2 Cool New Ways To Cut Up A T-Shirt. Draped Shirt Vest, DIY. I have had so many emails wanting me to make a draped shirt vest with sleeves, out of a t-shirt or a long sleeve tee.
I have finally made this one out of two short sleeve t-shirts, but if you wanted to make a draped shirt out of two long sleeve t-shirts, it would work the same way. Although my first draped vest required no sewing, this does require a basic straight sewing stitch. or a serger, if you have one. DIY: 12 Fashion Projects. Recycling is an important part of life.
Ditto for diy fashion! You just cannot throw away your old discarded clothes. 27 Useful Fashionable DIY Ideas. Being fashionable is not about paying through your nose always.
You can rack your brains and come up with some DIY ideas that will make you look like a fashionista. Style and fashion go hand in hand and developing your own sense will also give you a discernible edge when it comes to fashion. Why do you really want to imitate the stars or sports person of repute? What you need to do first is to take stock of your wardrobe and take out all those old garments that have been pushed into the deep, dark recesses. TShirt custom : cut out and braid. Turn an old tee shirt into your new favorite top !
Super easy :) More DIY tutorials : Ce tuto en français est là > *********** Sorry, my english is not perfect <3 *********** You will need: cissors, needles and thread. Refashionista Day 10 - with Ruffles and Stuff. Today is the last day of our Refashionista event!
While that makes me a little sad, I'm super happy that we have Disney from Ruffles and Stuff here today. (Warning: I may gush a bit here.) You see, if I had to pick one blog that I would say inspired me to start a blog, it would be Disney's. When I found her blog I was drawn in by her practical ideas, her dreamy photos, and her genuine personality. I just absolutely love her. Refashioned Clothing. Clothing Refashion How-To's.
10 Sweet Refashioned Dresses. Home » Fashion, Headline, Roundup-Ideas, Wearable Crafts 16 January 2014 12,900 views 4 Comments by Becky Striepe Could your wardrobe use a little bit of oomph?
Shopping for new dresses can get expensive, and thrift store finds often need some love to look current and stylish. Repurpose: Tanks, Skirts & T-Shirts. The heat is on in Chicago this year!
And yes, I have summer clothes. But not enough of them (!) 27 Useful Fashionable DIY Ideas. DIY ruched maxi skirt. Supplies: Organic Cotton Plus fabric from here Jacquard Dye: follow instructions here Nothing says summer apparel like a tie dyed maxi skirt, perfect for a swim cover up and comfortable as can be.
It may still be cold but warm weather is on the way, check out the simplified version in the tute below. This tutorial includes both the split seam ruching and maxi skirt instructions. Upcycled. Tutorials (refashion) T-Shirt DIY: Bow's. 20-Minute Spring Sweater Redo. <div class="greet_block wpgb_cornered wpgb_shadowed"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><img class="enable-pib-img-under" src=" alt="WP Greet Box icon" data-recalc-dims="1"/></div>Thanks for coming by!
I try to feature a new creative tutorial every day -- and I'd love to have you follow along: <a href=" rel="nofollow"><strong>subscribe to my email updates</strong></a> or <a href=" rel="nofollow">come follow along on Facebook</a>. <div style="clear:both"></div></div></div> I had some leftover supplies from a few projects and decided to redo one of my Spring sweaters. I hardly ever wore this sweater before because it was always kind of — BLAH… So — if you want a quick, easy way to add some pizazz to a sweater — try this! First I covered the buttons with fabric. I like the way the ric rac peeks through from under the edge of the sweater.
DIY Clothes. DIY: 99 Ways To Cut, Sew, Trim & Tie Your T-Shirt. 99 Ways to Cut, Sew, Trim, and Tie Your T-Shirt into Something Special is a great guide to DIY-ing your thrift store wardrobe.
Soft worn in shirts are great, but ripped slinky shirts that show more skin are better! This instruction book by Campai Studio in Brooklyn gives you 99 ways to alter any t-shirt using scissors, needle, and thread. Each project is simple, makes the most from a minimal amount of alterations, and makes even a hack job look hot since precision isn’t the name of the game. Each project is rated 1 (easiest) to 4 (still pretty easy) and gives you step by step how-to. Compai has written two similar DIY books titled 99 Ways to Cut, Sew, and Rock Out Your Denim and 99 Ways to Cut, Sew, Tie, and Rock Your Scarf. Some of these you can literally complete in under 5 minutes. See the gallery of completed works on the next page. See more and check out the books at Compai.
5 Ways To Revamp A T-Shirt. I have that classic womanly problem of a closet full of clothes but nothing to wear. Ever feel like everything you own is just kind of... meh? Never fear, there is still hope for your tired wardrobe! There is a solution, and it's called reconstructed clothing. T-Shirt Surgery Tutorials. T-shirt surgery the deconstruction & reconstruction of t-shirts [User Info] [Recent Entries] [Friends] [View Subjects] [Archive] [F.A.Q / Memories - READ THESE] Visible Tags. 20 Easy Tricks For Improving Vintage Clothes. Make A Purse From A Bra.
Top 20 DIY T-Shirts: Ideas & How-To's. Cut T-Shirt with Bows on Back - Salinabear. 5 Sexy Ways To Upcycle Old Clothing. Upcycled designs often emphasize radical do-it-yourself transformations, but some of the most simple ideas can have dramatic impacts. These clothing conversions illustrate the ease with which people can upcycle ordinary objects and make them extraordinary, turning formless junk shirts clothes into elegant tops, bottoms and sexy dresses.
Mari Santos does more than just recycle small-scale clothing extras into new, well-fitting and sufficiently stylish upcycled outfits – she shows how much potential exists in upcycling extremely plain everyday objects, things we would normally trash without a second look. T-Shirt Turned Into Leggings Tutorial. Thanks for visiting my blog! :) I am a young vintage-lover and I blog about things I make, wear, and like. You can find me in S. Cal where the weather is hot, and I knit like a fiend for the 5 weeks a year when it's sort of cold. Recycling Clothing Using Your Sewing Skills. 1787 Neil Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43210-1295 Barbara H. Drake If you have sewing skills and have the use of a sewing machine, you can turn little- or never-used textile items into usable additions to your family's wardrobe or home. Some basic sewing skills are needed for repairing, changing or customizing a garment. DIY T-Shirt Bow Sleeves Without Sewing.
Messenger Bag From Cargo Pants. Want to make one of these? How To Make Harem Pants From Trousers. May 11th, 2011. 10 Runway-Inspired DIYs That Cost Way Less Than The Real Thing. Socks To Fingerless Gloves. Button-Up Bow Shirt. 8 Second Skirt With A Bow DIY. J. Crew Ribbon Neckline Refashion Tutorial. October 25, 2009 7:56 am J. 10 Ways To Turn A Scarf Into A Vest. When we stumbled across this gorgeous DVF scarf vest on Shopbop the other day, we were intimidated by the $295 price tag but super inspired by the design. Not only do we have a surplus of colorfully patterned scarves, but vests happen to be one of the best ways to transition summer clothes into early autumn.
Men's Button-Up Refashion... Into Ladies Tank! Anthropologie Western Shirt Refashion Tutorial. August 26, 2009 7:49 pm. Circle Skirt From An Old Sheet ∙ Version by Sian Ashleigh on Cut Out. Dress From Sweatshirts. D.I.Y T-Shirt Reconstruction: Cut Up Back (2 Weave Pattern) T-Shirt With Chains On Back. 10 Ways To Style A Plain White Tee. Few things beat a classic white tee. Throw it on with a pair of jeans, cork wedges, a long necklace, and you’re good to go just about anywhere.
Best of all, white tees are such a staple that you can find them at just about any corner store, grocery store, mall, or pharmacy. Seeing as we love style hackery oh-so-much, we decided to take on the classic tee, and came up with 10 new ways to restyle, rework, and totally transform it. If you have any questions about specific tutorials below, be sure to leave us a note in the comments. From Old Sweater To Girl's Dress. 10 Awesomely Altered T-Shirts. T-Shirt Into A Skirt Tutorial.
From T-Shirt To Halter Dress.