Understanding the Spectrum - a comic strip explanation. By Rebecca Burgess (edited by Julia Seidel and Erik) Note: This is a great handout for Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month (April).
Rebecca Burgess is a freelance comic artist and illustrator living in the UK. She has an interest in history and folk songs that runs through a lot of her work. Her obsession with comics runs into her spare time, where she draws two web comics! Rebecca also likes to play video games, explore the countryside and dress like a time traveler! See Rebecca’s tumblr, where this comic was originally posted:theoraah.tumblr.comArchie is a character in a web comic:hccomic.smackjeeves.com.
Breastfeeding Beyond Infancy a GP Guide - ABM. Key Messages Breastfeeding until at least 2 years old is recommended by the World Health Organization because of the benefits for both child and mother.
This includes developed countries such as the UK. Although there are estimates that less than 1% of UK children are still breastfed by their first birthday, the exact figure is unknown. For those families who do continue to breastfeed, it has a significant value that goes beyond nutritional or health benefits. Baby sleep expertise leads to new bedsharing advice. (7 January 2020) Research by our baby sleep experts has led to new international guidance on bedsharing.
In the new protocol, breastfeeding mothers and babies are not advised against bedsharing, as long as no dangerous circumstances exist. This marks a departure from advice most commonly given which categorically advises against bedsharing. The new clinical guidance has been heavily informed by research from our Durham Infancy & Sleep Centre. Safe bedsharing The protocol has been published by the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, an international body of physicians, and is aimed at clinicians world-wide. The Second Nine Months: Exterogestation and the Need to be Held - Boba. Human infants are also born immature and must go through a period of development in proximity to their mothers outside of the womb.
A joey stays in his pouch until his “exterior gestation” is complete and he is able to move away from his mother on his own. Like a joey, human infants are also born immature. In fact, human infants actually remain helpless longer than infants of any other species and, like some marsupials, must also go through a distinct period of gestation outside of the womb. Although birth may be seen as a separation of mother and infant, babies need anything but separation. Nature intended that they be held on their mother’s bodies after birth until they complete their gestation out of the womb. Does Cranial Therapy Work? Hands-on physical therapies including cranial techniques such as cranial osteopathy or craniosacral therapy are sometimes suggested for babies with breastfeeding or sucking difficulties.
Online searches reveal anecdotal reports from satisfied parents who felt that this type of ‘bodywork’ helped with their babies’ feeding or general comfort levels. But many people are sceptical and doubtful about cranial therapies and would like to see more evidence based research proving its safety record and benefits. Bedsharing and Breastfeeding: The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Protocol #6, Revision 2019. Purpose Bedsharing promotes breastfeeding initiation,1 duration,2–7 and exclusivity.7,8 Medical and public health organizations in some countries recommend against bedsharing, citing concerns over increased risk of sleep-related infant death.9,10 However, bedsharing may only be a risk in hazardous circumstances as demonstrated by epidemiological study (Table 1).11 We aim to clarify the currently available evidence regarding the benefits and risks of bedsharing, and offer evidence-based recommendations that promote infant and maternal health through increased breastfeeding duration.12 The recommendations in this protocol apply to mother–infant dyads who have initiated breastfeeding and are in home settings, and are not intended for use in hospitals or birth centers.
Summary and Recommendations Summary. With Pierced Nipples. Many mothers have breastfed successfully after previously having their nipples pierced.
However, some mothers have encountered difficulties with blocked ducts, infections, reduced milk supply or leaking milk from the piercing site. This article looks at the risks and recommendations to be aware of when breastfeeding with pierced nipples and how nipple piercings might affect breastfeeding. Precautions to note. Latching Tips. The way a baby attaches to the breast (latches) is important.
If a baby has only got the nipple in his mouth, without a good mouthful of breast tissue, it will usually feel uncomfortable for the mother and the baby may struggle to get a full supply of milk. A deeper latch with a big mouthful of the breast as well as the nipple, will ensure mother’s nipple falls deep in the baby’s mouth where it will not get rubbed against the roof of baby’s mouth or by his tongue. How to Suddenly Stop Breastfeeding when your Baby Dies: A Practical Guide. Fewer than 30 minutes after I found Willow dead I was sitting on my sofa with an electric pump attached to my breast while a team of police officers watched over me.
Below is my personal experience of how to abruptly and safely stop breastfeeding and also some notes on the effects of trauma. I had 100% breastfed my daughter Willow. She was entirely grown by me, first in my womb and then through the milk I produced. Cows’ Milk Protein Allergy (CMPA) and Breastfeeding - The Breastfeeding Network. This information can also be viewed as a PDF by clicking here.
The information provided is taken from various reference sources. It is provided as a guideline. No responsibility can be taken by the author or the Breastfeeding Network for the way in which the information is used. Special situations. The Who's Who of Breastfeeding - The Birth Hub. This post was most recently updated on June 5th, 2018 Breastfeeding mums can have a variety of people rock up to help in the early days – and in my experience, many parents can be pretty confused as to who’s who and what experience and qualifications they have.
This seems like a massive shame to me – personally, if I wanted to learn Italian, I’d want to make sure that my teacher was fluent in the language and had some accepted, recognised qualification in how to teach it – or at least a wealth of on-the-job experience. And even if the parents aren’t interested (after all, if this lady can help me, I couldn’t care less if she were the Devil in a dress) it seems that many health professionals and doulas need a quick lesson in who we all are, where we come from and what we are qualified ‘to do’. So this, to the best of my ability, is a quick run down of who’s who in the breastfeeding world. If you spot any mistakes or ommissions, please take a moment to correct me! La Leche League (LLL) Lactation Consultants of Great Britain. What an amazing video that shows clearly the peristalsis of the tongue and the jaw movements involved in feeding and swallowing! Brilliant! □□□ #breastfeeding #normalisebreastfeeding #normalizebreastfeeding #breastfedbaby #breastfeedinghelp #breastfeeding.
BestSeriesMeetingsEver. Healthy-holistic-living. I don’t often align myself with products but this is one that I just had to share! Some of you may already know years ago, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I can still recall what it felt like to have my life change overnight… I went from an Executive Director of a non-profit organization, running marathons, rock climbing, hiking canyons and kayaking to being completely bedridden and staring at a wall for 15 hours a day. Of course, I went to see many doctors but unfortunately I didn’t find the help I needed.
So, I had to set off on my own journey to learn my true path to healing. Australian Breastfeeding Association. Double electric breast pump. 1. Meier, P.P., Engstrom, J.L., Janes, J.E., Jegier, B.J., & Loera, F. Breast pump suction patterns that mimic the human infant during breastfeeding: Greater milk output in less time spent pumping for breast pump-dependent mothers with premature infants. J Perinatol 32, 103-110 (2012). 2.
Torowicz, D.L., Seelhorst, A., Froh, E.B., Spatz, D.L. 3. 4. 5. 6. Award winning breastpumps. Galactogogues. Concorde: breastfeeding with a tonguetie and more. Myrte Concorde manualK 20122016. Meeting introduction & conclusion DR Aug 2017. When Baby Won't Take a Bottle. Breastfeeding is not just a way of feeding a baby calories. Breastfeeding provides comfort between feeds, a way to fall asleep, and a regular connection and cuddle with mum every couple of hours (or more!). Consequently, while some babies are happy to switch between bottle and breast, some babies won’t take a bottle at all because they prefer to breastfeed. This poses a problem if a mother needs to be away from her nursling for any length of time.
This article looks at twelve ideas to encourage a reluctant breastfed baby to accept a bottle whether for occasional feeds or on a more regular basis and explores alternative ways to feed a baby. Twelve tips to help baby take a bottle 1. It can be natural to start to feel concerned, tense and anxious if the baby in your care is not eating whether you’re a parent, grandparent or child minder. 2.
It can be helpful to choose the kind of teat that encourages a similar “latch” (the way baby attaches to the breast) to breastfeeding. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. . Introducing a Bottle to a Breastfed Baby. Please contact a local La Leche League Leaderwith your specific questions, or visit our Breastfeeding Support Online Community. Our FAQs present information on topics of interest to parents of breastfed children.
Not all of the information may be pertinent to your family’s lifestyle. This information is general in nature and not intended to be advice, medical or otherwise. Medical questions and legal questions should be directed to appropriate health care and legal professionals. Please contact a local La Leche League Leaderwith your specific questions, or visit our Breastfeeding Support Online Community. Working and Breastfeeding - Choosing a Child Care Provider. Bottles and other tools. La Leche League festeggia la Settimana... - La Leche League Italia.
BestSeriesMeetingsEver (1) The Magical Hour. Childbirth and Breastfeeding September 2018. We should do this more often. Tandem nursing leaven sept93. Nursing during Pregnancy 1. Weaning toddler Bob and pre-schooler Billie: how do you stop breastfeeding an older child? Bob is 18 months. Eating well Vegans Oct 2017 final. Eating well early years — First Steps Nutrition Trust. Eating well is essential for children in their early years. There is clear evidence that the first 1000 days of life (the 9 months of pregnancy and the first 2 years of life) are particularly critical for ensuring healthy growth and development and to ensure all children meet their full potential. A Quick Look at Breastfeeding. How I Breastfed My Babies and Saved the World. Mind your language. Lactation yoga ...side-lying nursing without getting up to switch sides. By Eva Lyford. Reprinted with permission from the author. If you’ve mastered the art of side-lying to nurse, then the next trick is to be able to nurse off the top breast so that you don’t have to change sides of the bed at night.
If you co-sleep and breastfeed, then I’m sure you’ve had an experience like mine at some point. You’re all snuggled in, warmly and cozily cuddled with your baby. You are breastfeeding in the side-lying position and drowse off to sleep. waking a while later to find that baby is hungry again, and unfortunately the most convenient breast is the least full one. This works best if the baby has drained the bottom breast first; for this discussion let’s assume left side. For extra support, you can put your right hand down on the other side of the baby, but if you need this you are probably tipped too far forward, or the baby is too little yet. When done as I’ve described, my baby does not have trouble breathing and is not actually under me. Side-Lying Nursing: A Breastfeeding Tutorial. Breastfeeding Positions: Side Lying Breastfeeding.
How to breastfeed lying on your side. Bcpt.12149 (1) Vérification de sécurité nécessaire. Sock Breast and Baby's Mouth - LCGB. Supporting a Breastfeeding Mother. Supporting a Breastfeeding Mother. 24 HOUR CRIBSIDE ASSISTANCE - A MANUAL FOR NEW DADS. Fathers concept - it's not just about dads! Dads Archives - The Breastfeeding Network. Partners and breastfeeding - ABM. How does milk production work? By Kelly Bonyata, BS, IBCLC. A Sleepy Baby - Breastfeeding Support. What is Breast Compression? - Breastfeeding Support.
Reasons for Low Milk Supply - Breastfeeding Support. Lactating breast. How to Make More Breast Milk - Breastfeeding Support. The 'Magic Number' and Long-Term Milk Production (Parts I and II) Supporting friends and family with bfing by TP write up by Jayne Joyce RL. CommunicationSkillsandtheLeaderApplicant. LLLI Breastfeeding Info A to Z. BRG 2018 Aug rev. Marmet technique tearoff. Jaundice in Breastfeeding Babies - Breastfeeding Support. Jaundice in the newborn baby. Bubble Palate Article. Sue Saunders. Breastfeeding reduces long-term risk of heart disease in mothers. Global Health Media Project – How to Express Breastmilk. Personalization of the Microbiota of Donor Human Milk with Mother’s Own Milk. Individual Concepts PDF. Engorgement Relief When Milk Won’t Flow - Breastfeeding Support.
What is Breast Compression? - Breastfeeding Support. Childbirth ndBreastfeedingBooklet. Is There a Difference Between Breast Milk and Formula? - Breastfeeding Support. My Account - La Leche League GB. Breastfeeding Support - Breastfeeding tips, tricks & support.