Search Result: apostrophes. Hello Literacy. Mrs. Orman's Classroom. Genius Hour. I can't believe it is already time for #pb10for10!
Thanks to Cathy (@cathymere) at Reflect and Refine and Mandy (@mandyrobek) at Enjoy and Embrace Learning for creating this great day of learning and books. It always turns out to be expensive for me as I always discover so many great books that didn't know about. It's one of my favorite blog holidays:-) I decided this year that I'd share 10 books I'll use to kick off Genius Hour. I want my kids to understand what Genius Hour can be and each of these books give a message I want them to carry into Genius Hour. Going Places by Peter Reynolds is a great story about thinking outside of the box and how thinking together is often better than thinking alone! Someday by Eileen Spinelli is a great book that invites conversation around working toward goals, trying new things, etc. The OK Book Rosie Revere, Engineer is a fun book about mistakes, not quitting and finding joy in the journey of discovery.
Bella & Bean is one of my favorites. GENIUS HOUR. After much research and planning, I am thrilled to introduce my 5th grade reading group to GENIUS HOUR!
Genius Hour is a project-based learning activity that allows students to explore their own passions; it encourages creativity in the classroom and promotes inquiry, perseverance, problem solving, and innovation, among other lifelong skills. It provides students a choice in what they learn during a set period of time during school. Genius Hour has many roots, but is based on a business practice used by Google with its employees. Google allows their developers to spend up to 20% of their work week to pursue projects of personal interest. The rationale is that happy, inspired, engaged employees are more motivated, innovative, and productive. How will it work? Over the next semester, my students will pursue a project of personal interest. 1. 2. GENIUS HOUR IS HAPPENING!!!! I am a Pinterest junkie!
I love it and ALL of the ideas that I get! I pin good looking ideas to my boards and then I go back and look at them closer when I get some time. This was how I found Genius Hour. I pinned it back in the Fall and then over Winter Break I finally had some time to look into this new concept. I started reading a few blogs and my interest was piqued. The bulletin board coming to life....
The next day that we met, we focused on developing a "deep" question to research. We are having the students complete a final product to showcase their learning. So far the passion projects look pretty are some examples... 1. 2. E is for Explore! About Me. Hey, I'm Mr.
B! I am a 7th grade English Language Arts and Writing teacher at a junior high school in Southeast Texas. I have been teaching since I graduated college in 2010 and I couldn't imagine doing anything else with my life! I love my students and go out of my way to make sure they're successful academically as well as personally. This will be my first year teaching junior high. I graduated from high school as a one year early graduate in May 2007. 4th Grade Frolics. Create●Teach●Share. Teaching In The Fast Lane. Eye Like What I See! Well hello lovers!
October has arrived and I am giddy. I am buying candy, decorating, and in general wanting to color with orange, yellow, and brown crayons! Fall makes me happy! Great classroom behavior makes me happy too, thus I have a fun little gimmick for you! So if you have read this blog more than once you know I pretty much live at Target. Yep! Anyway, so the BIG eyes! Then, I got super cute tonight, and made this freebie for you. The Brown-Bag Teacher. Teaching With a Mountain View. Teaching Tales Along the Yellow Brick Road. Bloglovin. Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies. Teaching To Inspire In 5th.
Fourth and Ten. Fourth Grade Studio: Learning, Thinking, Creating. Redmon, Karen - 4th Grade / Mrs. Redmon's Class Blog. Miss-robinson - Persausive Techniques. End of the Year. I had my class write a persuasive essay about "The Reasons Why I Deserve to Go to Fifth Grade" at the end of the year.
I purchased a unit from Lesson Plan SOS Teachers on Teachers Pay Teachers. It has the prewriting and publishing sheets. (I love their stuff and have used many in my fourth grade classroom!) They suggested dressing up like a judge and having the kids present their essay/case/arguments about why they should move on in a court room setting. I used a graduation gown and a mini gavel to be the judge and my kids loved it! I created a sign using white foam board. The bubble could also say "My first day of ____grade"and be used for "Beginning of the Year" photos.
I want to have a stamp or sticker made for next year to put on their papers and make it look more official.