イギリス,スコットランド老夫妻の癒しの庭. Log into Facebook. Growing Over 200 Varieties of Vegetables and Fruit in Slovenia. Meet Iva from Novo mesto, Slovenia “I’m a simple person, with a clear vision of what I want in my life.
I’m honest and accessible and always ready to help. We used to live in an apartment and never had a garden, but my love for nature was always strong. That love guided me in my educational path, so I attended the Horticultural College in Ljubljana. After moving to the suburbs, I started my first garden and never looked back. I want to teach my two sons where real food comes from. Facebook. Sagolik trädgård med lekfulla rum och magisk pergola. Könhetsupplevelsen, att se det vackra och känna lyckan över att skapa – det är det som är grejen med trädgården, anser Titte Törnroth-Sarkkinen. – För mig är den estetiska upplevelsen en njutning.
Och jag tycker om att krypa med näsan bland doftande grönska – då förnimmer man livet intensivt och det får mig att må bra, säger hon. Runt millennieskiftet, när Titte hade många intensiva arbetsår som filmregissör bakom sig, gick hon in i den berömda väggen. – Jag blev ordentligt utbränd, och drog mig tillbaka här. Så småningom märkte jag att jag mådde bra av att sätta händerna i jorden. . – Jag började så smått med ett grönsaksland. På den vägen är det. (3) Gardeners World 2019 episode 15. From Frida Kahlo to Claude Monet, 8 Artists Who Designed Enchanting Gardens. Gardener Brian Houck on Caring for Robert Irwin’s Central Garden at the Getty. The Man Who Keeps Monet’s Famed Gardens Growing. Vahé notes that, when it came to the gardens, Monet was driven by desire and instinct.
He’d once decided on the spur of the moment that he wanted chrysanthemums, and wrote a letter to friend and fellow painter to find out where he could get them. Monet prided himself on the garden, acknowledging it as his own creation, but also as his open-air studio, where he planted himself for hours on end to paint, weather permitting. How Georgia O’Keeffe’s Garden Keeps Growing. Beginning in the early 1970s, O’Keeffe began hiring Lopez’s brothers to help Suazo with the garden; later, they’d be hired full-time and taught how to care for the garden to the artist’s liking.
Frida Kahlo’s Casa Azul Garden Is Still Thriving—Six Decades after Her Death. In Kahlo’s 1936 painting My Grandparents, My Parents, and I, she depicted herself as child, standing in the courtyard of Casa Azul with her leg seemingly fused to the garden’s orange tree.
To her left, a prickly pear cactus emits a spray of seeds that germinate a human egg. The implication is that Kahlo has sprung from Mexico’s soil as much as from her human relatives, whom she painted hovering above. Peter Korn Trädgården och odla i sand. The Algarden Urban Farm + Demonstration Garden. Foodscaping at its Finest.
Walking down the street and spotting an empty lot of weeds, Patricia saw nothing but potential, especially when she meet Giancarlo Muscardini, the site neighbor and permaculture expert. This project has been a full collaboration with Giancarlo Muscardini and Patricia Algara. In the last four years, this vacant lot has been transformed into a vibrant foodscape with two thriving bee hives, mushroom towers, and fruit trees. The garden also serves as a base for teaching permaculture classes, and has been used to host seasonal harvest lunches. Patricia popularized the word Foodscaping to describe the art of combining landscape architecture with agriculture. The Algarden is part of a much greater fabric of values: localizing food production, cultivating a closer connection to our environment through the food that we eat, and teaching folks about permaculture and organic farming methods.
Så fixar du medelhavsstilen i din trädgård! Some Kids Don’t Have Enough Food. Some Don’t Have The Right Kind. Here's An Idea That Might Help Both. What's an even number between 12 and 60? So, Schoolyard Farms is an organization that builds farms on under-used schoolyards, in order to teach kids where food comes from, and how it's grown and then, also, to make that fresh food accessible, through CSA shares, and circling the food back to the cafeteria. So, obesity is at an all-time high, and yet, kids are going hungry in this state, and so there's never been a greater need for an organization that can provide fresh vegetables for our kids. There's a problem with school gardens, in that it's really hard to be sustainable.
During the summer, there's no one there to take care of the school garden. And they don't really have the scale to create a system where they could feed the cafeteria. So, what makes our model unique and, ultimately, sustainable is that we market our produce. And our flowers! We do life-science lessons with them, and plant biology lessons. My kids are picky eaters. The health of our children is at stake. Arne Maynard garden design. Four seasons garden.
1001 Gardens, Gardening ideas and green inspirations ! Around The World in 80 Gardens (BALI) pt.2. Around The World in 80 Gardens (BALI) pt.1. Around the World in 80 Gardens 1 Mexico and Cuba. Around the World in 80 Gardens 7 The Mediterranean. Around the World in 80 Gardens 10 South-East Asia. Around the World in 80 Gardens 9 Northern Europe. Around the World in 80 Gardens 10 South-East Asia. Around the World in 80 Gardens 9 Northern Europe. Around the World in 80 Gardens 8 South Africa. Around the World in 80 Gardens 7 The Mediterranean. Around the World in 80 Gardens 6 China and Japan. Around the World in 80 Gardens 5 The United States of America. Around the World in 80 Gardens 3 India. Around the World in 80 Gardens 2 Australia and New Zealand.