IV Kongres Edukacji - Projekt edukacyjny w nauczaniu języków. Webquests - An Introductory Guide and Resources. For those unfamiliar with the term, WebQuests can sound a whole lot like regular old internet research that everybody does these days.
Even the definition—“an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all of the information that learners work with comes from the web”—doesn’t do much to dispel that notion. There are, however, distinct differences that help to set WebQuests apart. Webquests. Webquests are just one way in which teachers can help.
Defining a webquest Reasons for using webquests Structure of a webquest Producing a webquest Implementing a webquest Conclusion Defining a webquest Bernie Dodge of San Diego State University was one of the first people to attempt to define and structure this kind of learning activity. According to him, a webquest is "an inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the Internet... " Focus. Wire Side Chat: Bernie Dodge on WebQuests. Why were WebQuests developed?
Why should teachers use them? What does the future hold for educational technology? WebQuest creator Bernie Dodge answers those questions and more. Bernie Dodge, a professor of educational technology at San Diego State University, has been cited by eSchool News as one of the nation's top 30 educational technology innovators. Probably best known as the creator of the WebQuest model for technology integration, Dodge is also the author of a number of educational software packages for children and technology tools for educators.
This week, Dodge shares with Education World readers his thoughts about WebQuests -- and about the future of educational technology. Education World: What drew you to the field of educational technology -- at a time when it wasn't even a field yet? Untitled. Design Patterns. Process Checklist. Design Map. Put What You Want to Appear in the Title Bar Here. (August 2, 1999 - This1995 document is WAYYYY out of date.
Use the latestversioninstead.) Write a short paragraph here to introduce the webquest to thestudents. If there is a role or scenario involved (e.g., "You are adetective trying to identify the mysterious poet. ") then here iswhere you'll set the stage. If there's no motivational intro likethat, use this section to provide a short advance organizer oroverview. The Task Describe crisply and clearly what the end result of the learners'activities will be. Series of questions that must be answered, summary to be created, problem to be solved, position to be formulated and defended, creative work, or anything that requires the learners to process and transform the information they've gathered.
Resources. WebQuests to Web 2.0: More than a Decade of Technology Ideas. Learn to connect the best technology approaches of the past with the potential of new technology to build effective, efficient, and appealing learning environments for today's young people.
Engage learners in motivating, standards-based activities that promote deep thinking and creative communications. When you combine quality Internet resources and effective technology tools with the power of Web 2.0 applications, learning comes alive for students. WebQuests are an inquiry-based approach to addressing standards that place emphasis on motivating assignments, authentic assessments, and developing independent readers and writers. In this workshop, you'll learn to locate, evaluate, adapt, use, create, and co-produce your own WebQuests. Useful WebQuest Resources. Site menu: Latest news: June 17, 2015: This year marks the 20th anniversary of the WebQuest model.
Watch this space for announcements of some new resources coming later this summer! October 22, 2008:WebQuests and Web 2.0? This webinar conducted by the Discovery Education Network features a discussion about how blogs and wikis fit into the WebQuest model. August 9, 2007: QuestGarden received the MERLOT Teacher Education Classics Award at the organization's international conference in New Orleans. Contact. A WebQuest about WebQuests. Introduction Since early in 1995, teachers everywhere have learned how to use the web well by adopting the WebQuest format to create inquiry-oriented lessons.
What WebQuests Are (Really) - Tom March. By Tom March A well-designed WebQuest uses the power of the Internet and a scaffolded learning process to turn research-based theories into dependable learning-centered practices.
In February 1995, my mentor at San Diego State University, Professor Bernie Dodge, came up with an idea for integrating this new thing called the World Wide Web into classroom activities. Bernie’s early and oft-quoted definition states, “A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the internet…” (Dodge, 1995). Since then WebQuests have become one of the key buzzwords heard when educators discuss the Web and education. In fact, current Web statistics from The WebQuest Page record well over 100,000 page views per month, two new submissions to its database per day and 900 daily searches of the same1. Metoda WebQuest na lekcjach matematyki w IV Liceum Ogólnokształcącymw Katowicach by Katarzyna Trajdos. Webquest Creator 2. WebQuest. The Driving Question. ESC11 - Project Based Learning The driving question captures the heart of the project by providing purpose using clear and compelling language.
Driving questions (also called compelling questions) pose simply stated real world dilemmas. They pose predicaments that students find interesting and actually want to answer. The question drives students to discuss, inquire, and investigate the topic. It should push them toward a production or solution. From Tony Vincent at The most important thing about the driving question is that when students develop a solution to the question, they fulfill the learning goals for the unit. Źródła. Wszystko o WebQueście. E-future.net plus. All About Presidents (Web Quest) - Lessons. Ocenianie. Przechodzimy do podsumowania Waszej pracy w formie samooceny, oceny zespołowej, a także mojej informacji dla Was.
WebQuest Pitfalls. Process Guides. Focus. Process Checklist. Useful WebQuest Resources. Designing a WebQuest - The WebQuest Model. Dodge (1997, p. 4) describes 4 steps that a teacher/WebQuest designer needs to go through before starting to work on the actual WebQuest elements: 1. Familiarize "with the resources available on-line in their own content area" (p. 4).2.
Organize the content according to their relevance (can be main ideas in the subject areas, examples, references, etc.) with the lesson-to-be-taught.3. "Identify topics that fit in with their curriculum and for which there are appropriate materials on-line" (p. 4).4. Design the WebQuest based on one of the given/chosen template. The steps for creating a WebQuest come to give flesh and bones to the teacher's choices. Ten Search Strategies Students Should Try. Students often think that because they can type a phrase into Google or saying something aloud to Siri they know how to search. Of course, any teacher who has heard a student say "Google has nothing on this" or "there's no information about my topic" knows that students don't inherently know how to search despite growing up in a world filled with Google and Siri. When your students need help formulating or refining a search, have them review the following ten tip.
Better yet, have them review these tips before starting their next searches. Belfer Online: Zasoby. Wspaniałych chwil przy blasku choinki i dźwiękach kolęd, Świąt spędzonych w ciepłej, rodzinnej atmosferze, Świąt dających radość i odpoczynek oraz nadzieję na dobry Nowy Rok. Enauczanie.com - Przykłady WebQuestów. WebQuest to sposób na łatwiejszą i tańszą naukę. Moje średniowiecze. EDUNEWS.PL - portal o nowoczesnej edukacji - Jak korzystać z WebQuestu? EDUNEWS.PL - portal o nowoczesnej edukacji - Webquesty w edukacji. Dr. Alice Christie's WebQuest Matrix. Webquest 101. Wykaz przygotowanych instrukcji WebQuest. Prezentacja WebQuest'ów nauczycieli. (262 webquesty) Webquest o webquestach. Webquest o WebQuestach. QuestGarden.com. WebQuest. Metoda Webquest. Poradnik dla nauczyciela - Edustore.eu.
W społeczeństwie informacyjnym kluczową umiejętnością, potrzebną do funkcjonowania na co dzień i uczniom i nauczycielom, jest wyszukiwanie w sieci informacji, jej weryfikacja oraz przetwarzanie w wiedzę. Search for WebQuests. Latest news: June 17, 2015: This year marks the 20th anniversary of the WebQuest model. Watch this space for announcements of some new resources coming later this summer! October 22, 2008:WebQuests and Web 2.0? This webinar conducted by the Discovery Education Network features a discussion about how blogs and wikis fit into the WebQuest model. You can view the archive here. August 9, 2007: QuestGarden received the MERLOT Teacher Education Classics Award at the organization's international conference in New Orleans. Contact. WebQuest. Metoda i przykłady. Webquesty. Metoda WebQuest historia -wos by Beata Bres on Prezi. WebQuest o WebQueście.