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How to Spot a Fake Autograph on Kobe Bryant Jersey?

06 february 2020

How to Spot a Fake Autograph on Kobe Bryant Jersey?

The sudden death of Kobe Bryant has made everyone speechless and fans have started to rush to buy his signed collectables like jersey, basketball, t-shirt, and other items as a keepsake. People are hoping for the best to hold on to even a single piece of Kobe Bryant’s history and willing to pay even high prices for his genuine memorabilia for commemorating the basketball star’s journey.

Aside from the increasing demand for his memorabilia, there are chances to meet scammers who are delivering forgeries and fakes. It is necessary to avoid platforms that sell unauthentic items that feature fake autographs. Whether you want a Kobe Bryant signed jersey, basketball, and gear, it is utmost important to determine the genuine memorabilia to invest your hard-earned money in the right place.

Learn how to spot a fake autograph on sports memorabilia with some helpful tips:-

1.       Look at the Ink

One of the best ways to identify a fake autograph is to find out how the ink has transferred to the item. Many scammers feature stamp-on signatures that can be easily applied in one-go, but genuine ones don’t look like that. 

2.       Hold It Up to the Light

You can hold the signature side of the item to the light to discover whether it’s fake or not. People are likely to apply different pressure when using pens, so if the autographs look as it is engraved using equal pressure, it can be fake.

3.       Look for Imperfection in the Autograph

Humans cannot write perfectly every time so there can be the chances of some minor imperfection in the signature. You can take a magnifying glass to evaluate the details of popular signature and look for a human error. If the autograph looks too perfect, it is likely a fake.

4.       Turn It Upside Down

Our minds are more likely to skip over tiny differences when comparing two similar signatures with each other. It is good to place the item upside down to gain a fresh perspective when examining the details. Look for the overall shape and direction of the letters to make a wise decision.

You can use the above-listed tips to spot a fake signature on Kobe Bryant signed jersey before spending money on any fake memorabilia. It is all about investigating the subtle details of his signature and comparing it with other samples. Always, do your research and make sure you are investing in an authentic memorabilia every time. 
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