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The Blockade of Gaza: It’s All About the Natural Gas — The Canada Files. The narrative problem with peak oil. In the 1970s, the developed states were shaken by oil shortages.

The narrative problem with peak oil

Putin And Trump vs The New World Order: The Final Battle – The Israel Lobby’s Hidden Hand in the Theft of Iraqi and Syrian Oil, by Agha Hussain and Whitney Webb. The outsized role of U.S.

The Israel Lobby’s Hidden Hand in the Theft of Iraqi and Syrian Oil, by Agha Hussain and Whitney Webb

Israel lobby operatives in abetting the theft of Syrian and Iraqi oil reveals how this powerful lobby also facilitates more covert aspects of U.S. -Israeli cooperation and the implementation of policies that favor Israel. Kirkuk, Iraq — “We want to bring our soldiers home. Le défi de Donald Trump face à son administration, par Thierry Meyssan. Donald Trump et John Bolton Plusieurs éléments se précisent quant au possible changement de doctrine des États-Unis que j’annonçais, il y a deux semaines [1].

Le défi de Donald Trump face à son administration, par Thierry Meyssan

Depuis trois ans, le président Trump tente d’imposer son point de vue à une administration dont les principaux hauts-fonctionnaires restent rivés depuis 18 ans à la doctrine Rumsfeld/Cebrowski de destruction des structures étatiques de régions entières du monde non-globalisé. Au contraire, pour Donald Trump, il convient, dans une optique jacksonienne, de substituer la négociation et le business à la guerre, de manière à dominer le monde en bonne intelligence avec la Russie et la Chine et non plus contre elles. Géopolitique du pétrole à l'ère Trump, par Thierry Meyssan. L’économie dépend en premier lieu de l’énergie dont elle dispose.

Géopolitique du pétrole à l'ère Trump, par Thierry Meyssan

Ce besoin a toujours été l’une des principales causes de guerres. Jadis, il s’agissait de faire des esclaves pour travailler aux champs, puis au XIXème siècle de s’emparer du charbon pour alimenter des machines, aujourd’hui des hydrocarbures (pétrole et gaz). A timeline of Yemeni missile, drone attacks inside Saudi Arabia.

TEHRAN, Sept 16 -For more than four years, Yemen’s army and allied popular forces — led by the Houthi Ansarullah movement — have been defending the country against a devastating Saudi-led military campaign meant to reinstate a former Riyadh-friendly government.

A timeline of Yemeni missile, drone attacks inside Saudi Arabia

Sep 2, 2019 Crude Oil’s 10-Year Message Tom McClellan 321gold ...s. Chart In Focus Crude Oil’s 10-Year Message McClellan Financial Publications, Inc Posted Sep 2, 2019 August 30, 2019 We currently have trade wars, presidential tweets, inversions in the yield curve, slowing earnings growth, decreasing corporate share buy-backs, and all manner of other problems affecting the stock market.

Sep 2, 2019 Crude Oil’s 10-Year Message Tom McClellan 321gold ...s

And yet the long-term message from crude oil prices says that the stock market ought to continue trending upward into 2021. Ch04doc01. USA instructs Russian Central Bank how to strangle Russian economy. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not have to support the Russian economy.

USA instructs Russian Central Bank how to strangle Russian economy

There is no paragraph in the Constitution of the Russian Federation (written during the 1990s) that would tell the Central Bank to act so. For what purpose did the Central Bank set the Russian ruble free? Maidan in Spain, and some new “dog whistles” Many books will eventually be written about the last week of September of 2017.

Maidan in Spain, and some new “dog whistles”

Russian special forces repel a US-planned attack in Syria, after that the MOD denounced the USA and issued a stark warning: Russian SOF incinerated the US SOF in Idlib SITREP: Mohamed Bin Salman’s Do or Don’t Dilemma. By Ghassan Kadi Much has been said about the Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman (aka MBS), and most of it, has been in the form of criticism from different analysts and individuals including some members of the Saudi royal family itself.

Mohamed Bin Salman’s Do or Don’t Dilemma

The Machiavellian Plot to Provoke Saudi Arabia and Qatar into a “Blood Border” War. Why We Should Be Concerned About Low Oil Prices. Most people assume that oil prices, and for that matter other energy prices, will rise as we reach limits.

Why We Should Be Concerned About Low Oil Prices

This isn’t really the way the system works; oil prices can be expected to fall too low, as we reach limits. Thus, we should not be surprised if the OPEC/Russia agreement to limit oil extraction falls apart, and oil prices fall further. This is the way the “end” is reached, not through high prices. Op-Ed: Pipelineistan and Turkey: The Geo-Political Realities behind Resource Rivalry and the Looming Climate Catastrophe. Recently, I wrote a piece of possibly wider interest for my column ‘The Erimtan Angle’ in the Istanbul Gazette. In the 21st century, humanity has suddenly come face to face with the stupendous power of nature again. In the latter part of the previous century warnings regarding man-made or anthropogenic climate change started being voiced – arguably commencing in earnest with Professor Hansen’s testimony in front of the U.S.

Senate during the summer of 1988. An Urgently Necessary Briefing on Syria. 1. Syria is country about the size of Washington state, with an extraordinarily long, well-documented and glorious history, and central role in the emergence of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Before the current war, it had a population of around 22 millions. It has never threatened and poses no threat to the United States.

It is a secular, constitutional republic recognized diplomatically by the United Nations and has diplomatic and usually cordial relations with Russia, Iran, China, India, Japan, Brazil, South Africa, the Philippines, Argentina, Tanzania, Cuba, Egypt, Iraq, Algeria, Oman, etc. Barrel Breakdown. Source: Rystad Energy UCube Canada Production costs: 43.4% of barrel cost Most production growth in Canada comes from oil sands deposits in the remote boreal forests of northern Alberta, which have some of the industry's highest capital costs and longest development timelines.

Canada's oil sands represent the third largest reserves in the world after Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, but its crude trades at a substantial discount to other North American grades due to its low quality and limited pipeline access to market. Canada also produces declining amounts of crude oil from conventional, shale and deepwater Atlantic wells.

Show full breakdown. Energy Return on Energy Invested (ERoEI) for photovoltaic solar systems in regions of moderate insolation. Open Access Highlights Data are available from several years of photovoltaic energy experience in northern Europe. These are used to show the way to calculate a full, extended ERoEI. The viability and sustainability in these latitudes of photovoltaic energy is questioned. Use of photovoltaic technology is shown to result in creation of an energy sink. Abstract Many people believe renewable energy sources to be capable of substituting fossil or nuclear energy. Keywords EROI; ERoEI; Photovoltaic energy; Insolation levels; Switzerland; Germany. EROI of different fuels and the implications for society. <div class="msgBox" style="margin-top:10px;"><span class="errMsg"><div>JavaScript is disabled on your browser.

Please enable JavaScript to use all the features on this page. This page uses JavaScript to progressively load the article content as a user scrolls. Click the View full text link to bypass dynamically loaded article content. <a rel="nofollow" href=" full text</a></div></span></div><br /> 9K81/9K81-1/9K81M / /SA-12/SA-23 Giant/Gladiator / Cамоходный Зенитный Ракетный Комплекс 9К81/9К81-1/9К81М / Антей 2500. Views of News – Biblicism Institute. Question Everything. Just Chillin on History PART 2 OF 2 MEMOIRS OF MR HEMPHER, THE BRITISH SPY TO. Theaviationist. The New Middle East: Exit America Enter Russia. US Treachery Explodes Terror Proxies. In the last week, a wave of deadly bombings connected to al-Qaeda-linked extremists – from Bangladesh to Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia – has resulted in over 200 deaths.

On The Trail Of Dubai's Stolen Gold: A Robbed Client Breaks The Silence, And A Fascinating Detail Emerges. Irish Spring. Photo. From Qurayyah to Khurais: Turning Water Into Oil. A partial list of products made from petroleum. Cubic mile of oil. The cubic mile of oil (CMO) is a unit of energy. It was created by Hew Crane of SRI International to aid in public understanding of global-scale energy consumption and resources.[1] Hayden-snowden. Is nuclear war imminent? How Russia and Iran Plan to Push Oil Prices Back above $100. The most unconventional weapon in Syria: Wheat. What’s the big deal between Russia and the Saudis? — RT Op-Edge. War and Natural Gas: The Israeli Invasion and Gaza’s Offshore Gas Fields.

Que deviendra le Proche-Orient après l'accord entre Washington et Téhéran ?, par Thierry Meyssan. Arabie saoudite et Russie : nouvelle prise de contact, par Boris Dolgov. Les projets de réorganisation du « Moyen-Orient élargi », par Thierry Meyssan. Mises Institute. What Does Putin Want? Who Shall Rule The World. History and Analysis -Crude Oil Prices.