Subject or Grade Specific
> Jcdrozdowski
Top 10 Scientists Killed or Injured by Their Experiments - Listverse. Technology Man owes a great debt to the scientists on this list; all of them died or were injured in their pursuit of knowledge. The advances they have all made to science are extraordinary and many of them paved the way for some of man’s greatest discoveries and inventions. Karl Scheele Died from tasting his discoveries Scheele was a brilliant pharmaceutical chemist who discovered many chemical elements – the most notable of which were oxygen (though Joseph Priestley published his findings first), molybdenum, tungsten, manganese, and chlorine. Jean-Francois De Rozier First victim of an air crash Jean-Francois was a teacher of physics and chemistry. Sir David Brewster Nearly blinded Sir David was a Scottish inventor, scientist, and writer. Elizabeth Ascheim Killed by X-Rays Elizabeth Fleischman Ascheim married her doctor, Dr Woolf, shortly after her mother died.
Alexander Bogdanov Killed himself with blood Robert Bunsen Blinded himself in one eye Sir Humphrey Davy A catalog of disasters Marie Curie. What impact did 9/11 have on America? | The panel | US news. Martin Kettle: 'US politics remains defined by an argument over tax cuts and government, which long predates 9/11' I covered American politics for the Guardian for four years from 1997. I moved back to Britain towards the end of August 2001. Three weeks later, the country I had lived in ceased to exist. I occasionally wonder how US politics would have evolved if Al Gore had been president in 9/11.
In the short term, the domestic impact would have been much uglier. But Gore was not president. American politics before 9/11 was defined by the Republican, small-state and post cold war imperial triumphalism associated with Ronald Reagan. I think that this remains the essential divide in US politics in 2011. The fact that Bush's version of these agendas, after considerable political success following 9/11, was then swept away in 2008 has not meant that the US has swung lastingly to the left, any more than it was doing under Clinton. The attacks of 9/11 did not come out of nowhere. Resilience.
Beautiful Word Clouds. Klassy's Class Rules in American Sign Language.
Word Clouds for Kids!
ABCya is the leader in free educational computer games and mobile apps for kids. The innovation of a grade school teacher, ABCya is an award-winning destination for elementary students that offers hundreds of fun, engaging learning activities. Millions of kids, parents, and teachers visit each month, playing over 1 billion games last year.
Apple, The New York Times, USA Today, Parents Magazine and Scholastic, to name just a few, have featured ABCya’s popular educational games. ABCya’s award-winning Preschool computer games and apps are conceived and realized under the direction of a certified technology education teacher, and have been trusted by parents and teachers for ten years. Our educational games are easy to use and classroom friendly, with a focus on the alphabet, numbers, shapes, storybooks, art, music, holidays and much more!
Printable Periodic Tables. Non-Traditional Teaching & Learning Strategies - Faculty Excellence at MSU | Montana State University. What are Non-traditional Teaching & Learning Techniques and Why Use Them? Pamela Harris, Retired Nutrition Faculty & Ralph Johnson, Architecture Professor Montana State University Since fall semester 2001 Harris and Johnson have provided faculty development workshops at Montana State University entitled "Developing a Mentorship Program for Non-Traditional Teaching and Learning Techniques.
" Forty MSU faculty representing all seven colleges have completed 15-20 hours of continuing education to assist them in understanding and implementing a broad variety of non-traditional teaching and learning techniques.
In 2002 Harris and Johnson presented a workshop on this model at the International Conference on Problem-Based Learning in Higher Education in Baltimore, Maryland. In addition they have received national and international recognition for their insightful teaching strategies and methodologies that provide and support an enhanced teaching and learning environment in higher education. I. V.
Parts of the Skeleton Song.
NCSS National Standards for Social Studies Teachers. Download NCSS National Standard for Social Studies Teachers (pdf) Information on NCATE Social Studies Program Standards This publication of National Council for the Social Studies describes and explains the council's national standards for social studies teachers-standards that were approved initially by the NCSS Board of Directors on April 27, 1997, revised, and approved as revised by the board in September 2002. The publication consists of two general sections: (1) an introduction, which contains, in addition to this overview, information about the background and contexts in which the standards were developed, and a description of the audiences to which the standards are addressed; and (2) the standards themselves.
The subject matter standards are the main focus of this publication. They are described in detail because they are the primary areas of expertise and responsibility of NCSS and its members in the national education professional community. Charles B.
Debating the Issues in Colonial Newspapers: Primary Documents on Events of ... - David A. Copeland. America's Homepage and the Virtual Tour of Washington, D.C.
Captain Thomas Preston March 13, 1770 It is [a] matter of too great notoriety to need any proofs that the arrival of his Majesty's troops in Boston was extremely obnoxious to its inhabitants.
They have ever used all means in their power to weaken the regiments, and to bring them into contempt by promoting and aiding desertions, and with impunity, even where there has been the clearest evidence of the fact, and by grossly and falsely propagating untruths concerning them. On the arrival of the 64th and 65th their ardour seemingly began to abate; it being too expensive to buy off so many, and attempts of that kind rendered too dangerous from the numbers. And has ever since their departure been breaking out with greater violence after their embarkation. This, considering the malicious temper of the people, was an alarming circumstance to the soldiery. On Monday night about 8 o'clock two soldiers were attacked and beat.
This I feared might be a prelude to their plundering the king's chest.
America's Homepage and the Virtual Tour of Washington, D.C.
America is the first country founded on the idea that a people can govern themselves. This section offers the documents and writings that have described our nation's philosophy. Toward A Revolution The Albany Plan of Union [1754] The Sugar Act [1764] The Currency Act [1764] The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved [1764] The New York Petition to the House of Commons [1764] The Stamp Act [1765] The Quartering Act [1765] target="new_window" The Objections to the Taxation of our American Colonies by the Legislature of Great Britain, briefly consider'd. [1765] Resolves of the Pennsylvania Assembly on the Stamp Act [1765] Resolutions of the Stamp Act [1765] Answer of the Massachusetts Assembly to Governor Bernard [1765] Declaration of Rights [1765] The Declaratory Act [1766] The Townshend Act [1767] Account of the Boston Massacre - Anonymous [1770] Account of the Boston Massacre by Captain Thomas Preston [1770] Boston Massacre Oration - Dr.
The Rights of the Colonists [1772] The Tea Act [1773]
Sign In. PhET Search: electrical circuits. Schools - Primary History. The 25 Funniest Analogies (Collected by High School English Teachers) | Writing English. UPDATE: Tens of thousands of readers have found this post and hundreds of you have commented. A few have said that these analogies were actually taken from other sources and were not written by high school kids at all. Now, we have a link that ends the debate. These analogies are the winning entries in a 1999 Washington Post humor contest, and there are more than 25.
Please look at the comments sent August 3, 2008 by “Jiffer” to get to the complete list and the names of the authors. ORIGINAL POST: I have to share these “funniest analogies” with you. The e-mail says they are taken from actual high school essays and collected by English teachers across the country for their own amusement. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Like this: Like Loading...
NLVM Number & Operations Manipulatives. Strategic Activites in Reading & Writing. Meaning- Reading is supposed to make sense. Prompt “Are you thinking about what’s happening in the story while you're reading?’ “You said______. Does that make sense?” Where can you look? (Checking the pictures for a clue.) Self-correcting is the process of going back and accurately rereading text when it is not making sense.
Prompt “I like the way you fixed that.” Cross Checking is checking one source of information against another. Prompt “It could be_____ but look at____”. Self-Monitoring is the student’s ability to monitor his/her own reading by rereading. Prompt “Why did you stop?” Stopping at a New Word allows the child to problem solve. Prompt "What could you try?
" "How do you think it would start?
" "What do you know that might help?
" "Do you know another word that sounds like that?
" "Do you know a word that starts (ends) like that?
" Fluent and Phrased Reading sounds like talking. Prompt “Can you read this quickly?” Using the sound/symbols relationship of language. 1. 2. 3.
Top 10 'SNL' Political Sketches Of All Time. “Saturday Night Live” celebrates its 40th anniversary on NBC Sunday night. Forty seasons would be a remarkable run for any television show. But, at the risk of sounding uncharitable, it’s even more remarkable given how frequently SNL has fallen into mediocrity -- with skits, whole shows, or sometimes entire seasons that simply weren’t very funny.
So why have viewers like me kept coming back? Because when SNL is on, it’s very, very on. Its cast and crew have occasionally produced true comic genius, creating skits and characters that left indelible impressions on the national psyche -- and may even have nudged the political conversation in one direction or another. Politics have been part of the show from the very beginning, when Chevy Chase, an original cast member, famously lampooned former President Gerald Ford as a bumbling klutz. To watch the old skits is to relive American history, or at least one take on it. 10. 9. 8. Carvey was possibly the show’s most gifted impersonator. 7. 6.
Educational Leadership:Strong Readers All:Vocabulary: Five Common Misconceptions. Some teachers mistakenly think students only need to know a word's definition. These teachers may identify words they believe are important and then either define these words for students or ask students to find the definitions for themselves in the dictionary.
Although knowing a word's definition is important, it's not nearly enough. To know a word well and use it appropriately and effectively, students need to be aware of its multiple dimensions (Bromley, 2012). For example, consider various dimensions of the word cappuccino: Structure and pronunciation.
(It has four syllables—cap-uh-cheen'-o.) Grammar. Most students will best learn the many dimensions of words through direct instruction that includes the definition and the etymology, or origin, of the word. When students see a new word in print, use it orally as they talk about it, notice its structure and grammatical function, and learn its spelling, they are well on their way to making the word their own. A New Approach References.
Crosswalk Between 6+1 Traits and CCSS English Language Arts Standards for Writing and Language. Education Northwest developed a set of crosswalk documents to assist teachers in understanding the relationship between the expectations in the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and elements of the 6+1 Trait Writing model. These comparisons demonstrate how the traits can provide all students of any grade level with a solid grasp of high-quality writing and support achievement of the expectations described in the CCSS writing standards. Together, these crosswalk documents demonstrate that: The traits show how to assess the quality of the writing outlined in the CCSS and monitor a student’s growth by using the traits rubricsThe traits focus on universal features of quality writing applicable to all purposes and text types of writing, including the argumentative, informative/explanatory, and narrative text types that are the focus of the CCSS There are five crosswalks in total: two K–5 crosswalks, two Grade 6–12 crosswalks, and one K–12 crosswalk.
Native American
Second Grade. How SEL Can Help Students Gain a Multicultural Perspective | Edutopia. Carlos Cortés, a professor of history at UC Riverside in California, maintains that it is the job of schools in a pluralistic democracy to help all students become what he calls "multicultural persons.
" He outlines this as a person who can: Understand the importance and operation of groups.
Acquire an understanding of various cultures and worldviews. Recognize and understand others' perspectives before forming judgments about them. Realize the contributions of individual groups and diverse groups -- pluribus and num -- to our nation's history and future experiences. See how shared goals benefit from the contributions of diverse groups, each with its own history and future.
Participate in the mass media as thoughtful, critical consumers and contributors. Accomplishing this is a challenge, one that is not adequately met by occasional programs, cultural assemblies, or guest speakers alone. The Transformation Approach The Decision-Making and Social Action Approach.
PE. Digital Citizenship. African American History. Homeschooling (IDEA)
Alaska. STEM. Summer Learning. Art. Science. Social Studies and History. Library Science & Research Skills. Language Arts. Math. Kindergarten. Health. Counseling. Home - World Peace Game Foundation. Home - FlashSticks - The foreign language Post-it® Notes. ELT Journal. Authors This article outlines a small-scale study of metacognitive instruction for young second language listeners and discusses the value of lessons that highlight the listening process.
Ten primary school pupils participated in eight specially designed listening lessons that included traditional listening exercises, individual post-listening reflections on their listening experience, and teacher-facilitated discussions that focused on specific aspects of metacognitive knowledge about listening. During the eight lessons, the learners demonstrated some knowledge about factors that influenced their listening and strategy use. After the eight lessons, all the students reported a deeper understanding of the nature and the demands of listening, increased confidence in completing listening tasks, and better strategic knowledge for coping with comprehension difficulties.
Comprehension Instruction, Second Edition: Research-Based Best Practices. Unique Noise Generators matched to your own Hearing Curve.
Squeaking Sailboat | Interactive Online Soundscape. ♥ ← This, coupled with Anamnesis, just makes me feel like I'm drifting among black clouds above a dark ocean on a dead planet... ♥ My cruise ships have cannons and wooden hulls. As a guest on public sails, I noticed that wooden ships are more like living things than technology: the hulls creak and groan and sing with the sound of the sea, the standing rigging hums like giant harp strings, the sails snap out like vast dragon wings. This soundscape captures the unique feel of ships that fly on the wind. ♥ Because of my recent addiction to an anime about pirates, or better known as One Piece, this helps me write fanfiction relating to that particular anime.
Needless to say, this is also extremely calming. I can drone out any sounds just after a few minutes of listening, and boy does it make me miss the ocean. Thank you so much for all that you do, Stephane. ♥ I study in a somewhat noisy environment and I use this generator to help keep the distractions to a minimum. .
♥ Gonna be sea sick...