that according to Ayurveda, onion and garlic falls under rajasic and tamasic foods. This means that they increase passion and ignorance, and hence are not offered to the Lord.
Why Pure Vegetarian Food? There is a lot of debate over food and lifestyle in the present day and time. Eating at Govinda’s. EKADASHI 2020 – CALENDAR, VRAT TIMINGS, PUJA VIDHI & SIGNIFICANCE. What is Ekadashi?
The literal meaning of Ekadashi is ‘the eleventh day’. There are two Ekadashis in a month: on the eleventh day after the new moon, and on the eleventh day after the full moon. Of all vratas (vows of austerity), Lord Vishnu is most pleased with those who observe the Ekadashi vrat.Therefore, anyone who does not observe the vrata and eats grains on Ekadashi is said to eat sin. Significance of Ekadashi Observing a vrata (usually fasting) is meant to control our senses and mind because without which, it may be hard for us to focus our attention on the Supreme.
Abstaining from food will control our urge for taste and appetite and if we observe the vrata regularly, we can bridle our senses by controlling the mind. “shamo man-nishthata buddher dama indriya samyamahtitiksha duhkha-sammarsho jihvopastha-jayo drdhih” This means: Donate Food For The Poor People - Iskcon Dwarka. Stay Happy With Managing Your Lifestyle With Iskcon Dwarka.
Get to Know About Iskcon Janmashtami Celebration. Know About Hare Krishna Chanting on Iskcon Dwarka. Hare Krishna Movement. Hare Krishna chanting is a sure way to get in touch with the divine.
Also known as the Maha Mantra, chanting this mantra brings us closer to God. A very important part of the Hare Krishna Movement, the Hare Krishna Chant is definitely synonymous with divinity. But what is the Hare Krishna Movement, and what does chanting God’s name really do? Here, we shall answer such questions for you. Unknown Facts About Lord Krishna - Iskcon Dwarka. Chant Krishna Mantra to Have a Peaceful & Prosperous Life - Iskcon Dwarka. Daily Deity Darshan: Iskcon Dwarka Temple. What Is Moksha and How Can We Attain It by ISKCON Dwarka. What is the Meaning of Donation Tax Exemption? - Iskcon Dwarka. What Is Moksha and How Can We Attain It? - Iskcon Dwarka. Moksha in English means salvation.
Hindus believe in the doctrine of karma. According to this doctrine, there are four aims in life, namely dharma (duty), Artha (wealth), kama (desire), and moksha (salvation). Each is equally important. But moksha is the ultimate ideal of human life (purushartha). If one attains Moksha, one is set free from the eternal cycle of birth and rebirth. Good deeds, pious feelings, and living your life according to the ideals of dharma can help you attain moksha. What is Moksha? It is in the Vedas itself that we come to hear about moksha, meaning salvation. ISKCON Dwarka helps to get Peace of Mind.
Srimad Bhagavatam & Bhagavad Gita Class - Iskcon Dwarka. What is Deduction Under Section 80G? WHAT IS PEACE OF MIND AND HOW CAN I GET IT? 8 Ways to Provide Best Service During Natural Calamities - Iskcon Dwarka. One cannot predict disasters, especially natural ones.
But one can always learn from disasters and try to be better prepared for the next one. Better knowledge can save millions and mitigate the untold miseries of the people around us. One such knowledge is disaster planning. A cyclone or a massive earthquake tends to follow a similar pattern. People are uprooted from their homes and often lose all material possessions. They must also have an action plan for preventing future natural disasters and chalk out a method for disaster recovery. Since it is often impossible for governments to deal with disaster management alone, taking the help of NGOs and encouraging people’s participation should be encouraged. This article lists all the important ways to help people and provide the best services during natural calamities. What is Peace of Mind and How can I get it? - Iskcon Dwarka. What is the Art of Giving and Why it Matters? - Iskcon Dwarka. Giving is the most precious human act.
It is all about creating a sustainable environment in which every human being can survive and thrive. The art of giving teaches us to help others, especially those who are less fortunate, without expecting anything in return. Untold facts about Lord Krishna and Radha - Iskcon Dwarka. Online Money Donation at Iskcon, Dwarka. Deity Darshan - Iskcon Dwarka, Delhi. Aarti Timings - Iskcon Temple, Dwarka. Get donation receipt under section 80g from Iskcon Dwarka, New Delhi. Get donation receipt under section 80g from Iskcon Dwarka, New Delhi. Iskcon Dwarka, New Delhi - Deity Darshan. Help Iskcon donate food to the poor - Donate now online at Iskcon Dwarka. Donate online to Iskcon Temple Dwarka, New Delhi. Be a Part of Different Iskcon Programs in Dwarka, Delhi.