Food Dyes Linked to Behavioral Problems. Food Dyes Linked to Behavioral Problems "Exposure to food and food components, including AFC (artificial food colors) and preservatives, may be associated with behavioral changes... " so says the U.S. Food and Drug Association.(3) Yet recent petitions filed by the Center for Science in the Public Interest to ban 8 of the 9 currently approved synthetic food dyes have all been rejected by the FDA. In Europe things are different. In 2010 the EU began requiring products containing artificial food colors to carry warning labels stating that "consumption may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.
Basically synthetic food coloring is a mixture of lab chemicals combined with petro-chemicals. Since synthetic food colorings are used almost exclusively in foods of low nutritional value (candy, soda, gelatin desserts, cake icing) that also have 'fun' status, why not notch down the fun factor a bit or use natural dyes? For safer choices see bottom of page... No comment! Dear Ms. All the Different Sugars. Which Sugars are Toxic? A List. I had been meaning to do a post on sugar for some time, as I had no idea which sugar was 'good' or 'bad' in the health food store any longer.
Then in April, the NY Times came out with the article "Is Sugar Toxic" where I learned that all added sugars are bad! Yet again, the clear message is anything in quantity is unhealthy, but because sugar is so prevalent in our food system, it is very easy to step over the line. Recommended Maximum Dose: The World Health Organization recommends that we limit our intake of added sugars to no more than 10% of total calories. That comes to about 50 grams of sugar, or the equivalent of 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar for a person eating 2000 calories a day. The research* shows that sugary liquids in quantity, in a short period of time, are poison to the body. Table sugar is about 50% fructose, 50% glucose. Ends in "ose" = a sugar. Barley Malt Syrup: Sprouted barley grains are dried quickly.
It's what you eat -- and how much. It's what you eat -- and how much... New England School of Medicine/ Pounds gained or avoided due to eating an additional daily serving of above food over 4 years. People who increased their intake of the top listed foods gained weight. Those who decreased their intake of the top listed foods and ate more of the lower foods had less weight gain. A new study by Harvard researchers published in the New England Journal of Medicine has found a correlation between certain foods and weight gain: The study was of 120,877 U.S. women and men who were free of chronic diseases and not obese at baseline. "Within each 4-year period, study participants gained an average of 3.35 lb, which corresponded to a weight gain of 16.8 lb over the 20-year period. Diet, Lifestyle, and Long-Term Weight Gain from Harvard School of Public Health Harvard lead author, Dariush Mozaffarian discusses the To prevent long term weight gain:
Antibiotic Chicks. Antibiotic Chicks More than 50 billion birds a year are produced in industrial poultry hatcheries worldwide. Photograph dapd. On January 4th, 2012 the FDA quietly prohibited the "extralabel” or unapproved use of the common (yet strong) cephalosporin class of antibiotics in cattle, pigs, chickens and turkeys to be effective April 5, 2012. The FDA says it is taking this action to preserve the effectiveness of cephalosporin drugs for treating disease in humans, for it has been noted that as cephalosporin use increases in animal agriculture, human effectiveness diminishes.1 Cephalosporin antibiotics are a stronger cousin to penicillins. Doctors currently use cephalosporins to treat pneumonia, strep throat, tonsillitis, bronchitis, urinary tract infections and to prevent bacterial infection before, during, and after surgery.
Currently, unapproved use and abuse of antibiotics for food-intended animals is common practice. . *2) *3) Studies: Pappas, G. Is Milk a Whole Food? Is Milk a Whole Food? The definition of a whole food, is a natural food that has not been processed or has been refined as little as possible. Unfortunately, ultra-pasteurized, homogenized, grain-fed cow's milk is not a whole food. It is highly manipulated.
It Started with Kefir Grains I decided to start making real kefir from living kefir grains to benefit from thirty plus probiotics, as opposed to the seven probiotics in most commercial kefirs. Ultra-Pasteurized I knew ultra-pasteurized meant that the milk had been heated at a higher temperature than regular pasteurized milk. It turns out milk proteins (casein) are complex, fragile, three-dimensional molecules and heat flattens and deforms those molecules. Another early and sometimes still valid complaint about UHT milk is that it tastes burnt. Homogenization Not only is modern milk pasteurized, but homogenized as well. Homogenization has made it possible for production dairies to standardize milk fat. Fat vs Skim Antibiotcs and More Notes: Food Companies Fighting GMO Labeling. Companies Against GMO Labeling Washington State, 2013: GMO Labeling Ballot Initiative (I-522) would mandate clear labeling of genetically engineered (GE) ingredients on food packages.
The bill will be voted on in Washington State Nov. 5, 2013. Monsanto = $4,834,000. California, 2012: Numerous large food and seed corporations sunk over $46 million into the fight to defeat Proposition 37 in California, which would have required food companies to list genetically modified ingredients on the labels of its products sold in retail stores.
The record keeping necessary for the added labels will also help keep track of ecological issues such as gene flow between GMOs and the surrounding ecology, weed killer's affects, pest and superweed resistance and a host of other ecological issues that could potentially arise with rampant GMO use. Companies and their donations to keep GMO off of labels in California: Monsanto = $7,100,000. Coca-Cola - Honest Tea, Odwalla, Simply Orange. Fruit Flies Live Longer on an Organic Diet. Fruit Flies Live Longer on an Organic Diet When Ria Chhabra was but 13 years old she heard her parents discussing whether the cost of organic food was worth the benefit. She decided to research the topic for a school science project and during her research noticed there was not enough information to make a clear judgment, so Ria decided to come up with the proof herself.
At first Ria tested organic and conventional produce for vitamin C levels (organic had more) but she realized she needed more evidence of benefit, than simply vitamin C levels. So Ria looked on the internet for inspiration on how to conduct a more thorough study and she decided testing fruit flies was ideal due to their short life span, and the well known fact that dietary factors affect fruit fly fertility, longevity and health. Ria sent out letters to known fruit fly researchers and was excited to hear back from Dr. Johannes Bauer of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, which is fairly close by to her home.
Dent Corn Puts a Dent in Our Health. A Bit About Corn Field corn and sweet corn might have similar roots but are very different crops. Field corn is considered a commodity crop in the United States and is grown on 97 million acres of farmland (equivalent to the size of the state of California!). More than one hundred and sixty times more field corn is grown in the United States than sweet corn. Sweet corn is not even factored into commercial corn statistics. Where is Iowa and Nebraska??? Field corn is also known as yellow dent corn, as the kernels become indented with maturity. 2011’s corn crop in the U.S. was worth $76.62 billion at an average price per bushel of $6.20. 2012's crop was worth more than $80 billion.(1) Chart: Yellow dent or field corn is also made into cornmeal, corn flakes, hominy, grits, corn starch, corn sugar, corn syrup, corn oil, corn-oil meal, gluten feed and meal, whiskey and alcohol.
HFCS is a highly processed industrialized ingredient. Two other widely grown corn species: Pigs Fed a GM Diet. Stomach Inflammation and Enlarged Uterus in GM-fed Pigs A team of Australian scientists and U.S. researchers has just published a study, "A long-term toxicology study on pigs fed a combined genetically modified (GM) soy and GM maize diet" in the June issue of the peer-reviewed Journal of Organic Systems. The scientists and researchers separated out 168 pigs immediately after weaning, half were fed a typical genetically modified corn and soy diet and the other half were fed a non-gmo, soy and corn diet of equal quantity and under identical conditions on a U.S. farm.
Pigs were used in the study as they have a similar digestive system to humans and because farmers have long noticed digestive and reproductive issues in pigs fed a GM diet.1 The GM soy was genetically modified to resist 'Round Up' (glyphosate) and the GM corn was also Round Up resistant, as well as modified to create two Bt proteins to resist insect attack. The researchers of the study feel much further testing is called for! Arsenic and New Rice. Rice paddy in Lousiana. Image: U.S. rice production creates $34 billion in economic activity yearly.
Safe levels? Although the FDA says short term exposure to arsenic in rice is not immediately dangerous, the Environmental Protection Agency informs us that there is actually no “safe” level of exposure to 'inorganic' arsenic.(1) Although the federal government has opinions on the subject, they have yet to set a limit for arsenic in food. Why rice? Arsenic migrates into water from natural deposits in the earth and from agricultural and industrial runoff.
Where does it come from? Man made sources of arsenic come from industrial waste, combustion of fossil fuels, mining, copper and lead smelting, chicken feed, pesticides (past and present) and wood preservatives.(7) Arsenic pesticides have been in use since 1867 in the United States. (16) Lead-arsenate insecticides were used extensively on U.S. cotton to control boll weevils until they were banned in 1988. Tests: Wonderbag. The Wonderbag The Wonderbag is a heat-retention cooking bag. Bring food to a boil for five minutes, then place your hot pot in the Wonderbag and come back anywhere from one to eight hours later to perfectly cooked, hot food. No watching, stirring, worrying, burning. Steel cut oats or white rice might take an hour in the bag. A vegetable stew might take three to four hours before it's ready. But the great thing is you can leave your food in the Wonderbag for eight hours before it starts to cool down. The inventor Sarah Collins is a South African who grew up under apartheid and was intent on inventing something that would help her country's poor.
Advantages: Use less fuel. Bring hot food on a picnic, on a camping trip, to a potluck. Use as a slow cooker without the worry that an electric appliance has been left on. In Africa: Lessens deforestation. Women and children need to collect less wood for cooking fires. Less families are being exposed to toxic smoke. Lessens water usage. On Amazon! 25 Grams of Sugar a Day. 25 Grams of Sugar. The World Health Organization recommends eating no more than 25 grams of added sugar a day. The old 2002 recommendation that sugars should make up less than 10% of total energy intake per day has been lowered to 5% of total energy intake per day. The WHO claims that those who follow this lowered guidellne will see additional health benefits.* As further validation, a new study** found that people who consume 25% of their daily calories from sugar were twice as likely to die from heart disease as those who limited their sugar intake to 7% of their total calories.
The recommended sugar limit refers to added sugars (see list below), not natural sugars found in milk and vegetables. One teaspoon of granulated sugar equals 4 grams of sugar. Some Added Sugars: Some food and drinks that could easily put you over the daily recommended limit. 5 grams of sugar = 2 oz of salad dressing 6 grams sugar = 4 tablespoons peanut butter 15 grams of sugar = 4 oz condensed tomato soup. Affects of a Can of Coke. A Harmless Can of Coke? A new infographic 'What Happens One Hour After Drinking a Can of Coke' put out by The Renegade Pharmacist breaks down, step by step what happens to your body after you drink a can of cola. In The First 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. (100% of your recommended daily intake.) You don’t immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor allowing you to keep it down. 20 minutes: Your blood sugar spikes, causing an insulin burst.
Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat. (There’s plenty of that at this particular moment.) 40 minutes: Caffeine absorption is complete. 45 minutes: Your body ups your dopamine production stimulating the pleasure centers of your brain. 60 minutes: The phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in your lower intestine, providing a further boost in metabolism. 60 Minutes: The caffeine’s diuretic properties come into play. And Diet Drinks... Pesticides in Honey. According to a new study out of Harvard, 70 percent of collected honey and pollen from 10 counties in Massachusetts contained at least one neonicotinoid, a pesticide linked to Colony Collapse Disorder.
The researchers analyzed 219 pollen samples and 53 honey samples from 62 hives during the foraging months of April through August. The researchers found neonicotinoids present in each month and at each hive. “Data from this study clearly demonstrated the ubiquity of neonicotinoids in pollen and honey samples that bees are exposed to during the seasons when they are actively foraging across Massachusetts. The researchers tested for eight neonicotinoids, imidacloprid was the most commonly detected, followed by dinotefuran. Bee deaths are increasing dramatically. One-third of major food crops are pollinated by bees. Bee carrying pollen. Resources: Pesticide found in 70 percent of Massachusetts’ honey samples: Ractopamine. Feed additive Ractopamine when added to feed is distributed via the blood to the muscle tissues, resulting in increased muscle fiber size. Ractopamine danger: Taiwan rejects toxic American beef Ractopamine is a drug Big Food uses to make turkeys, hams and roasts even bigger for your holiday table. it’s linked with serious health problems in animals, and while human health studies are limited, those that exist suggest the need for a cautionary approach to its use.
Unlike the U.S., more than 160 countries ban or strictly limit the use of ractopamine. about 160 nations ban or restrict the use of this drug during pig production, including all countries in the European Union, Russia and China. Organic Choices. Det är ingen brist på mat i världen. Why You Should Consider Not Eating Pork. How To Balance Your pH Levels and Find Out if You are Too Acidic. Woman Drinks 3 Liters Of Water Every Day, And The Final Results Were Shocking!
8 Foods Even The Experts Won’t Eat. Jak szybko i tanio usunąć pestycydy z warzyw i owoców | Akademia Witalności. Complete List of Non-GMO Food Brands. Curcumin attenuates neurotoxicity induced by fluoride: An in vivo evidence. My Family Stopped Eating Sugar for a Year and This is What Happened. Comprehensive List Of GMO Products and Companies. Can Your Own Food | Buy Organic, Non-GMO, Non-Hybrid, Heirloom Vegetable Seeds Online | After reading this, you’ll never look at a banana in the same way again. 8 Foods Even The Experts Won’t Eat. Orange juice may soon contain pig genes. High Radiation Levels Found In North American Seafood: Fukushima. Symaskinsolja & Bensin i margarin! Bluffen med Becél! Ät naturligt smör! | Helena Palena. How to Determine the Quality of Essential Oils, Part 3: Honing Your Senses – Natural Health – MOTHER EARTH NEWS.