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James C. Madden- Gamble

The Gamble name arrived in England during the Norman conquest, and this name was given to the family and friends of King William by King William; William the Conqueror. The Gamble name was given to his family and friends for their help at the Battle of Hastings in 1066 AD, and as well, the Gamble name was also given to his family and friends to whom he had given land grants to.The meaning of the Gamble name is "Old".The father of John Madden, Sr. was the grandson of a John Madden born in circa 1635 in Ireland. John, Sr. was the father of John, Jr. John, Jr. was the father of Abraham, and Abraham was the father of Wade, and Wade was the father of Bloste, and Bloste, was the father of James. James was the father of James, and he, James is the father of me(James).Royal Arms of Scotland: Moddan; Maddan; Madden (1044-1120) Royal blood.Scottish and Irish clans historically descended from Colla Uais include: (a) Scotland: MacDonald, MacGregor, MacGillivray, MacEachern, MacMillian, MacKinnon, MacQuarrie, Campbell, MacPhee, MacInnes; (b) Ireland: Maguire, MacMahon, MacManus, Agnew, Alexander, Boylan, Cassidy (who were chiefs of Coole), Connolly (chiefs in Fermanagh), Duffy, Hale, Hanratty (anglicized Enright), Keenan of Fermanagh, Leahy in Galway, MacCabe of Monaghan and Caven, MacCann of Clan brassil, MacEvoy, MacVeagh, MacVeigh (anglicized form of MacUais) in West Meath, Magee in Down and Antrim, MacKenna in Monaghan, MacOscar (anglicized MacCusker), MacTully, and MacGrath in Fermanagh, MacNeny (anglicized Bird), MacRory (anglicized Rogers), MacSheehy, and Madden.Clan Colla; (O'Madden) Madden Clan, and Mac Domhnall Dubh.Ref. Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland.Older text and folklore of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales often mention the arrival of Africans, and a distinct African presence, not solely as visitors, but as the original inhabitants." We find the earliest races to inhabit the Isle were short, swarthy (black), dark haired, dark eyed, .....and seems to have originally come from some part of either Eastern, Northern, or Central Africa" .What exactly is a Colla? Colla is a title of a prince; royal.What is a clan? A Celtic group especially in the Scottish Highlands comprising a number of households whose heads claim descent from a common ancestor, and/ or a group of people tracing descent from a common ancestor.Ref. Genealogy of the Sil Anmchadha (Book of Leinster, Book of Uí Maine and the Annals) Cobhthach of bright Grian from whom are Muinnter Chobhthaigh here, from whom are Ua Gadhra, i.e. Muinter Madadhain (O'Madden(Madden)), Muinter Chinaith (Kenny), Muinter Treasaigh (Tracy), Muinter Laeghaire Mac Dunadhaigh, Ua Flannchadha, Ua Gledraigh, Ua Currain (Curran), Ua Aedha (Hughes), Ua Cairten and Ua Cuagain (Cogan) had two sons. Ref. Genealogy of the Sil Anmchadha (Book of Leinster, Book of Uí Maine and the Annals)Cobhthach of bright Grian from whom are Muinnter Chobhthaigh here, from whom are Ua Gadhra, i.e. Muinter Madadhain (O'Madden ( Madden)), Muinter Chinaith (Kenny), Muinter Treasaigh (Tracy), Muinter Laeghaire Mac Dunadhaigh, ....Isabella Mae (Hastings) Dial.Isabella Mae (Hastings) Dial was from the ancient family for whom the town of Hastings, Sussex Co., England was named and was a descendant of the family of Leicester-shire, and the Earl of Huntington.Isabella Mae Hastings was the Grandmother of my third great-grandmother Jane Madden-Dial, and Jane was the wife of Abraham Madden, my third great-grandmother. This would make Isabella Mae Hastings my fifth great-grandmother, and her father was Peter Hastings, and his father was Henry Hastings. The father of Sir. Henry Hastings was Sir. Charles Hastings, and his father was Sir. George Hastings. Sir. George Hastings was the grandson of George, 4th Earl [of Huntingdon], and he, the 4th Earl, was the grandson of Lord George, the 1st Earl [ of Huntington], and he, Lord George, was the son of Edward [Lord of Hungerford] Hastings, and he, Lord Edward was the son of Sir. William the 1st Baron of Hastings, and he, Sir. William the 1st Baron of Hastings was the son of Sir. Leonard Hastings, and through John de Hastings, the House of Windsor. The House of Windsor( Saxe- Coburg; , Black German Nobility), this is the same House of The British Royal Family, which is my blood family through my third Great Grandfather and Grandmother on the Madden and Hastings/ Dial side.The Hastings were, and are also Royals of England as well as the Royals of Scotland.Ref. William Hastings, William The Conqueror, or William the First. Isabella Mae (Hastings) Dial was from the ancient family for whom the town of Hastings, Sussex Co., England was named and was a descendant of the family of Leicester-shire, and the Earl of Huntington.

BYE-GONES: Relating to Wales and the Border ... . Natural Beauty; Body & Skin Care Products. 100% Pure Golden Sandal-wood oil. Photo taken in my home. Oriental body oil fragrances. Attar; Body oil fragrances, and some oudh; oud oils. And too, some created; blended by me, my Queen, and princess Deborah. My homemade whipped Shea butter whipped in my home by me, or by my Queen. Photo taken in my home. 100% Unrefined Shea from Ghana, Africa, whipped in my home by me, my Queen, or princess Deborah. Photo taken in my home. Illu mi nation. Wisdom; Serpent Energy Rising. Wisdom; Serpent Eenrgy Rising. The staff re-presents guidance; the spinal column, the serpent re-presents wisdom, and the cone re-presents the minds eye; invision; thought and manifestion.

A grown man preparing to re-enter the womb; house, thus, signifying a need of a re-birth; being born again. Illu mi nation. Naga" denotes original or first.In fact, in ancient India, the people with the blackest skins were respected and held to high esteem, and they were Indo-Negroid. North Indian and South Indian women. North Indian and South Indian Men. The ancient Egyptians called their Pharaohs "N-G-R" . Pharaoh: n.1. a title of an ancient Egyptian king.2. (l.c.) tyrant.[before 900; Middle English Pharao, Old English Pharaon < pr-`o great house; Royal House.

N-G-R : Ancient Egyptian for God. Akhenaten; Amenhotep IV. Narmer; Aha, or Menes 1st Dynasty King; Ruler. Crown. Black Fez; A Master's Fez, and this is also a crown. July 4th, 1776; The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America, Amendment 1 of the US Constitution. Freedom of religion, speech, press; etc. Amendment 13; XIII of the US Constitution. This Amendment was adopted Dec. 18th, 1865.

Muhammad (SAW) honored by the Supreme Court... My Ring; a gift to me from ... . The Fez and the Qur'an was a gift to me from... . Natural Quartz Rock; a base mineral from the Earth's crust that absorbs and transfers engery. Philo sophy/ Love of Wisdom, & The Study of the mind/ Psych ology. Al- Kareem; Al- Qur'an. The Arabic term, "Muqarrabin" signifies a special rank or position. Ref. Surah Al Hijr ayah 26. " Verily We created... ." Roots of Islam in Early America_p1. The Qara called Kufic script is the earliest ... .

Surah Imran; 3:84. Forbids the consumption of pork; swine. Man; Hu-Mans, were created to be Khalifah. Hebrew; Chaldee ( Aramaic) and Koine; Greek Key Word Study Bible. "Howbeit when he, the Spirit... ." The Gospel according to John 16:13. John 1:1 In the beginning was the word; ... . Christ is a Greek term used to express the.... Forbids the consumption of pork; swine.

Hebrew Terms: kacah: to conceal; hide ; do in secrecy. Ref. The Gospel according to Luke, ch. 17:21. The Second Epistle; gramma of Paul; Saul of Tarsus, Mersin of Southern Turkey, to Timothy. Apocrypha; The Hidden Knowledge. Baruch; ch 4: 1- 3. Torah; Instructions, teaching and/ or doctrine. 'LH.

Forbids the consumption of pork; swine. Abba; The Father of All Wisdom. Scottish and Irish clans historically descended ..... My Madden Family Crest. Europe (Ancient Rome) Conquered by Africans. A Dubh Norman knight and his woman. Hmm....Knights don't wear crowns, only Kings and Sovereigns do. A Black; Dubh Norman Knight and his Lady. Hmm....Knights don't wear crowns, only Kings and Sovereigns do.

Nobility of Early Europe. The Coat of Arms of His Holiness Benedict XVI. Coat of Armsof His Holiness Benedict XVI Armour bearings have been in common use by soldiers and the nobility since the Middle Ages.

The Coat of Arms of His Holiness Benedict XVI

This has given rise to a very specific heraldic language to regulate and describe civic heraldry. At the same time, an ecclesiastical heraldry for clergy also developed. This heraldic usage follows exactly the same rules as civic heraldry with regard to the composition and definition of the shield, but surrounds it with religious or Church symbols and emblems according to one's ecclesiastical rank in Holy Orders, jurisdiction and dignity. There is an at least 800-year-old tradition for Popes to have their own personal coat of arms, in addition to the symbols proper to the Apostolic See. Popes often used their family shield or composed their own with symbols indicating their ideal of life or referring to past events or experiences, or even elements connected with specific Pontifical programmes. In each of the upper corners there is a "chape" in gold.

An original Coat of Arms for Sardinia. Moor Crest. The Habsburg Progenitor holding the family crest. Val Dubh King Kenneth. Rannsaich an Stòr-dàta Briathrachais Gàidhlig. The gaelic term Dub; Dubh = Black in color; skin hue. In the Dark Ages. Your front-page item (February 11) on the naming of Niger Val Dubh, a tenth-century Pictish king, as number 36 in a list of the UK's most famous black figures, might give careless readers the impression that a ''black'' Scottish leader in that period was an impossibility.

In the Dark Ages

There is no shred of hard evidence that Kenneth III, as Niger is more commonly known, had African genes or aspect. But since Africans had served for generations in the Roman legions on and around the Antonine Wall, it is absolutely certain that there were dusky complexions here in the aptly-named Dark Ages. The odds against Kenneth III inheriting one of them are not actually all that long. For that matter, it's extremely unlikely that anyone of old Scottish stock has no African ancestry at all.

The gaelic term Dub; Dubh = Black in color; skin hue. My Madden Family Crest. Crown. Jane and Abraham Madden Pedigree Chart. Oxford_Hastings_mar-40. My Madden Family Crest. Constantine III (Alba) Photo Gallery- RoyalMile- Scottish Kings & Queens. Crown. Princess Symone and Princess Deborah. My daughter; , Princess Symone 2013; A Royal Diva. My daughter, Princess Charity 2013, .... a Royal Diva. My Gamble Family Crest. Royal Diva; Princess Charity Shekinah .... My Gamble Family Crest. A Royal Diva. Queen Mama....My Mother.

My Mother's Father; King Gamble, and my three lil princesses. RIP Sir! This was my Great- Great-Great Grandmother Mary Hallums Pickens, she was my mother's father's mother's mother. My Grandfather's Great grandmother, my mother's Great-great-grandmother, and my Great-great-great grandmother. Gamble/ Gambrel/ Gambrell Family. My Mother's Mother; , Queen Gamble, and my Mother-in-law; , Queen Tucker, and my three lil princesses. RIP Queen Tucker; Mama. My Mother's Mother; Queen Gamble, and my Mother-in-law; Queen Tucker, and my three lil princesses. RIP Queen Tucker; Mama. My sexy wife; A Royal Diva, Mrs. Tonya L. G. Princess Deborah. A Royal Diva. Alchemical Marrige; The combining of the two energies....the Feminine and Masculine Energies uniting, and the two shall be as o.

My Gamble Family Crest. 100 Great Black Britons - Niger Val Dub. "King Kenneth of the Picts" 997a.d. to 1004a.d.

100 Great Black Britons - Niger Val Dub

Kenneth III of Scotland was king of Scotland from 997 to 1005.