Www.southamericandestination.com/file/Ucayali_color_A4_II_ingles.pdf. "Stan Grist's resources for gold prospecting, metal detecting, treasure hunting and exploration." Strange tunnels that run for hundreds of miles beneath South America... An immense treasure hidden in subterranean vaults... Underground gardens artistically crafted from gold and precious jewels...
Rumors of golden plaques with strange inscriptions engraved on their shining sides... These are the ingredients of the great mystery connected to a network of subterranean tunnels allegedly existing beneath the valleys and plateaus of South America. Enigmatic stories about these mysterious tunnels sound like something out of Arabian nights. Recently, Erick von Daniken reported that he'd had been in a network of tunnels that run for thousands of miles beneath the South American continent. The first knowledge about these immense underground tunnels came when the Conquistadores invaded ancient South America. Before the emperor could be freed, he was killed by Pizzaro's soldiers. Among the artifacts that vanished were the mummified bodies of thirteen Inca emperors. Dr. Dr. "... "... 6 of the World's Greatest Missing Treasures" To the ancient Israelites, the Ark of the Covenant was the most sacred thing on Earth.
The central and paramount object of the Hebrew nation, this ornate chest was, according to the Bible, designed by God. Measuring 44 inches long, 26 inches wide, and 26 inches high, the chest was made of acacia wood, overlaid inside and out with pure gold, and surrounded by an artistic gold border. Mounted on the solid gold cover were two golden cherubs, one at each end of the cover facing each other, with heads bowed and wings extending upward. The Ark served as a holy archive for the safekeeping of sacred relics, including the two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments. As a historical and religious treasure, the Ark and its contents were absolutely priceless. In 607 B.C., Jerusalem, the capital city of the Israelite kingdom of Judah and home of Solomon's Temple, where the Ark was housed, was besieged and overthrown by the Babylonians.
The 10 Most Intriguing Mysteries of Lost Civilizations. HOW CAN WE know who we are if we don't know where we come from? It is clear from many fragments of evidence, traditions and lore that we have an incomplete picture of the earliest days of human civilization. It's possible that whole civilizations, some with advanced technology, have come and gone. At the very least, human culture reaches much further back in time than conventional history admits.
There are many mysteries in our ancient past, but there may be clues to that past around the world in the form of sunken cities, ancient structures, cryptic hieroglyphics, artwork and more. Here are ten of the most intriguing pieces of the puzzle that is our past. They are shrouded in mystery and varying degrees of doubt, but all are nonetheless fascinating. 1. The April 5, 1909 edition of the Arizona Gazette featured an article entitled "Explorations in Grand Canyon: Remarkable finds indicate ancient people migrated from Orient. " 2. 3. Next page > Atlantis and more. Golden Idol. The Chachapoyan Fertility Idol, also known as Golden Idol, is a fictitious artifact that appeared in the opening sequence of Raiders of the Lost Ark, a 1981 adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg. Its likeness was made famous by the popularity of the film. It is also the first relic that audiences see the protagonist of the film franchise acquire, establishing that hero as a treasure hunter.
In the film[edit] In the film Raiders of the Lost Ark the idol is portrayed as resting in an ancient, abandoned temple in South America. The specific location is not given in the film, other than a subtitle that reads "South America, 1936". The tribe of "Hovitos" natives is fictional. The idol is located on a booby trapped pedestal, and its weight, approximately 3 pounds of gold, precisely counterbalances the trigger for the temple to partially collapse and release falling walls, shooting darts, and a huge rolling boulder which would seal the temple entrance, trapping intruders within.
Lake Titicaca Underwater Ruins. The Top Ten Lost Treasures of the World - Historic Mysteries. Among the most intriguing historic mysteries on Earth are those that involve lost treasures. Not only are the stories behind the loss typically compelling, there is the tantalizing possibility that someone will one day uncover these treasures. A person could be made wealthy in a matter of seconds if they were to find even one of the greatest lost treasures of all time.
Check out what we feel are the top ten lost treasures of the world! The Amber Room The Amber Room The Amber Room is or was quite what it sounds like, but also much more. The Treasure of Lima The Treasure of Lima was sent off aboard a ship by the Spanish occupiers of Peru in 1823. Weaver’s Needle at Superstition Mountain The Lost Dutchman Mine Perhaps the most popular story of lost treasure in North America is that of the Dutchman Mine. King John King John’s Jewels The story of King John’s Lost Jewels comes from contemporary writers. Princess Anastasia Romanov Jewels The Romanovs were the last royal family of the Russian Empire. The Peruvian lost treasures. The lost treasures of the Peruvian Church Pascal Kainic - Ken Matthews In 1859, several chests of treasure were stolen from a Peruvian church and hidden on a remote Pacific Island. One says it has never been recovered... The inventory of the treasure reads as follow: - 14 tons of gold ingots- 7 golden candlesticks studded with jewels- 38 long diamond necklaces- A quantity of jeweled rings- A quantity of bracelets- A quantity of crucifixes- 1 chest of uncut stones (probably rubies)- 1 chest of Spanish doubloons As today's bullion prices, the gold ingots alone are worth approximately £ 210,000,000 or approx.
US$ 410,000,000 ! The gold was originally mined by the Incas before being plundered by Spanish Jesuit Priests who secreted it in an underground vault at the Jesuit church of Pisco, Peru. The skipper of the "Bosun Bird", Diego Alvarez, perpetrator of the hoax, had heard Matheo talk of the horde while they served together in the Peru-Chile war. 5 Amazing Treasures Never Found. 5 Amazing Treasures Never Found Like a good percent of the worlds population I to love treasure and the stories and legends behind them. I tried to find 5 of the most amazing treasures that have never been found to this day. Most of these treasures actually have some kind of record in history or paper trail proving they might actually exist. So if you love treasure and the hunt then feel free to read on and enjoy. 1. Gasparilla's Lost Treasure Jose Gaspar also known as "Gasparilla" was a Spanish pirate who was born in 1756 and died in 1821.
In 1821, Gasparilla and his crew had decided to retire from the pirate business and where heading back to Charlotte Harbor to dig up the treasure he buried so him and the crew could divide it up, when they seen a ship with a British flag and decided to pull off one more looting. A fierce battle broke out between the 2 ships, with Gasparilla's ship taking heavy cannon fire it was doomed. 2. John's luck changed the year the Civil War began. 3. 4. 5. List of missing treasure. Lost Treasures at the longest list.