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Best Beach & Sport Sunscreens EWG's 2013 Guide to Sunscreens. Natural Skin Care with the Oil Cleansing Method. Ingredients to Avoid. Many of the ingredients used in our daily personal care products have been found to be potentially dangerous to our health in human, animal, and lab studies.

Ingredients to Avoid

The FDA has limited jurisdiction over what cosmetic manufacturers can and cannot do. That means it comes down to the individual to make the decision: What kinds of products will you use? For optimal health, when shopping for personal care products, read labels and avoid the following 24 potentially harmful ingredients. • Aluminum is a chemical salt with absorbent and disinfectant properties. It’s often used in deodorants and antiperspirants, and is easily absorbed into the skin.

. • Animal testing has left many innocent creatures maimed, diseased, and crippled. . • Acetone is a strong solvent used in many nail-polish removers (as well as in some paints and varnishes). LoveLula, the Natural Place to Shop. Cruelty Free Companies, Compassionate Shopping Guide : Alex and Ani Web: Alex and Ani, LLC. offers eco-friendly, positive energy products that adorn the body, enlighten the mind, and empower the spirit, designed by Carolyn Rafaelian and made in America.

Cruelty Free Companies, Compassionate Shopping Guide :

Inspired by True | Natural | Beauty, each product encourages the individual to re-energize and explore the sheer power of positivity. An invitation to a positive energy lifestyle, Alex and Ani Beauty products enlighten the mind and empower the spirit. Animal Testing Report Card: Paula's Choice Skincare & Cosmetics.

Where Do I Find Safer Products? / Cinco Vidas. Have you decided to be more cautious in the personal care products you use?

Where Do I Find Safer Products? / Cinco Vidas

Are you reading labels, and avoiding potentially dangerous ingredients? If so, you may be a little frustrated. It’s all well and good to want to buy better, safer products, but sometimes it’s another thing to find them! We think if we go to health food stores or places who claim to sell “natural” or “organic” products, we’ll be able to pull most anything off the shelf and feel good about it, but unfortunately, even these stores can sometimes have products with toxic ingredients.

Rule of thumb: Always read ingredient lists no matter what the product claims. To help you out, we’ve put together a list of places where you’re more likely to find the products you’re looking for. Skin Deep Database: Whatever product you choose, you can always check it out at the Skin Deep Database, which will list the ingredients and give you toxicity scores on each. Best in Beauty: Confused about reading labels? Skin » Temptalia Beauty Blog: Makeup Reviews, Beauty Tips. 13 Food Hacks for Better Skin and Hair. Good news: There are kitchen DIY projects that don’t require any cooking skills (who knew?).

13 Food Hacks for Better Skin and Hair

We’ve got 13 homemade solutions — from honey to mayo — for dry skin, rough elbows, and unruly hair. They’re cheaper than the fancy schmancy stuff sold in stores and use ingredients already in most pantries or fridges. (And guys, good skin isn’t just for the ladies — no one will know that the items from your latest grocery run are about to be lathered all over your face.) Check out this list for some antioxidant packed recipes that moisturize and refresh, some so good you could eat ‘em! Body Scrubs Roughin’ it never looked so good. Homemade scrubs typically contain two parts “grit” (usually salt or sugar) and one part oil (like coconut or olive).

How To Mix the oil and sugar slowly until the mixture forms a slightly wet ball (thick enough it won’t slip through your fingers). Recipes Banilla Scrub (Oil Free) For an oil-free option, use a fork to blend ½ cup of brown sugar and 1 mashed banana. 12 All-Natural Hair Moisturizers That You Can DIY. An extreme seasonal shift not only cues a drastic change in your wardrobe, it also means that it’s time to adjust your beauty routine.

12 All-Natural Hair Moisturizers That You Can DIY

During the winter, it’s all about moisturizing (after you exfoliate with face and lip scrubs, of course!). While we all know that the brisk bite of cold weather does a real number on your skin, it can also do some real damage to your hair. Luckily, it’s just as easy to protect! Since we’re all about stepping up our DIY beauty game, these 12 hair masks are all super simple to make, using only six all-natural ingredients or less to revitalize your mane. So what are you waiting for? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Photo 1- Our Epic Guide To Fab Skin At Every Age. In Your 30s The good news: Your acne will usually subside by this stage in your life (yay!).

Photo 1- Our Epic Guide To Fab Skin At Every Age

The bad news: It's because your skin is starting to dry out (boo!) , says Dr. Sobel. You'll also start seeing more hyperpigmentation, fine lines, sun spots, and darker circles under your eyes. Photo 1- 17 Eco-Friendly Beauty Buys That Really Work.