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Tangle Pattern: Zuan Shi. Tangled icosahedrons - Enthusiastic Artist. Tangle Tangle Tangle. The book I co-authored with three other artists has been released, The Art of Zentangle.

Tangle Tangle Tangle

You will find 40+ pages of my work in the book (I am the "yellow" section.) It is hard for me to believe that my first publication is a Walter Foster book. They have been around for 90 years. How to draw tanglepattern Bunzo. This is Wheelz. I just put it on our blog - ... Examples of Zentangle Project. A visual journal: incubation and inspiration. TanglePatterns Strings. Es ist Pfingstmontag, ein ruhiger, sonniger Tag, der nun langsam in den Abend übergeht.

TanglePatterns Strings

Ich habe die Zeit genutzt und meine Winterkleidung aussortiert. Es ist nicht wahrscheinlich, dass jetzt noch winterliche Temperaturen zu erwarten sind. Selbst die sogenannte Schafskälte wird kaum dicke Winterjacken fordern. Aber ich habe die Zeit auch genutzt, um mich mit Stift und Papier ein wenig zu entspannen. Alle drei Teile sind klassische 9x9cm groß und ich habe zum Zeichnen den Pigmentliner 0,05 und Bleistift 2B zum Schattieren verwendet. Hier zeigt Linda Farmer neben ihrer sehr gut organisierten Mustersammlung seit Neuestem auch Stringvorschläge, die ich nutzen möchte, um einfach Muster auszuprobieren oder mir lange nicht verwendete wieder in Erinnerung zu bringen. Doodling « Elizabeth Rosenberg's Blog. I’ve always been a doodler.

Doodling « Elizabeth Rosenberg's Blog

All the way back in my high school days, I used to doodle while the teacher was lecturing (though I might have been better off if I’d taken notes instead). I’d fill page after page of my notebooks with doodles. Most of them featured spirals, which I loved even back then. I especially loved doodling during music appreciation class. I remember my doodles becoming very loose and flowing when listening to classical music. I’ve always found that my creativity is greatly influenced by music, and I try to make that work for me in my studio as often as possible by listening to music that makes me feel good. Zentangles and Such. Oodles of Doodles. Calligraphy, doodles, zentangles. Lettering. Lines. 100 Awesome Art Lessons on YouTube. Whether you’re getting your bachelor’s degree in painting, graphic design or sculpture, there’s so much to learn about art — from its lush history to materials — that it can sometimes feel overwhelming.

100 Awesome Art Lessons on YouTube

Yet art students shouldn’t fret. There’s a whole lifetime ahead to learn and numerous resources both in the classroom and outside of it for expanding your knowledge. One great place to seek out help with becoming a better artist is on YouTube. There, other artists, teachers and experts share their lessons on just about everything you could want to know.

Here are a just a few of the thousands of art-related videos on YouTube to get you started with your creative education. Drawing From how to sketch parts of the body to the best materials to use, these videos will help educate you on all things drawing-related. Painting There are many kinds of paint, from oil to watercolor, so it can take a long time to truly become a master at any one of them, let alone multiple media. Drawing Lessons - How to Draw the Portrait - Drawing Figure - Drawing Still Life. New Ornate Insects Drawn by Alex Konahin. How To Draw Trees - Quickly & Easily. Learning how to draw trees is a lot easier than you may think...

How To Draw Trees - Quickly & Easily

Many budding artists of all ages are put off because they've only previously managed a 'lollipop' that they remember producing when they were at school. And yet, a lollipop isn't a million miles away from many real trees in full summer foliage. You just need to know where to 'tweak' your sketch to make your lollipop look the part. So if you think you couldn't draw the tree below - or even better?

Well read on ... The good thing about learning how to draw trees is that unlike a portrait, where the features have to be in the right place for the face to look right, if you put a branch in the wrong place on a tree, it still looks like a tree. This tutorial gets you started using basic, familiar shapes you've seen a hundred times. Pas à pas. Pas à pas pour savoir plus sur les zendalas et les zentangles: recherche google: ici & ici & ici & icividéos: ici & icias à pas, proposé par Smaranda: dessin sur tissus blanc , stylo à l'encre textile: mon mini quilt "Zendala Vache" 30cm X 30cm et Ce sont des CD textiles: j'ai dessiné directement, avec un stylo à l'encre textile, à pointe très fine, sur un carré de tissu blanc: pour faire mes CD TEXTILES, j'ai passé un fil pour pouvoir froncer le tissuautour du CD, j'ai découpé le tissus juste au-dessus du fil de fronce j'ai découpé le rond, j'ai passé tout autour un fil de fronce,

Pas à pas

Zentangle Art. A library of doodles in your pocket! Enthusiastic Artist. Zendala Zone. Tanglegami: Tangles. For my fellow tangle junkies: some thoughts on collecting and organizing tangle patterns. I'm a perfectionist.

For my fellow tangle junkies: some thoughts on collecting and organizing tangle patterns

I didn't always know this about myself, or maybe I wasn't always one and I'm just settling into my own shoes a little as I get older. But "ehh.... good enough" is probably not something you'll hear me say. Because if I'm working on something I care about, and I know it's not the best I am capable of, I have to force myself to not redo every little thing and make it as good as I know it could be (and yes, I do realize that this occasionally makes me a little bit annoying). For example, I've attempted a few methods for collecting and organizing tangle patterns... index cards, flip cards, graph paper pads, Moleskine notebooks, different-sized journals, a small binder with page protectors, et cetera. Tanglebucket. ZENTANGLE.