Sheng Chi @ Smiling Bamboo: Feng Shui Information Resource. Sheng Chi is a positive type of chi, moving gently (as opposed to Shar Chi which is the result of chi moving too fast in a straight line) and is considered uplifting and harmonious.
Though physical locations such as houses, offices, and parks can have this auspicious form of chi, it is also possible for individuals to create Sheng Chi. Many times, Feng Shui practitioners will term it as Wealth Chi or Auspicious Chi because they are synonymous with the results of Sheng Chi. Below is a list of sources but are not limited to: Sheng Chi Sources: Sheng Chi itself is the best form of chi to have, but it is a state that should be maintained if possible. Unfortunately, its state can change into Si Chi or Shar Chi if allowed to stagnate or move too fast. To maintain this harmonious state, you would need to slow it down and make sure it is vibrant if possible. Sheng Chi Enhancers The Business Pot of Wealth is the business man's wealth vase to be kept outside.
Yin and yang. In Chinese philosophy, the concept of yin-yang (simplified Chinese: 阴阳; traditional Chinese: 陰陽; pinyin: yīnyáng), which is often called "yin and yang",[1][2][3][4] is used to describe how opposite or contrary forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world; and, how they give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another.
Many natural dualities (such as light and dark, high and low, hot and cold, fire and water, life and death, male and female, sun and moon, and so on) are thought of as physical manifestations of the yin-yang concept. The concept lies at the origins of many branches of classical Chinese science and philosophy, as well as being a primary guideline of traditional Chinese medicine,[5] and a central principle of different forms of Chinese martial arts and exercise, such as baguazhang, taijiquan (t'ai chi), qigong (Chi Kung), and I Ching. Nature[edit] Toponymy[edit] Classically, when used in place names, yang refers to the "sunny side.
" I Ching[edit] Feng shui house - About.com : Feng Shui. How To Feng Shui Your House and Home - Feng Shui Tips and Cures for Your House and Home. Which Feng Shui Money Tree is Best To Use as A Feng Shui Money Cure? Question: Which Feng Shui Money Tree is Best To Use as A Feng Shui Money Cure?
I am confused with the feng shui money tree, as it seems like there is several different ones. Which feng shui money tree is the right one? Which one should I use as money cure, the one with big leaves or the one with thick leaves? Thank you. Answer: Yes, you are right, there is a common confusion in feng shui as to which plant exactly is considered the feng shui money plant. The truth is, you can use any healthy, vibrant lush plant as a money plant, because the meaning of the symbol is in its energy. Yin and yang. Your Feng Shui Birth Element. Last updated on April 26, 2011 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News * Visit in5D Connection where you can find your soul mate or join one of our amazing groups.
How to Feng Shui Your House and Home. Last updated on April 26, 2011 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News * Visit in5D Connection where you can find your soul mate or join one of our amazing groups.
Top 10 Air-Purifying Plants To Improve the Feng Shui of Your Home or Office. Feng Shui - how to hang a Crystal. Feng shui. Feng shui ( i/ˌfɛŋ ˈʃuːi/;[1] i/fʌŋ ʃweɪ/;[2] pinyin: fēng shuǐ, pronounced [fɤ́ŋ ʂwèi] (
Feng Shui School of Chicago. Create the Feeling of Feng Shui. Kua Number at Feng Shui Bestbuy. In Feng Shui, the 8-Mansion Theory determines our 4 favourable and 4 unfavourable directions.
They are our personalized good directions which could be used to tap auspicious energy into our lives. Generally, there are two groups of people: East Group People have kua numbers 1,3,4,9; while West Group People have kua numbers 2,6,7,8. The calculation of kua number is based on the year you were born in, according to Chinese Solar Calendar. The table below is a consolidation of kua number based on solar year system. The Chinese Solar Calendar is based on the revolution of earth around the sun. For example, if you are a female born on 5 Feb 1972 at time 00:35, your kua number according to the table yields 4. With your kua number, you can choose to benefit yourself by tapping your personal energy following those auspicious directions in your homes (big tai chi), smaller rooms (small tai chi), offices or business premises (work place).
Interpretation:1. Feng Shui Diaries. Esoteric Feng Shui remains a secret even in the 21st century with its theories and methods still hidden from the outside world.
The sacred art and science of it is shared with only a select lucky few, and in ancient times its students were required to recite an oath, as well as sign a written one on paper, that they would not divulge their knowledge. The written oath was then burned in a ceremonial fire and those who broke their silence would suffer the wrath of heaven’s fury.
The name for esoteric Feng Shui is Xuan Kong Liu Fa (XKLF). Because of it’s continued secrecy, and possibly because no one has ever translated the XKLF classics into English, it has remained concealed to the Western world until now. Esoteric Feng Shui has several schools which possess slightly different interpretations over some concepts, so even if one were to read and contemplate the XKLF classics they wouldn’t gain any benefit from it without receiving genuine instructions from an authentic XKLF master. A. Fengshui Home Improvement Guidelines. Institute of Feng Shui. There are no translations available.
The first thing a Feng Shui Consultant should do at a consultation is to try to get a feel for the energy of a house. I discuss my impressions with the clients and put together an energetic picture of the house. This energetic picture is like a snapshot of what we refer to in Feng Shui as the "Qi" (pronounced "chee") of the house.
Qi means all pervading energy, however, in a much greater scope than we are accustomed to defining it. Chinese medicine and all Chinese practices are based on Qi - as is Feng Shui. A building has its own "bio-energy field", a modern term for Qi, which, in fact, is manifested in a double layer of a specific density embracing the entire house like a gigantic bubble. The house aura is primarily manifested in a double hull. To accelerate this process an energy clearing can be performed. The aura bubbles protect the house from outside influences, as a person's aura protects the body. Product Categories. International Feng Shui Guild. Feng Shui in the Office - Institute of Feng Shui. There are no translations available.
Inner Tapestry for December 2004: Many of us spend nearly as much time in our office as in our home. Consequently, our work space has a significant influence on our career, as well as our personal life. Offices also have the challenge of integrating the energy of co-workers, machinery and often dealing with limited space.