Odla mycket grönsaker på liten yta. I början av augusti frodas det ordentligt i min lilla köksträdgård på berget. Sol, regn och värme har fått grönsakerna att explodera i växtkraft. Foto: Ida Sjöö. Idag vill jag visa dig min lilla grönsaksodling på berget i Kalvsvik. Det här är min trädgård kring frustugan. Mitt extraprojekt. Liten grönsaksodling Jag har märkt under de år jag skrivit om trädgård att en del har svårt att ta till sig tips och inspiration från en större odling. Du kan följa grönsaksodlingen på berget 2021 i en serie videos som jag gjort för min engelska YouTube-kanal: Min lilla grönsaksodling - planen Min lilla grönsaksodling - vår Nämen se! Eftersom jag inte odlar några blommor alls här - bara grönsaker - så är det väldigt grönt.
Min odling i år 2021 består grönsaksodlingen på berget av totalt nio odlingsplatser, så kallade bäddar. Se mer: Pallkragar del 2 - Att anlägga I en pallkrage växer frodig basilika. I en annan pallkrage samsas persilja med morötter, sallat och lite annat. 33 sorters grönsaker. Estimating Yields and Crop-Planting Area for Your Home Garden. Seed catalogs are starting to arrive at my home. A profusion of choices are laid out before me and I start lusting over new varieties and dreaming about spring.
Picking out what to plant is the easy part for me. Fitting it all into a small space can be the challenge. When done correctly, the proper proportions of each crop will yield a useable harvest without over-producing or wasting space. First, consider the demands of your family. Once you have determined the needs of your household, the next step is to make a note of the types/varieties that are already your favorites for each crop on your list. After you have chosen your ideal allotment of seed, the next step is to estimate the square footage that each crop will occupy in your garden.
Lettuces. Cucumbers. Bush beans. Tomatoes. Beets. Carrots. Kale. Other fast growing crops that require minimal space include arugula, bok choy, radishes, and kohlrabi. Growing a salad-lover’s garden, with ellen ogden. I’M RESOWING GREENS GALORE, spurred onward by the welcome shift in weather, and also by a chat with Ellen Ecker Ogden, author of of “The Complete Kitchen Garden.” Thanks to Ellen, my palette of ingredients to try is widening, and I’ve got several new variations on vinaigrette to taste-test, too. Get her advice (in print or podcast), or meet Ellen at one of her upcoming 2015 talks, including June 20 in Spencertown (NY), near me.
Ellen calls herself as a “food artist.” No wonder, because since 1980, when she moved to Zone 4Bish Vermont after studying art in college, she has been making living collages of lettuces April through October, “splashed with dabs of red orach, fronds of chervil and rosettes of claytonia.” You probably know Ellen as co-founder of The Cook’s Garden in 1984, a breakthrough seed catalog at the time (but since sold), and as author of the 2003 cookbook “From the Cook’s Garden.”
Read/listen: my salad-garden q&a with ellen ogden Subscribe: ellen’s salad-dressing variations. Garden Guides, Your Guide to Everything Gardening - StumbleUpon. Vegetable Garden planting guides - Gardeners Calendar. Vegi_Planting_001.60152855_std.jpg (800×1055) Thompsons Plant & Garden Centre. Thompsons guide on when to sow and harvest your vegetables. This vegetable planner has been created as a guide and does not take into account regional, or seasonal weather variations. Ensure the risk of frost has passed before planting / sowing any sensitive crops. How to Grow Vegetables | Guide to Growing Vegetables. Some general considerations for growing vegetables: Sowing Tips When sowing seeds, a good general rule of thumb is to sow to a depth of approximately twice the thickness of the seed. Some smaller seeds require light to germinate and should not be sown too deep; otherwise they may never germinate or break through the surface of the soil.
Conversely, large seeds planted too shallow may not develop properly. Keep seeds well-moistened while awaiting germination and check regularly. Smaller seeds should be watered with care so as not to disturb or displace beneath the soil. Select a light-weight, well-drained medium for sowing to ensure good seed to soil contact. Growing Tips Most vegetables will produce better results if sown and grown in a soil-medium that is well-drained, rich in organic matter (fertile), and fairly lightweight.
Most vegetables will prefer good quantities of natural, direct sunlight daily. Harvesting and Seed Saving. Garden Planning Archive - Inthegardenwithjudy. Call me crazy but my answer to this question is, “No”. In gardening, rarely does one size fit all. For some people this is the right time, for some it’s too early, and for other’s it may be too late. So how do we know when to plant our peas? Let’s ask the peas… Peas would tell you they prefer well-drained soil between 50 and 60ºF. They would like to grow in daytime temperatures between 60 and 75ºF but will tolerate a little cooler or warmer.
How do we figure out when to sow? First, check soil temperature with a thermometer. Second, check soil moisture. Third, Don’t worry. What if you are late? Is there any way to salvage a good crop of peas? YES, There is! First, soak your peas the night before sowing. Second, harvest at the right time. Third, don’t forget about a fall crop. So there, you have it. Get Growing, Ryan, The Garden Coach. Vegetable Garden | Gardening Tips. How to Grow Vegetables | Guide to Growing Vegetables. Our Northern Grains « Northern Grain Growers Association: Locally Grown Organic and Conventional Grains from Vermont.
25 Plants You Should Consider Growing – Casaubon's Book. Note: This is a rerun from ye olde blogge. As the book deadline approaches, expect to see some of my previous opi making appearances here. Since I’ve got more than 1000 of them, it shouldn’t be too boring, I hope. I hope this one will help some of you in garden planning this year. There are a million gardening books out there to tell you how to grow perfect tomatoes and lettuces. And that’s important, especially after the blight disaster last year – in my house, salsa is a food group. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Sharon. Vegetables. Garden calendar to keep your kitchen garden growing - vegetables and herbs to sow and plant right now.