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Behance. Portfolio — BRTHR. Sell More Beats - How To Double Your Twitter Traffic. A while back I started to experiment on twitter I wanted to grow my twitter fan base to sell more beats without really doing much work.

Sell More Beats - How To Double Your Twitter Traffic

I tried different things to optimize our twitter campaign so we can get the most followers with as little work as possible. Le top 5 des meilleurs logiciels d'emailing de masse.

Site artistes

Le storytelling sur les réseaux sociaux. Comment bien communiquer sur Twitter ? 12 bonnes pratiques à suivre ! 18 octobre 2016.

Comment bien communiquer sur Twitter ? 12 bonnes pratiques à suivre !

Login. - Search And Find The Best Twitter Hashtags - Free. 6 conseils pour réussir votre promo musicale. 7 Ways to Use Twitter Video to Attract the Right Followers. The era of social video has arrived on Twitter.

7 Ways to Use Twitter Video to Attract the Right Followers

But with it come unique challenges. Ever find yourself wondering: 22 Facebook Marketing Tips for Business You Can’t Afford to Miss. Right off the bat, you're thinking "there's no way I haven't read this article before.

22 Facebook Marketing Tips for Business You Can’t Afford to Miss

" "Facebook Marketing Tips for Business" - perhaps the most overly-written article on the internet. I'm with you. I've taken a break from writing this article because I wrote it so many times in 2013 and '14 that I got ill every time I wrote "Keep your Facebook posts short! " No sh*t. Beginner's Guide: How to Advertise Your Business on Facebook. Ready to start advertising your business on Facebook, but not sure where to begin?

Beginner's Guide: How to Advertise Your Business on Facebook

Then you're in the right place. Facebook advertising offers some of the most robust options when it comes to advertising options & specific audience targeting. How to Stop Wasting Your Facebook Ad Budget. Are you uncertain about how much money you should spend on Facebook ads?

How to Stop Wasting Your Facebook Ad Budget

Fret not! This article will settle the question. We'll need to use some basic math, but nothing you can't handle. 8 conseils pour réussir une campagne Facebook Ads. Stratégie digitale 360 Patyka. Digital & Music: opportunities behind the undergoing changes. - Tinder for music discovery. Spinnup. Record Reviews, Streaming Songs, Genres & Bands.

Bandflyr. Muzrs. Pages d’aide de Facebook. 10 Easy Ways to Expand Your Facebook Reach — Meltwater. Facebook Reach is ultimately the most important metric on Facebook.

10 Easy Ways to Expand Your Facebook Reach — Meltwater

If you don’t know how to reach your followers, you will fail no matter how many followers you have. So in this blogpost I’ve set out to share my best recommendations on how you can reach more users on Facebook and increase your success on the social network. Enjoy! 1. Be Personal and Funny Nobody likes a boring brand. Here’s a great post from Starbucks. 2. 6 Facebook Reporting Tools for In-Depth Analysis of Fan Pages. No matter whose Facebook page you're managing -- your own, your employers, or your clients -- reporting is key.

6 Facebook Reporting Tools for In-Depth Analysis of Fan Pages

Reporting can be a great way to: 22 Facebook Marketing Tips for Business You Can’t Afford to Miss. 3 Creative Album Release Strategies for Artists at Any Level. Photo by Aurelien Guichard Today, with all the new technology and different ways to reach your fans, there are more ways to release your music than you can count.

3 Creative Album Release Strategies for Artists at Any Level

As cool as it may be to have all these options, it’s sometimes hard to decide which release strategy is best for you and your music career. After all, not everyone can successfully release a secret album like Beyoncé – it requires a certain fanbase size and dedication. All these options, however, mean that you can really create a music release strategy that engages and excites your fans. 5 Critical Things To Add To Your Monthly Newsletter - Cyber PR Music. So – as you know, I am a newsletter evangelist!

5 Critical Things To Add To Your Monthly Newsletter - Cyber PR Music

I believe it is the NUMBER ONE thing that will help you create a career in the music industry; communicating with your fan base regularly and consistently. If you do not already have a schedule mapped out for sending your newsletters –get your calendar out NOW and pencil in 12 dates – 1X per month (I suggest you send your newsletter 2X per month but start with once a month and grow from there).Studies show that the best days to send newsletters (for the highest open rates) are Wednesdays and Thursdays so make sure to send them out mid week.

Here are 5 critical things to keep in mind as you are crafting your newsletters: 1. Keep Your Subject Line to 55 Characters Most e-mail programs cut off the subject line after 55 and 60 characters, so keep your subject line short and sweet, and to the point; five to six words max. 2. Facebook statistics of Artist pages. Big 2017 Social Media Marketing Trends You Need to Know - Search Engine Journal. Do you think 2017 will be the year of video? Again? If so, you’re in good company. In fact, if I were forced to TLDR this post, the big social media trends for 2017 could be boiled down to this: Video (live, recorded, and 360-degree)Influencer marketingBots. Amazon. The Backstage – Technology – Believe Distribution Services. 7 Trends That Will Change Social Media in 2017. It’s the start of another year, which means you’re probably back in the office after vacation, hard at work on your New Year’s resolution.

And if you’re a marketer, you may also be fine-tuning your strategic plan for success in 2017. We have a variety of resources for getting your marketing plan organized for the upcoming year -- between the 2017 marketing strategy kit, the social media content calendar, and the blog editorial calendar, we’ve got your content marketing strategy covered.

But before you finalize your social media strategy for the year, it’s important to look at what’s ahead to ensure that you're allocating your time and efforts appropriately. In this blog post, we’ll dive into what happened in 2016, what we think social media managers should expect in 2017, and how to plan for these changes. 7 of the Best Facebook Live Videos We've Ever Seen. This week, Facebook announced grand plans to take their already successful live broadcasting platform to great heights. The announcement included product updates like two-person broadcasts, waiting rooms for viewers, and Snapchat-esque filters all in the works. With these updates in mind, carving out a strategy for Facebook Live seems like a no-brainer.

Oh, and did we mention the potential live video has for Facebook engagement? Here's Your Guide to Facebook Live. The Marketer’s Guide to Facebook Live Chances are, if you’ve been on Facebook in the past six months, you’ve seen Facebook Live in action. The move to live video streaming makes sense -- social media works best when we’re in the moment. Think how quickly you refresh your Twitter feeds, consume disappearing Snapchat snaps, and look at trending topics.

L'idée de génie de PNL pour annoncer ses dates de concert à Paris, Lille, Toulouse, Marseille, Nantes et Lyon. SHFTASIA. Management de projets artistiques (Formation CIF certifiante) Le management de projet artistique nécessite aujourd'hui d'appréhender de nombreux métiers connexes : édition musicale, contrats, web social, tournée, live, branding, numérique, sponsoring. PPROS collabore avec Dosseh de sa prison ! Cinq stratégies d'inbound marketing dont vous devriez vous inspirer. Créer du contenu de qualité pour attirer "naturellement" les nouveaux clients. Une logique que des groupes comme AccorHotels, Crew ou Brossard ont intégrée avec succès. Et vous ? Photos et vidéos Instagram. PPROS collabore avec Dosseh de sa prison !


Le mystère JUL : Sa communication ! [DOSSIER 2/3] Posté le 20 Juin 2016 à 11h35, par FlorianL Mais, la musicalité de JUL aurait pu rester cloitrée dans la cabane où il enregistre s’il n’avait pas fait preuve d’un certain génie de la communication … malgré lui. En quelques années, JUL a rassemblé des centaines de milliers de mélomanes sur ses réseaux, souvent loin des médias traditionnels, en communiquant principalement sur et par sa musique. Une nouvelle manière de faire du son et de le diffuser. Une communication qui ressemble à son public La communication de JUL étonne dans son rapport aux médias, et ce malgré des sollicitations très récurrentes. JUL n'est pas fait pour les interviews, il n'est pas à l'aise... Si JUL est loin d’être le plus à l’aise dans les médias, c’est sur les réseaux sociaux qu’il communique avec son public.

Le pari de la transparence Au-delà de la forme un peu cavalière de sa communication, c’est le fond du message qui perturbe. Marketing musical : les 6 composantes d’une promo réussie. Très inspirant article de Dexter Bryant Jr, récemment paru sur Artist House Music comme extrait de son eBook dédié au Music Business et dont voici une libre adaptation… A mon sens, il s’agit d’une bonne synthèse d’un marketing musical réussi, décomposé en 6 phases : distribution, conscience, découverte, crédibilité, engagement et maintient d’attention. Agence de communication digitale et média.

Clipper #QLF, la véritable stratégie du bénéf ? - Reaphit. « Les vainqueurs l’écrivent, les vaincus racontent l’histoire », PNL en prenant Le Monde a inscrit la sienne dans la Légende et a décidé, en vainqueurs, de montrer au Duc qu’il était autant possible de l’écrire que de la raconter. Super! — Agence d'épopées musicales. Digital music marketing. Brandbook of music artist. Flaminglips. The Musician’s Guide To Building a Website - Cyber PR Music. A lot of musicians find the idea of building a website daunting.

It sounds difficult, it sounds expensive, is it really necessary? In a word, yes. While a huge amount of business and growth takes place on social media, if you don’t have a nice website to point to, you’re going to have a hard time impressing the big cheeses (bloggers, managers, A&R reps, etc.). A common complaint among independent musicians is that building a customized website is very expensive; a few artists have shown me quotes for more than $5000. It’s not 1997 anymore, and those quotes are not OK. A lot of artists drive themselves crazy building websites because they forget that simplicity is key. Number one: Help you engage with and make new fans. Number two: Make you money.