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Slip rings. Rotor. Rectifier. Stator. Regulator. Alternator components. Understanding Alternators. What is an Alternator and How Does It Work. "What does that little red light that says ALT mean when it comes on?

Understanding Alternators. What is an Alternator and How Does It Work

" Very basically, it means that either the alternator output voltage is lower than the battery voltage, or the battery voltage is lower than the alternator output voltage. If the light gets dimmer as you rev up the engine, then you most likely have a problem with the alternator. If it gets brighter, then the battery is most likely bad. That's all well and good, but just exactly what does all that mean? To get a good idea, it is first necessary to understand how an alternator works. Windings. HOW DOES AN ALTERNATOR WORK? Introduction to alternators, part three, alternator components - Phoenix Auto Repair.