> Izatrue
The Non-Fungible Token Bible: Everything you need to know about NFTs - OpenSea blog. CHINA’S GLOBAL LEADERSHIP LIST – CHARTS AND FACTS – Eurasia News Online. A vast majority of Americans have absolutely no clue how advanced China has become.
Look at the social media comments, and it’s clear that too many Americans – especially Trump supporters – are filled with misinformation and prejudice. “China is 100 years behind” … “All Chinese products are crap” … “China can’t innovate” … “It’s a communist, poor, polluted country” … and, of course, the most popular theme is “China’s economy is about to collapse.” It’s hard to change these opinions, since those people reinforce their biases by gleefully consuming and sharing only anti-China articles. Anything remotely positive about China is attacked as “Chinese propaganda.” While it’s true that China as whole has a long way to go in GDP-per-capita, many big cities in China are essentially “developed economies.”
U.S., Taiwan Manipulate Chip Supplies To Press For War With China. U.S., Taiwan Manipulate Chip Supplies To Press For War With China The current government of Taiwan is trying to break the U.S. and Europe's One-China policy to become an independent country under U.S. and NATO protection.
The Peoples Republic of China, the mainland, insist, historically correct, that Republic of China, Taiwan, is a part of mainland China.
Covid and fictitious capital – Michael Roberts Blog. During the year of the COVID, output, investment and employment in nearly all the economies of the world plummeted, as lockdowns, social isolation and collapsing international trade contracted output and spending.
And yet the opposite was the case for the stock and bond markets of the major economies.
How Restricting Trade with China Could End US Semiconductor Leadership. A strong semiconductor industry is critical to US global economic competitiveness and national security in an era of digital transformation and artificial intelligence.
The US has long been the semiconductor leader, with a 45% to 50% market share. US leadership is grounded in a virtuous innovation cycle that relies on access to global markets to achieve the scale needed to fund very large R&D investments that consistently advance US technology ahead of global competitors. Frictions between the US and China, whose device makers accounted for around 23% of global semiconductor demand in 2018, have generated significant headwinds for US semiconductor companies.
Sugar and Spice and Everything Vice: the Empire’s Sin City of London – the Canadian patriot. By Cynthia Chung The over 1000 point plunge of the stock market on Feb 27th and broader ruptures of the financial system last week have been yet another wake up call for those who have been contented so far to “live in the moment” of fast money.
Since the 2008 financial crisis, which is considered the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s, many have not been able to go back to sleep after such a lucid nightmare.
Lockdown lessons from the history of solitude. When the poet John Donne was struck down by a sudden infection in 1623 he immediately found himself alone – even his doctors deserted him.
The experience, which only lasted a week, was intolerable. He later wrote: “As sickness is the greatest misery, so the greatest misery of sickness is solitude.” It’s hard to believe now, but until relatively recently, solitude – or the experience of being alone for significant periods of time – was treated with a mixture of fear and respect.
Revolutionary Times and Systemic Collapse – “The System Cannot Handle It”
Some have queried how it could be that President Putin would co-operate with President Trump to have OPEC+ push oil prices higher – when those higher prices precisely would only help sustain U.S. oil production.
In effect, President Putin was being asked to underwrite a subsidy to the U.S. economy – at the expense of Russia’s own oil and gas sales – since U.S. shale production simply is not economic at these prices.
Global Births & Population Of Potential Mothers... Down, Down, Down. Skip to main content Skip to main content.
THE DECAY AND DECLINE OF THE WHOLE CAPITALIST SYSTEM. The world is now standing before a seminal moment and virtually nobody can see it.
There has not been a more critical moment in the last 50 years than what we are now facing. In 1971, the world faced a similar situation.
New World Order in Meltdown, But Russia Stronger Than Ever. By Jon Hellevig for The Saker Blog Last week was full of portentous events.
List of countries by external debt. This is a list of countries by external debt, the total public and private debt owed to nonresidents repayable in internationally accepted currencies, goods, or services,[1] where the public debt is the money or credit owed by any level of government, from central to local, and the private debt the money or credit owed by private households or private corporations based in the country under consideration.
This is not to be confused with public debts which can be found under 'List of countries by public debt'. For informational purposes, several non-sovereign entities are also included in this list. Note that while a country may have a relatively large external debt (either in absolute or per capita terms), it could be a "net international creditor" if its external debt is less than the total of the external debt of other countries held by it. For example, Norway, Luxembourg, Switzerland, China and others are net international creditors. Notes[edit] See also[edit] References[edit]
L'Union Européenne sert à l'évasion fiscale. NATO overplays its hand. You’d think the rulers of the Western World – the greatest Empire the world has ever seen – would be smart enough to realise when they’ve gone too far.
Don’t they watch the World Series of Poker on the Fox channels? Professional card-players know that they must maintain a reputation for honesty and caution, before they can expect to get away with bluffs and other bullshit.
Behind the Anglo American War on Russia. Behind the Anglo American War on Russia By F. William Engdahl11 September 2018 Perhaps they had a chance back during the Obama days when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton proposed her amusing “Reset” in USA-Russia relations to the new Medvedew Presidency following Putin’s rotation to the seat of Prime Minister in March 2009.
Money. If Your Boss Makes Millions, It’s Not Because of the Market. How the Economy Works as It Reaches Energy Limits — An Introduction for Actuaries and Others. Why have long-term interest rates generally fallen since 1981? Why have asset prices risen? Can these trends be expected to continue? The standard evaluation approach by actuaries and economists seems to be to look at past patterns and assume that they will be repeated.
The catch is that energy consumption growth plays a hugely important role in GDP growth. It also plays an important role in interest rates that businesses and governments can afford to pay.
Green Energy
UNDERSTANDING MONEY - David Korten. PCDForum Article #15 Release Date June 1, 1996 by John H. Hotson An understanding of the true nature of money is essential for those seeking economic reforms toward the creation of sustainable societies.
What Ended Global West Dominance. What Ended Global West DominanceSo what has washed / is washing away the soil under the Global West dominated Globalization 1.0 model? It’s not just one single facet, but rather quite a some. The multiple walls/borders that have bounced and still are bouncing the Global West dominated Globalization 1.0 model back are: Geographical Distances: Globalization is mainly about being able to cope easily with distances. The last decades delivered many ‘easy tools’ to do that. The sea container changed global manufactured product flows/reach for every.
What Ended Global West Dominance. The Global West Reaches Economic Adulthood. The Global West Reaches Economic AdulthoodThe Global West matures.
Jim Willie – Full Interview – July 2017 And Article – Enter the Cartel. Money. Ecocide and the Psychotic 0.5 Per Cent. A Tale of Two Nations: Russia vs USA Economic Prospects.
A Tale of Two Nations: Russia vs USA Economic Prospects By F. William Engdahl19 July 2017 Taking the extraordinary USA and EU economic sanctions against Russia and low oil prices since 2014 into account, Russia’s economic outlook looks excellent going forward while that of Trump’s America looks bleak, to put it mildly.
Surplus Energy Economics. Is Trump the Back Door Man for Henry A. Kissinger & Co?
The term Back Door Man has several connotations.
DISSERTATION JAN 2017. What-world-looks-like-x-africa. Those wishing to explain how this time isn't different refer to the chart below, global population growth.
Don’t fall for the AAA rating myth. #80. Grossly Distorted Prosperity. GIBRALTAR 1.1. Eurostat - Tables, Graphs and Maps Interface (TGM) table. Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world. Derivatives - The Unregulated Global Casino for Banks. US Debt Ceiling Visualized: Stacked in $100 dollar bills @ $16.394 Trillion Dollars. US Government Budget Visualized: Tax Revenue & Deficit stacked in $100 bills. On The Trail Of Dubai's Stolen Gold: A Robbed Client Breaks The Silence, And A Fascinating Detail Emerges. Brazil, like Russia, under attack by Hybrid War — RT Op-Edge. "A Total Game Changer" - From Over-Population To De-Population. Mutation of Medieval Feudalism Into Modern Corporate Capitalism: The Rise of Neofeudalism in Corporate Governance...