6 Heart Virtues. Living from the Heart Introduction If you were to plot the evolutionary trajectories of the past two thousand years for technology, science, economics, medicine, and most any other category of human endeavor, you would see trend lines racing upwards like rockets, particularly in the last one hundred years.
Only in those categories related to human emotion would you see comparatively flat lines, and, in some cases, devolution. It is clear that on an intellectual, technological, and monetary scale our progress has evolved dramatically, but how we manage our emotions, and more importantly, how we orchestrate them in order to enhance our understanding of life and intuitive perception has changed very little since the dawn of civilization. And yet, when you think about it, our ability to live from the heart and coordinate our emotions is a key component for better living—and not just for ourselves, but for our circle of family and friends, community, and the entire planet. Sixheart_img_virtues.png (Image PNG, 553 × 684 pixels) - Redimensionnée (89%) 6 Heart Virtues. Living from the Heart Introduction If you were to plot the evolutionary trajectories of the past two thousand years for technology, science, economics, medicine, and most any other category of human endeavor, you would see trend lines racing upwards like rockets, particularly in the last one hundred years.
Only in those categories related to human emotion would you see comparatively flat lines, and, in some cases, devolution. It is clear that on an intellectual, technological, and monetary scale our progress has evolved dramatically, but how we manage our emotions, and more importantly, how we orchestrate them in order to enhance our understanding of life and intuitive perception has changed very little since the dawn of civilization. And yet, when you think about it, our ability to live from the heart and coordinate our emotions is a key component for better living—and not just for ourselves, but for our circle of family and friends, community, and the entire planet. Le coeur énergétique -The Energetic Heart _french version_.doc - energeticheartfrench.pdf. Le coeur levant - Rising Heart - frenchrisingheart.pdf. L'intelligence du coeur. Les WingMakers. Quantum Pause. .: Sovereign Integral :.
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