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How it Works - 3Digify. Browse Sketches - OpenProcessing. Essential Icon Set - Animaticons. Holographic Psychology. Producto Projects by Saida Rihab Abdala Gallego at The Fulldome Mapping Software. Solutions. .: Mad Minds Studio: Landing Ideas :. Flat Wide Screens - Pixelwix. RAHT RACER - World's First Highway Speed Bike (Canceled) by Rich Kronfeld. Collections Categories On Our Radar.

RAHT RACER - World's First Highway Speed Bike (Canceled) by Rich Kronfeld


InfoAD - Monitoreo de publicidad TV, Radio, Diario. iReboot: reinicia directo a otro SO desde Windows. Dicen que las cosas más simples de la vida son las más valiosas, simples como esta pequeña herramienta que se convertirá en el ayudante de reinicio más perfecto y útil que hayas probado.

iReboot: reinicia directo a otro SO desde Windows

Si quienes lean este pequeño artículo son como yo, y prácticamente nunca tienen un solo sistema operativo instalado en sus ordenadores, se van a alegrar mucho con la aplicación que les voy a presentar. Se trata de iReboot, una simple utilidad que nos permite hacer algo que debería existir en todos los sistemas modernos, pero que, tristemente no existe: reiniciar directamente a otro sistema operativo sin necesidad de pasar por la pantalla de gestión de arranque. iReboot es una aplicación gratuita para uso personal que no pesa ni tan siquiera 250KB, puedes hacer una donación al proyecto a través de Paypal si quieres colaborar con el desarollo de la herramientas, o bien pagar 10$ por una licencia para uso comercial.

Access. Formas de aprovechar la tecnología NFC. La tecnología NFC no es para nada nueva, hoy en día muchos dispositivos móviles (principalmente) cuentan con ella para realizar diversos tipos de intercambios de datos, hay diversas formas en las que se puede aprovechar esta tecnología y es por eso que hicimos una pequeña lista de funciones útiles.

Formas de aprovechar la tecnología NFC

ParaCloud GEM. Smart Mesh Editing Subdivide and deform the faces of polygon surfaces with smart editing tools.

ParaCloud GEM

Use selection sets and points of interest to enhance and control your modeling process. GEM powerful new subdivisions and mesh editing tools enable you to achieve stunning effects with incredible simplicity. Rule-Based Modeling GEM offers rule-based tools for offsetting, deforming, and mapping your geometry. Hazlo tú mismo: Crea tu propio cargador solar USB. ¿Muy preocupado por la naturaleza, las energías renovables y toda la energía que malgastas con los gadgets que tanto te gustan?

Hazlo tú mismo: Crea tu propio cargador solar USB Lamina Design > Applications. Cómo crear altavoces Wi-Fi utilizando un viejo smartphone Android. Sencilla guía para convertir unos altavoces tradicionales en unos altavoces con conectividad WiFi utilizando tu viejo smartphone Android al que no le das uso.

Cómo crear altavoces Wi-Fi utilizando un viejo smartphone Android

Ya con unos pasados desde la revolución de los smartphones, la mayoría ya acumulamos por lo menos un viejo teléfono al que no le damos uso. Pero si tiene un smartphone Android usable al que quieres darle un uso, esta guía te servirá. Desde MakeTechEasier nos enseñan cómo crear tus propios altavoces WiFi utilizando un viejo smartphone Android, permitiendo manejarlos y transmitir música a distancia. Los mejores gadgets de domótica del 2013. Free Downloads & Store - Computer Graphics Forum. <div class='message error'><strong>Javascript Disabled Detected</strong><p>You currently have javascript disabled.

Free Downloads & Store - Computer Graphics Forum

Several functions may not work. Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality. Ipad apps for generative design. For our Reaction show at Rare Device, we recreated two of our design algorithms as interactive ipad applications that allow visitors in the gallery to engage in our process and try their hand at generative design.

ipad apps for generative design

The two applications are Cell Cycle, which creates cellular bracelets and rings for 3dprinting, and Xylem which simulates leaf vein formation. The apps were made with the help of the Cinder library. The Cell Cycle app uses a physics simulation to sculpt a mesh for 3dprinting. Visitors can use multitouch controls to stretch, twist, and scale the basic form. The library for professional-quality creative coding in C++ MS OpenTech. Kinect en foco: el jefe de aplicaciones de Xbox habla Smart Homes & Cortana. When you have a product like Kinect, so closely associated with gaming, how do you convince everybody else that they should be installing a motion-tracking camera in the home?

Kinect en foco: el jefe de aplicaciones de Xbox habla Smart Homes & Cortana

Microsoft is looking to smart home technology and health, among other things, to do just that with Kinect for Windows v2, though a stealthy spread through Cortana and smartphones may be just as vital. We caught up with Microsoft’s Michael Mott, general manager of Xbox applications and developer relations, to find out how virtual assistants and home automation could make Kinect-tech the next must-have. Kinect is undoubtedly a vital part of the Xbox One proposition - you can’t buy the console without it - but its Kinect for Windows counterpart project has always been less well known. Explaining Kinect to gamers is relatively straightforward. Move your arms and you can swing a sword, for instance, or reach out and grab a virtual object. The stage beyond that, however, may be even more compelling. Sitios donde tomar cursos de programación en línea. Character Promo Kit. Update Information.

Character Promo Kit

The Brilliant creative team blog. November 20th, 2012 | Posted by Jon in Video | Leave a comment Dumb Ways to Die is a beautifully animated Melbourne Metro Trains transport safety ad which features colorful characters singing a catchy tune as they set fire to their hair, poke a stick at a grisly bear, get their toast out with a fork or use their private parts for piranha bait. Illustrator 115 Retrato geometrico con pluma.

Newest - Thingiverse. View More Page 5 Medical imaging material characterization phantom by ilustrad 2 hrs ago Shower door towel holder by Hobby2 2 hrs ago AIO FPV Camera Mount for Parrot Rolling Spider Frame by kwongkan 2 hrs ago. MultiMovEDIA. Marvelous Designer 2 - How to model the 3D clothing 'quick and easy' Capture full web page screenshots in your browser instantly. Join us today! This Common Craft End User License Agreement (“License”) describes your (“You(r)”) legal use of the videos and/or related materials (“Content”) provided to You by Common Craft. By clicking “I Accept” and/or obtaining any Content from Common Craft, You shall comply with this License.

If You are unable to comply with this License or do not wish to be bound by its terms, do not download or use any Content. 1. Delivery. 5 Sitios para Fantastic Creative Commons Recursos de diseño. “You wouldn’t download a car” You might recognise this question from the compulsory anti-piracy video on many movies and other digital media. The irony? In 2014, I very well might download a car! Animated Video Production. Bosch quiere adentrarse el mundo de las bicicletas eléctricas. Las bicicletas eléctricas son un pilar muy importante para que muchas ciudades puedan reducir sus elevados niveles de contaminación.

Explainer Video Toolkit. Explainer Video Toolkit Template allows you to make your own animated commercials, short promos or explainer videos with energic style and easily. Explainer Video toolkit Template can show any kind of logos. Everything is created inside After Effects so you can customize every small part of template. In Explainer Video Toolkit are many advanced controls for fast customization. You can control aniamtion with these elements or create your own animations!

100% After Effects! Recommendation. Vigila tu casa desde tu smartphone. Kits - Contraptor.


Aprender haciendo - Escuela Código. 9 lugares para encontrar imágenes de uso público. Cómo crear imágenes en línea bonitas y sin saber diseñar. Para cualquier proyecto que vayas a desarrollar, así sea en la web o fuera de ella, tener gráficos llamativos siempre es una buena adición porque van a lograr que tus trabajos luzcan más atractivos El problema con esto es que, o tienes que saber aunque sea un poco de diseño, o contratar a un profesional para que lo haga por ti, y no siempre contamos con presupuesto para pagar a un diseñador, menos si se trata de algo pequeño.

Por suerte, hoy en día, podemos hacer casi cualquier cosa sin tener amplios conocimientos, como por ejemplo, crear aplicaciones móviles sin saber programar, o crear buenos diseños sin gastar ni un centavo y sin habilidades especiales, sólo con un poco de creatividad y ganas. Hemos llegado a un punto donde ya no siempre necesitamos a un experto para cualquier emprendimiento sencillo. Lo único que se necesita es saber qué herramientas hay disponibles en Internet. Contacto. 5 geniales herramientas para crear presentaciones online. Open Source Ecology Documentation - Open Source Ecology. Hexler. neto. OpenFrameworks. Openframeworks. Openframeworks is a c++ library designed to assist the creative process by providing a simple and intuitive framework for experimentation. The library is designed to work as a general purpose glue, and wraps together several commonly used libraries under a tidy interface: openGL for graphics, rtAudio for audio input and output, freeType for fonts,freeImage for image input and output, quicktime for video playing and sequence grabbing.

The code is written to be both cross platform (PC, Mac, Linux, iPhone) and cross compiler. The API is designed to be minimal and easy to grasp. There are very few classes, and inside of those classes, there are very few functions. Data Center » Open Compute Project. OpenFrameworks. Home » Open Compute Project.

VIA Digital Signage Solutions. Turn a dead laptop into a monitor with Plexiglas stand. Animatronic Puppet Eye Kit by Marcel de Jong on Shapeways. Akten - Simple Harmonic Motion. Simple Harmonic Motion is an ongoing research and series of projects investigating complexity from simplicity; exploring the nature of complex patterns created from the interaction of simple multilayered rhythms. It is inspired by observations of natural physical and mathematical phenomena; as well as works by the likes of Norman Mclaren, John Whitney, Steve Reich, John Cage, Gyorgi Ligeti, Edgar Varèse, Brian Eno. Tecnología gestual y nuevos modelos de comercialización - Andalucia Lab. Introducing Tabby: an industrializable, production ready, versatile, universal chassis. Strings as Structural Elements? Engineers Devise Mathematics for New Age Structures. March 27, 2006 -- Scientists at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) have devised two mathematical tools considered to be a major contribution to the optimal design of a new generation of deformable bridges, buildings, shape-controllable airplane wings, radio antennas, and other alternatives to current structural technologies.

Two reports will be published in the International Journal of Solids and Structures, with the first appearing in the April issue. The deformable characteristic is made possible with strong, ultra-light truss-like arrangements of rods suspended by strings or wires. The resulting structure incorporates tensegrity, a combination of “tension” and “integrity.” “Although tensegrity structures are not yet part of mainstream design engineering, we think their amazing properties explain why you find this arrangement in spider webs, the protein cytoskeleton of cells, and many other biological structures,” said Robert E. Milenko Masic, Robert E. MobAppCreator - Diseña, crea y administra tus aplicaciones móviles en tiempo real, donde sea y en cualquier momento! Valve orienta a los jóvenes que quieran desarrollar videojuegos.

Kinect 360. Escaner 3d al alcance de todos. Ahora si tienes una consola Xbox 360 con su correspondiente sensor Kinect, tienes un tesoro. Gizmología Labs: Raspberry Pi.